Highlander Unchained - Highlander Unchained Part 28

Highlander Unchained Part 28

The day was overcast, blustery, and more than a chill stung the air. Still, villagers were busy going about their chores and most wore smiles. Children scampered around laughing and found fun in almost anything. The village Dowell appeared brighter and happier than it had in a long time and oddly enough they owed it all to the devil.

Dawn took her time admiring the changes that were taking place. Roofs were being repaired, fences mended, peat and wood stacked for the coming winter, new furnishings being made by skilled hands that had been kept idle too long. The village actually looked alive.

When she reached Elsas place she wasnt surprised to see that the room being added to her cottage had been finished and that her two helpers Ann and Lara were busy sweeping it out, making it ready for use.

When Elsa saw her approach, she signaled the two women and before Dawn reached the cottage the two women were on their way each with baskets on their arms. It appeared that Elsa planned on having privacy when they spoke and Dawn wondered why.

Neil waited outside the cottage a few feet away, he also granting them privacy.

Sit, Elsa offered pointing to a chair at the table once she closed the door.

Dawn slipped her cloak off draping it over the back of the chair and sat while Elsa prepared two hot ciders for them.

I am so glad you stopped to visit, I was hoping to speak with you, Elsa said joining her at the table.

Dawn threw her shoulder back, puffed out her chest and scowled, then tapped her chest and pointed to Elsa.

The woman laughed. Youre telling me that Cree sent you.

Dawn nodded and shrugged asking why.

Elsa retained her pleasant smile as she said, You are aware that everyone knows of your new status in the village.

The woman was kind not calling her what she was certain many did; a kept woman or as her attacker had said the devils whore. Crees mistress, of course, sounded much nicer, though she was what she was and no matter what way you put it, she belonged to Cree.

Naturally, with coupling comes the chance of a babe. Have you given that thought?

Dawn stared at her with a blank expression not believing that the woman asked her such a personal question. And why? Then the thought hit her. Had Cree talked with Elsa of the possibility of her carrying his child and if so why? She shrugged and scrunched her brow.

Why, you ask?

Dawn nodded.

I wondered if perhaps you wished to prevent pregnancy. If so there is a plant, wild carrot that works well, though there is one thing that you must consider before using it. If you are already with child then it will abort the babe. Of course the choice is yours as to whether you wish to make use of it or not.

Did Cree worry she could be with child? The question tolled like a loud bell in her head. Cree had not spilled his seed in her at first and now that he had, did he worry that it had taken root? Did he want her to abort his babe that might already be growing within her? Did he fear having a son or daughter like her... voiceless?

The joy she had woken with this morning quickly vanished and once again she felt trapped"a prisoner"for though Elsa made it seem it was up to her, it wasnt. If Cree so chose he could dictate otherwise.

The bruises on your face heal nicely. They will soon be gone, Elsa said and though she easily changed the subject, it was not so easily dismissed. And Dawn knew it would linger there to haunt her, especially if she was with child, for there would be no way that she would abort her babe.

You are feeling well? Elsa asked.

Dawn forced a smile, nodded vigorously then jumped up, gesturing before she slipped on her cloak.

Youre going to visit Lila.

Dawn nodded, relieved that Elsa understood her. All she wanted to do was leave and rush to talk with Lila. She kept her smile tight and nodded her thanks to Elsa as she walked to the door.

Dawn, Elsa said before her hand touched the latch.

Dawn kept her chin high and her smile bright as she acknowledged the woman with a nod.

I am a healer and I am here to help. I hope you will remember that and come to me whenever you feel the need.

Dawn saw sincerity in the womans soft blue eyes but there was also sadness there and that disturbed Dawn. Elsa knew as well as she did that no matter what either of them decided that in the end Cree would have the final word.

Dawn rested her hand to chest and nodded.

You are most welcome, and please do visit again.

Dawn gave another nod and out the door she went. Neil was immediately at her side and followed along as she made her way to Lilas cottage. She had intentions of discussing the matter with her friend but when she recalled the predicament she had placed Lila in the last time she had foolishly complained to her, she thought twice.

