I Am The Corpse King - Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028

Chapter 1028 Corpse God Church 2

Can you imagine that there are statues of corpse kings erected in the survivor base. Every morning, tens of thousands of people knelt down in front of the statue of the corpse king, taking the corpse king as their belief and begging him bless his followers.

This morbidity, even if someone wants to stop it, the armed forces are greeted by an even crazier riot.

In other continents, there have also appeared several terrifying high-level zombies, such as the irradiated zombies in the North American continent, which will not only cause fatal damage to any living creature, but even zombies are close to radiation. When a zombie is planted, it will also be melted by the radiation it emits in a pool of blood, and the zombies who are lucky not to die will also become one of the radiation-type zombies.

The source of infection of the radiated zombies is a seventh-order zombie. According to legends in the North American continent, the intelligence of this seventh-order zombie has surpassed that of human beings, and it can even disguise as a human and sneak into the sheltered city of human beings.

At the same time, he also has his own name, it seems that his name is Lier, no one knows if this is true, just thinking that this kind of zombie can disguise itself as a human is enough to give people goosebumps!

After a long time, there has been a rumor in the North American continent that when a young boy named Liel appears in the survivor base, then the base will be finished!

Although high-level zombies already have wisdom as much as human beings, they will not be able to communicate with them as people think. Whenever the source of infection of radiated zombies appears, it will only bring Kill and die!

Among them, there are already a lot of videos about the appearance of the radiation source of zombie infection. Every time it appears, there are tens of thousands of blood-colored corpses accompanying it!

Under the attack of these zombies, no survivor base can be spared, and the final outcome will only be the fall. Moreover, the fighters who have evolved to resist cannot stay on the front line for too long, because the radioactive material floating in the air will be a little bit. of destroying everything in their bodies!

From the emergence of the source of the irradiated zombie infection to now, there have been more than 100 survivor bases that have become an amusement park for zombies!

Not only Lier, but also high-level zombies on other continents are equally ferocious. According to statistics, every day in the world, two or three survivors are washed away by the corpse tide!

And most of the corpse tides are guided by the existence of seventh-order zombies!

A zombie has evolved to the seventh level, and its intelligence is not much different from that of a normal person. At this stage, a zombie of this level already has a cognition of food, knows how to use strategies, how to find the survivor base, and then Summon the corpse to attack!

The later the apocalypse, the greater the chance of corpse tides appearing!

Lier in North America, because the conditions for the birth of radiated zombies are too special, so the number is generally very small, but the seventh-order zombies in other places can easily cause a corpse wave of millions of units!

Under the crazy pursuit of things by these high-level zombies, one survivor base after another has been destroyed. Up to now, many places are already sparsely populated, and the South American continent has not been passed on to the outside world for half a year. Survival user information.

Many people speculate that the South American continent has become a no-man's land, and there are only countless zombies left in it!

Compared with the brutal behavior of those high-level zombies on other continents, the corpse king of Shenzhou is very gentle to people. At least since his appearance until now, he has only appeared three times, and in southern China, basically no corpses have appeared. The incident in which Wang led the corpse tide to attack the survivor base.

The inaction of the corpse king shows his divinity more and more in people's impressions, and the most proud thing is that although the white-haired zombie does not have too much brutality, it is only the white-haired zombie that has The name of the corpse king.

This video suddenly appeared on the Internet, the Corpse King is suspected to have the strength of the eighth-order zombie, which makes people more sure of the name of the Corpse King!

And there is a precedent for the successful establishment of peace between the South China Peace Conference and the zombies. Although the people here have failed, they think that it is not that peace will be friendly to zombies, but because of the zombie king!

Because in the Qinshan extermination incident, when the corpse king killed the troops of the seven committee members of the Lianhe District, he did not hurt any members of the Peace Club, which made people unable to help think that Li Henian had some kind of relationship with the corpse king, or what conditions are met.

After all, I heard that some people have seen the South China Overlord talking with the Corpse King in the Lianhe District. No one knows what they are talking about, and they don't know if this is a rumor, but whether it is or not, many people are willing to believe it.

Compared to the nonsense self-hypnosis statement in the Peace Club, the deal between the Peace Club and the Corpse King is more convincing, and the reason why the zombies did not attack the Peace Club members was directly caused by the Corpse King.

In the last days, people are not stupid, and they can think of what it would represent if they would not be attacked by zombies! That is profit! Immeasurable benefits!

So, if you can let yourself live the same life as the last days, people don't mind throwing away their personality to worship a demon!

Yunxia Base, Shanhe Z29 22nd Military Research Plaza.

An aircraft flew from a distance, and as the thrusters turned, the flames in four directions became smaller.


A large amount of white smoke was scattered around the aircraft, the hatch opened with a click, and a slender leg stretched out from it. The black and blue-edged nano battle suit perfectly outlined her figure. Several strong men came down.

"Mayor, here we are."

The strong men around said respectfully to the woman, and this woman was Su Sigui who had left South China and chose to develop at the Yunxia Base.

"What did those old guys say?"

"Mayor, those immortals are crazy, they want to capture the Corpse King?"


Hearing this, Su Sigui sneered, shook his head and didn't care.

"Their words should be listened to in cross talk and don't need to be taken seriously."

"Well, mayor, we understand that, but the person behind them has to be guarded, or tomorrow..."

"You don't have to worry about it. I almost know who the main messenger behind the two major forces is. I didn't expect him to hide very deep, but what I'm most afraid of is that this person is also a clone."

"Who do you think the mayor is?"

Su Sigui didn't answer, but looked at other places. The Yunxia Base was still so familiar to her, but some places became a little unfamiliar.

"By the way, did Gao Shunan find it?" After a while, Su Sigui asked suddenly.

Soon, a subordinate came over and shook his head at him, saying, "Mayor, we searched the entire Yunxia Base, but we didn't find Gao Shunan."

(end of this chapter)