She froze when she heard whispers that he meant Dawn. That this mans tongue was being cut out because of something he had said about her. She knew then it was the prisoner who had taken her into the woods to kill her, but it didnt matter. If Cree wanted to punish him let him do it a different way, but cut out his tongue?
Dawn pushed her way through the crowd and as she burst through to the front she almost got sick at what she say and without hesitation she ran forward and threw herself over the man as Cree brought his blade down.
Chapter Thirty-one.
Cree swung the blade away but he didnt have enough time to avoid missing her completely and caught the edge of her shoulder. Blood immediately poured from the rip in her blouse and began to seep into the linen. He hurried to yank her off Rem and when he saw her pained expression he let out a roar that had the people running in fright.
Finish this, he ordered Sloan and went to scoop up Dawn and rush her to Elsa, but she slapped him away and began to gesture.
Cree was relieved when Lila appeared since he was having difficulty understanding Dawn. He was more concerned with the way her sleeve was getting soaked with blood.
My lord, Lila said respectfully.
Tell me what she says, he ordered anxiously.
Lila turned to Dawn. My God, Dawn, your bleeding badly, you must go to the healer.
Dawn shook her head.
Lila spoke as Dawn gestured. She refuses to go anyway until you give her your word that you will not cut this mans tongue out. If he needs to be punished"punish him"but she begs you not to cut his tongue out.
Cree glared at Dawn furious that she stood here arguing with him when her wound needed tending. He was also furious that she had dared to interfere with his command. He understood why she had objected to the punishment, but her actions had left him in a difficult situation. It would be a sign of weakness if he showed mercy, showed that he allowed a woman to sway his decision. He could not let that happen.
He stepped toward her and her hands began gesturing again.
Lila was about to interpret when Cree said, It matters not what she says; my word is law. He then scooped her up into his arms and when she tried to struggle, he whispered in her ear, Fight me and hell suffer for it.
She stilled instantly and turned to look at the man. His head remained twisted to the side, his face plastered to the block by a booted-foot.
Tongue, eyes, limb, take what you want and be done with it, Rem said with a laugh that turned to a cough until he choked and could not stop.
Elsa suddenly appeared and looked from Dawns blood-soaked blouse to the choking man on the block. She turned to Cree. Dawn needs immediate attention, my lord, and that man is about to choke to death. Do you wish his death to be that swift?
With a signal from Cree, Rem was yanked to his feet and dragged away as Cree hurried Dawn to her cottage, it being the closest place.
Sit her in a chair, Elsa ordered following them inside.
Shouldnt she be in bed? Cree asked.
Not yet, now leave me to do my work.
Elsas eyes rounded at his sharp retort and she wisely nodded, As you wish, my lord.
He helped her remove Dawns blouse, his eyes narrowing when he saw that blood not only covered her shoulder and arm but her lovely breast as well.
It is worse than it appears, Elsa assured him after a quick perusal.
It must pain her, Cree said and then shook his head. He was doing what everyone did to her, talking as if she wasnt there or could not hear. He hunched down in front of her and was about to ask if she was in pain, though didnt bother, her eyes answered for her. He stood. Shes in pain do something.
He hunched down again when he felt her hand slip around his and he squeezed it lightly. Elsa will take care of you, she will stop the pain, and you will be fine.
She blinked and scrunched her face when Elsa touched her shoulder and she quickly laid her head on Crees shoulder, gripping his hand more firmly.
Do something for her, Cree demanded.
I am doing all I can and the wound is minor. Her pain comes from the blow to her bone where the blade struck it. I have tended many such wounds and the abrasion will heal long before the soreness leaves her shoulder.
What about the bleeding? Cree asked seeing that blood still dripped down her arm. Does the wound need to be seared with a hot iron?
Am I the healer or are you?
Cree sent Elsa a scathing look.
I am sorry, my lord, but I need to focus on Dawn, not your endless questions.
That you do, but watch your tongue with me, Elsa.
Again my apologies, my lord.
Dawn had enough of their bickering. She threw her head back, slipped her hand out of Crees and waved it from one to the other and then brought her hand to an abrupt halt in the middle.
I believe shes heard enough from the both of us, Cree said.
Dawn nodded and then dropped her head against Crees chest.
Elsa worked in silence after that, Cree remaining hunched in front of Dawn, his hand firmly wrapped around hers.
It is as I first thought, Elsa said after a while. It is not as bad as it seems and the bleeding has stopped. I will apply a poultice of herbs to help the wound heal and I have something that will help ease the pain a bit. First let me clean the blood away.
Ill take care of it from here, Cree said.
Elsa looked ready to protest, but when she met his intense eyes, she simply nodded. As you wish, my lord. I will leave the wrapping for you and will set water to heat along with the brew.
She hurried to complete the few tasks before gathering the bloodied cloths and with a quick bob of her head she said, I will return on the morn, though if you should need me...
I will summon you, Cree assured her. And, Elsa, go tend the prisoner.
As soon as the door closed behind Elsa, Cree went to work. He had seen his share of blood on the battlefield, had tended many of his own warriors when necessary so tending Dawn was no chore. He was relieved that the wound had been minor, though he was still angry that she had interfered with his decree.
The blood had dried in a few spots so it took a bit of scrubbing to remove it. When it came to her breast, he held it gently as he wiped it clean going over it twice to make certain not a spot remained. He wanted no taste of blood to linger there, for when his mouth settled on her nipple he did not wish to be reminded that he had been the cause of her pain.