Besides did she truly want anyone, even her dearest friend to know how Cree felt about her carrying his child? It was best she kept this to herself and so she wore a smile when Lila opened the door and greeted her with a hug.

Neil waited outside, though Dawn brought him a hot cider to keep him warm while he stood guard.

Dawn was disappointed that Thomas was asleep in his cradle or perhaps it was better that he was. If she held him she might break into tears thinking that she would never have the pleasure of holding her own babe.

Lila started talking as soon as Dawn had entered, chattering on about what a wonderful babe Thomas was and she hoped to have many more like him. Dawn listened, smiling, nodding, and gesturing now and again.

Enough, Lila said, whats wrong?

Dawns smile faded and her shoulders sagged. She should have known better than to think she could hide anything from Lila, though his time...

Dawn shook her head.

Dont think you can keep anything from me. Tell me. We will talk and you will feel better.

It was tempting to spew all her frustration and worries to Lila as she had done many times through the years, but it was different now. She could not take the chance. And so she shook her head again.

Lila reached out and placed her hand over Dawns. We have shared everything. We have laughed and cried together. There isnt anything you dont know about me or I dont know about you. The only reason I can think of you not telling me is to keep from placing me in a difficult position.

Dawns smile was brief and her eyes teary when she nodded and squeezed her friends hand.

Its not fair. Life has improved for all except you.

Dawn shook her head and scrunched her brow. With gestures Lila easily understood, she told her that life was not bad for her. That she had much to be grateful for and she was happy that the village and villagers were prospering.

Cree ordered plaids to be weaved for all. He is having more spindles and distaffs made and he has appointed me to gather other weavers and oversee the project that will take the winter to complete. He wants to unify us as a clan. Lila sighed. I feel a traitor to you, Dawn. I am grateful that Cree is here and life has improved but I hate that you have been forced into a situation that has no... She shook her head.

Happy ending, Dawn finished what her friend couldnt. She suddenly felt confined, trapped, a prisoner more now than she ever had and the need to escape overpowered her. She stood abruptly and grabbed her cloak.

Stay, Thomas will be awake soon and he so loves when you hold him.

The last thing she wanted to do was hold a babe. She shook her head, slipped her cloak on, and hurried out of the cottage to bump into Old Mary.

Ive been looking for you, the old woman said and slipped her arm around Dawns forcing her to follow along. I owe you much.

Dawn shook her head. She didnt want to hear from anyone else how good life had become for them. She wanted to go back to her cottage, not her home, but a cottage Cree had forced on her and let her misery consume her.

The next thing Dawn knew they were turning up the path to her old cottage and she felt her heart catch. This was home to her; this was where she belonged. And she entered willingly as Old Mary urged her through the door.

Dawn stood, her heart thumping madly in her chest as she looked around to see a table and two chairs and a narrow bed with a fine stuffed mattress occupying the spot that her sleeping pallet once did.

I have a fine cottage, right here in the village because of you, Old Mary boasted and shoved her gently to the bed. You should rest; you look tired and you will have a good rest here in your old home.

The old woman was right, she felt drained, as if she hadnt slept all night, but then she had only slept part of the night. And being here"being home"she felt a certain comfort.

Dawn stretched out on the bed and Old Mary reached out to stroke her forehead. You were born very special, Dawn, you must always remember that.

For a moment with her eyes drifting closed she thought it was her mum talking and telling her, as usual, how special she was and she slipped into a peaceful slumber.

It hadnt taken much to get Seth to talk. Cree supposed it was because as he did he realized himself that whoever had hired him never expected him to return. Never expected to pay him the large sum that had been promised after the mission had been successfully completed since it was expected that the fools stupid enough to take on the task would, in the end, not survive. Seth had grown angrier the more he realized he had been duped, therefore, he became more talkative, more forthcoming. And it made him wiser to the fact that once Cree had what he needed from him, his life would be worthless.

Cree was not at all surprised by what Seth proposed when that time came.

I can find the others for you and any more men that are sent.

