I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030 The man who pushed the script

"Mayor, you..." Seeing that Su Sigui didn't speak for a long time, the men next to him couldn't help but remind him that he was actually a native of the capital. Most of them are from the capital, and the capital dialect has also become the local dialect here.

He is very strange, obviously this mayor has never been to Yunxia Base and the capital, but this down-to-earth capital speaks even more locally than he is a local.

"It's alright, I'll keep checking after I go back, if I can't find it..." Su Sigui shook his head with a solemn look in his eyes.

Maybe because of Li Henian, she temporarily let go of the white-haired corpse king, but for other corpse kings, that's another story.

As for Li Henian, he has a direct relationship with the Corpse King. Now, the Peace Club has killed the president of the mercenary guild in the Lianhe District. What is that president? Su Sigui knew who the other party was.

Before the apocalypse, the old monsters of the four major families of China, who could make China shake three times with a stomping!

Just relying on Li Henian's ruthlessness, it is absolutely impossible to let the old man of Nangong's family live, and according to the plot, Li Henian did kill Nangongming, so there will be a grudge between the Peace Club and the Qianlong Club. It is inevitable to attack the Peace Conference, but in the previous life, the Qianlong Association did not have the opportunity to attack the Peace Conference. The reason for all this was Gao Shunan. This guy made the water in the Yunxia Base turbid. beheaded.

However, the members of the four major families that were lurking in the Qianlong Association and the Judgment have also been cleaned up by Ning Tianlang. The most troublesome thing now is that three of the four emperors of the dragon group died, and Ning Tianlang also died. Although Qianlong The person behind the meeting and the ruling looked very likely to be Ning Tianlang.

But unfortunately, Su Sigui had seen him with his own eyes before. To be honest, Su Sigui was very happy when he saw Ning Tianlang for the first time. He thought that the girl named Chen Bieli was just lying to him, but he was very Soon, she realized that something was wrong, Ning Tianlang was not Ning Tianlang, he was just a puppet.

Or... clones?

She wasn't sure, but she couldn't find any familiar place for Ning Tianlang in this life.

is as dull and unfamiliar as a robot.

All this has become very bad and chaotic, and many things have become more and more serious and deviated from the original direction, and the Nightmare Corpse King of the Lan'o Continent invaded the Shenzhou Continent. It can be seen that they have evolved to the ninth order. They also know the resources. importance!

A region that lacks resources naturally has to give up and re-select a region rich in resources, but which place has the most abundant resources?

Needless to say, it is naturally the Shenzhou Continent that has not been attacked by the Corpse King!

The ancient Huns chose to keep attacking the Central Plains because their hometown was barren, and the corpse kings would do the same thing, and the nightmare corpse king just started.

Su Sigui always thinks that in a certain period of time in the future, the corpse kings from other continents will attack the Shenzhou continent together and **** resources!

She felt that this would definitely happen, and as time passed, the sense of crisis in her heart became stronger.

Therefore, a corpse king who can die is a corpse king. She is very happy to watch the corpse king kill each other, and the future corpse king war must happen!

If Qianlong will successfully attack the Peace Club in the future, she is afraid that because of the Qianlong Club, Li Henian's thoughts at that time will be directly changed, and the butterfly effect will continue to be affected. Take action, in the absence of the existence of the ninth-order new human beings, even if the ninth-order zombies are stopped, human beings will pay a very heavy price!

Human beings need to recuperate. Even though the probability of this butterfly effect changing the time script is very small, Su Sigui, who has tried and felt the power with his own eyes, will not underestimate it. The changing ability of the butterfly effect is too powerful. What is it like now?

If something happens to Gao Shunan because of his own reasons, even if there is no person who promotes the time script, then only Su Sigui will do what this person has done!

And she herself, in the eyes of others, has become accustomed to it. In the eyes of any Su Sigui, what Su Sigui does is incomprehensible. It is like a child who has a temper, is curious about something, and does not hold it. Benefit purpose, without any motive, and without any thoughts, just what you want to do!

She didn't finish her words. Shaking her head, Su Sigui stepped forward. With her appearance, the soldiers around her turned their eyes curiously. Su Sigui was exposed to the bright side at the Yunxia Base. The seventh-order new human on the above, although the people living in the Yunxia base have heard of the seventh-order new human, they have never really seen a seventh-order new human.

So, as soon as she appeared, everyone was curious.

Also because of her own strong strength, Mingyue Capital quickly gained a firm foothold after entering the Yunxia Base, and there is still a huge gap between it and the Judgment and Qianlong Club, but when it comes to high-end combat power, Mingyue The capital can completely fight against one of the two major forces!

The capital of the bright moon is developing rapidly, and there is a faint sign of the third power. Even if Qianlonghui and Judgment all stop it, the seventh-order new human beings are not soft persimmons. They really want to run wild. Destroying more than half of the base will at most result in a lose-lose outcome.

And the two major forces have to get the clear designation of the person behind the Mingyue City. If they don't, they will do it directly, and the end will be to shuffle the cards of the Qianlong Club and the top of the Judgment. After all, that person doesn't care about that.

With a few men, Su Sigui entered a large military headquarters base under the **** of soldiers lined up in two rows.

As they came to the second floor, the elevator door opened. Su Sigui saw a door full of people. Some of them were wearing neat suits and some were wearing combat uniforms. The new human beings of the order, and these people can only stand outside the door, and they are not even qualified to enter.

Yunxia Base, as the largest sheltered city in China, has a population of tens of millions, and there are countless strong ones. At a glance, there are at least a thousand new fifth-order humans!

"Mayor Su, you've come, come in quickly, the heads of state have been waiting for a long time."

As soon as Su Sigui came up, a woman in a red cheongsam with a cigar came over and said with a smile, while Su Sigui just nodded flatly, and the crowd in front immediately made way for her.

The people around him cast inexplicable eyes one after another, Su Sigui said nothing, and walked to a door in front of him step by step, without any hesitation, he pushed the door open and entered.

(end of this chapter)