He applied the poultice to the wound and then wrapped clean cloth around her shoulder tying a strip around it to keep it in place. Then he poured the brew that Elsa had left in a tankard and handed it to Dawn.
She shook her head.
He scowled and took hold of her chin. You will drink this, it will ease the pain.
She clamped her mouth closed, again shook her head, and gently pushed the tankard away.
He did not understand her reluctance to take it but he would not force her, shed been through enough. He sat it on the table. It is there if you want it.
She nodded.
He left her a moment to fetch her night dress from the other room. He helped her to stand and when his hands went to her waist band, her hand stilled his. She tapped her naked chest.
No, you will not do it yourself; I will do it. He brushed her hand away and slipped her skirt down over her hips. She shivered and he quickly got her nightgown over her head and gently helped her get her arms in the soft wool sleeves.
Her brow scrunched and he winced aloud for her when he eased her wounded arm in the sleeve. He had her sit again as he gathered her skirt from around her feet and placed it on the back of a chair. Then he gently removed her boots.
You should wear your wool stockings; it grows colder. He looked up at her. You are to stay abed until Elsa says otherwise.
Dawn stared at him, a pressing question on her mind. She had not given thought to her actions and had blatantly interfered with his ruling. It was cause for severe punishment and she wondered how he would punish her. She was afraid to ask, though she was afraid not to ask. If she didnt, she would not know a moments peace until she found out.
Something troubles you?
She nodded.
He lifted her gently in his arms and carried her to the bed in the other room and rested her back against the pillows to sit. He tucked the blanket up and around her waist before he asked, Tell me what troubles you.
He sat beside her waiting, his hand resting on her thigh, his dark eyes intense.
She pressed her hand to her chest and bowed her head.
Youre sorry.
She nodded and then pressed her fingers to her mouth and pretended to shudder.
I understand that you were upset with the punishment I meted out, but it is not your place to interfere.
Fear trickled through her as she placed her hand to her chest, scrunched her brow, and shrugged.
He seemed perplexed at first and then his brow shot up. Are you wondering if I will punish you?
She nodded slowly.
You deserve a lashing for interfering in my decree, especially since it is the second time you have done so.
She paled. She had seen those that Goddard had lashed under Colums order. The man had appeared to enjoy meting out the punishment. Out of the few who had suffered the sting of the lash, one had died.
My word is law, he reminded.
She bobbed her head.
He intended to kill you, Cree said. He deserves a fitting punishment.
She nodded, and then shook her head and pointed to her mouth.
You made yourself very clear when you threw yourself over the prisoner. Punish him but dont take his tongue.
She nodded and began to gesture and Cree was pleased that he understood her.
You think he may have more to tell me?
She nodded and continued gesturing.
Cree scowled after she finished. Yes, I thought the same myself... he seems in a hurry to die.
A scrunch of her brow and a shrug had Cree voicing Dawns query. Why is a good question, perhaps he does have more to tell us.
Relieved that Cree would not carry out his edict and her shoulder throbbing, she closed her eyes a moment.
When she opened them Crees face sat only an inch or so from hers. She could not tell if it was anger, passion, or sorrow she saw in his dark eyes but whatever it was it burned deeply within him.
He took hold of her chin. I will lash you myself if you ever do something so foolish again. He dropped his brow to hers. I could have killed you. His whispered words brushed across her lips before he kissed her, then said, I would have never forgiven myself.
He kissed her again, gently and lovingly, but it had been his heartfelt words that touched her the most. That he would have regretted her death made her wonder if he possibly cared for her.
Rest, he ordered as he stood. I will return later.
How could she rest when there was so much on her mind? She nodded nonetheless and when she heard the door shut in the other room she slipped out of bed and went to sit in front of the hearth. She drew her knees up to her chin and wrapped her arms around them. It was a habit of hers to sit that way before the fireplace whenever she was troubled. Her mother had often joined her and comforted her.
Her problems than had been nothing compared to what they were now. As for solutions? There were none. She belonged to Cree and he could do with her as he saw fit. And yet when she thought about it, he had done nothing more than treat her well and protect her. But then as he often reminded her... she belonged to him. And while the thought sent a shiver through her, it was for a far different reason than she would have imagined. As much as it alarmed her to think about it, she truly felt that she wasnt falling"but had fallen"in love with the devil.
Cree had almost made it to the keep steps when he turned around and returned to the cottage. An overwhelming need had forced him to go back. He had no idea the reason for it but he had learned a long time ago to follow such potent instincts. Of course there was also the fact that he had not wanted to leave Dawn in the first place.
The guilt for having caused her harm had overpowered his anger at her foolish actions. He would have loved to have throttled her for what she had done and how she had scared the life out of him but he would never lay a hand on her that way. He was relieved that her wound was not severe and only painful. Perhaps the pain would remind her to think before she acted so foolishly.
He entered quietly so as not to disturb her and when he stepped into the other room and saw her sitting in front of the fireplace as he had found her on another occasion, he stopped. He watched her a moment and ascertained that she was not crying. Why then was she sitting there with her knees drawn so tightly to her?
Dawn, he said softly as he approached not wanting to frighten her.
She startled nonetheless and turned.
He scooped her up in his arms and held her close as he sat on the edge of the bed. No tears this time but obviously something troubles you.
She was surprised by his return, pleased actually, and also pleased that he cared enough to ask what troubled her, but did she tell him? Did she let him know of her need for him? Did she let him know that she favored him by her side, in her bed? Did she let him know that she had fallen in love with him?