Cree stood, his arms folded across his chest, a scowl on his face, staring at the bloodied young man still tied to the post. He appeared to mean every word, though Cree still did not trust him. He did however intend to use him to find the others who had been sent to harm Dawn.

I will pledge my fealty to you and serve you well if you let me.

It is easy to pledge fealty when you are about to die, Cree said.

Seth paled. A chance, just give me a chance to prove that I am true to my word.

Cree appeared to consider it, though his decision had already been made. Then he looked to Sloan. Get him cleaned up, fed, and take him to the shack. Tomorrow hes to go with the troop of warriors to find the other two. Cree eyes fell on Seth whose relief was obvious. You go back on your word and I will cut your tongue out and force it down your throat before I slowly kill you.

Seth shuddered. I will serve you well, my lord. I swear it We will see, for you have not escaped death yet. Cree walked away, Sloan following him. Keep him locked in the shack with two guards on it at all times and send two extra men with the troop tomorrow, their sole mission to stay atop Seth.

Sloan nodded. You think he means to run or finish what he started.

I dont think hes a fool, especially after what he learned himself. And we have picked many a man up along the way that could not at first be trusted, but proved their worth.

More like they saw that you were a man of your word and that they were well compensated for fighting alongside you. Sloan grinned. Of course it didnt hurt to see what you did to those who betrayed you and was the reason many believe you the devil.

Fear is a good comrade to send into battle before you. Now what of Rem?

Hes enjoying a good meal, I assume his last, while he waits for you in the Great Hall, though I have never known you to give a condemned man a last meal. Is there something I missed about Rem?

He gives no thought to suffering or death. He is a desperate man and I want to know why.

A few minutes later Cree and Sloan entered the Great Hall. Sloan joined Rem at the table while Cree stood.

Rem raised his tankard to Cree. The devil is generous providing me with a fine meal before I die.

Ive decided to delay your execution.

Why? Rem demanded pounding his tankard down on the table. Ive told you all I know and all Ive surmised from meeting the others. This is no fool who hired these men. He knows what he does and he is determined in what he wants and he wants the voiceless one dead.

You have no idea why? Cree asked.

Rem shrugged. Who knows why madmen kill innocents?

You tell me since you were about to kill an innocent.

A goodly sum tempts even the most honorable man, Rem said.

True honor is never tempted.

Honor does not fill an empty belly.

So you do this to feed yourself or your family? Cree asked.

I am alone and care for no one.

I have more questions for you but they can wait for another day. Cree turned to leave.

Going to rut with your whore? Rem shouted and every servant in the room froze.

Cree swung around and Sloan jumped up.

I wish I had had more time with her. I would have given her a good poke before I sliced her throat and watched her slowly bleed to death.

Cree lunged at the man his fist slamming into his face and knocking him to the ground.

Take him outside. I want all to see what happens to someone who dares to speak to me that way, Cree ordered.

Rem was dragged outside, his arms tied tightly behind his back. People were already gathering, the servants having spread the news fast that one of the prisoners were being punished.

A block of wood was set up and Rems head smashed down on it. And all wondered if the man would have his head chopped off. Then two warriors forced a metal cage type device in his mouth and one took a pair of long metal tongs and grabbed hold of the mans tongue. They all knew then what would happen. He would have his tongue cut out.

Wake up, hurry, Dawn, wake up.

Dawn opened her eyes, not sure where she was at first and then smiled realizing she was home. But what was Old Mary doing in her place? Then she remembered that this was no longer her home.

Get up. Get up, the old woman urged. The devil is about to punish one of the prisoners and everyone is gathering to watch.

Dawn had been forced to watch too many punishments. She did not want to see this one whether he deserved it or not.

But Old Mary forced her out of bed and shoved her cloak at her. The devil is going to cut out the prisoners tongue.

Dawn paled, dropped her cloak to the ground and without thought to her actions rushed out the door. Neil could barely keep up with her, she ran so fast. She saw the crowd gathered, heard Crees voice announce that no one will threaten anyone who belongs to him.