Cree had heard enough for now and with the overhead clouds turning darker rain was imminent. Hed let them both suffer through the night outdoors, tied to posts and see if tomorrow they would be even more forthcoming with information.
We will talk more tomorrow, Cree said.
Rem laughed, then broke into a cough, blood gushing from his spilt lip. You talk, Seth, and try uselessly to save yourself. Ive said my piece and Im ready to die.
Cree turned to Rem. Youre in an awful hurry to die.
Ill take death over agonizing suffering any day.
Cree rubbed his chin. What arent you telling me?
I confessed everything I know about this mission, except one thing, "Rem coughed and spit out more blood" whoever is behind this wont stop until that womans dead.
Chapter Twenty-nine.
Cree entered the Great Hall with Sloan and went directly to the dais and poured himself a tankard of ale.
Sloan followed suit, though before he took a swig he said, This isnt about you. Its about Dawn, but why would someone want a voiceless peasant woman dead? He shook his head. Perhaps she knows something she doesnt realize.
It is a possibility. Many assume her deaf as well as mute and so speak freely around her. Cree refilled his tankard. None of it makes any sense at all. And what troubles me the most is that someone is determined to see Dawn dead and will not stop until she is. Her death is a priority to someone, but why?
Sloan shrugged. There are only truly two reasons why someone would want someone else dead. The person knows something that threatens another or the person wants to do harm to the other one. And neither appears to explain this situation.
Unless there is something in Dawns past that now threatens her.
Do you know much about her past?
I know that her father is dead and that her mother brought her here, though I dont know how long ago that was.
Lila or Paul would know, Sloan said. I could talk with them.
Cree nodded. And I will talk with Dawn about it.
She does communicate well for one who has no voice, Sloan said. She helped me find someone to fill the position for a head servant for the keep. And I must say the woman, Flanna has been at it only a few hours and she has everyone hopping. He grinned. Shes also dealing with Turbett.
A relief for you, Im sure, Cree said and sat his tankard on the table then turned a scowl on Sloan. Now about failing to protect Dawn.
Cree returned to Dawns cottage later than he had planned. He had spent a good hour berating Sloan for his mistake, though he couldnt entirely fault him since Dawn had seen fit to go off on her own without making certain a guard went with her. Still, Sloan had had a duty that he had failed to carry out and that was unacceptable to Cree and it was to Sloan as well. They both knew the value and necessity of being able to depend on each other, but then they had never faced a situation with a woman like Dawn before.
In the end Cree had been lenient, though Sloan had offered numerous apologies and swore on all that was holy that he would never allow it to happen again. And if necessary he would give his life to protect Dawn.
Cree didnt have to hear anymore. With that promise he knew he need not worry that it would happen again. He had been about to leave after that when Flanna entered the Great Hall and Sloan introduced her. Within minutes the woman was praising Dawn and blessing the day that she and her mum had arrived at the village, which he had learned was ten years ago when Dawn was nine.
Cree wondered where Dawn had spent the first nine years of her life and how old she had been when her father had died. He planned on asking her after they made love. He couldnt wait to bury himself inside her. It had been a long, tiring day with too much left on his mind to think about. Once inside her, his thoughts would vanish and there would be only the two of them and the exquisite pleasure they would share.
Neil nodded to him as he approached the cottage.
Youre relief will be here shortly, Cree said.
I can stay the night, my lord, if you wish, Neil said with a bob of his head.
I prefer that you get a good night sleep and be here bright and early so that you can keep a watch on her all day tomorrow. She can be quite a challenge.
No worry, my lord, shes safe with me.
Good to hear, Cree said and entered the cottage. The room was quiet and Dawn was nowhere to be seen. He panicked for a moment and then took stock of the room. A bucket sat near the door with a cloth in it and her clothes were draped over two chairs. The food on the table had been picked at and Cree smiled.
He walked to the other room knowing hed find her in bed, tired after her ordeal, though taking the time to refresh herself with a wash and some food first. He stopped just inside the room. She lay in bed asleep tucked under the warm wool blankets and he wondered if she was naked.
He shed his garments fast and eased beneath the covers a smile spreading across his face when he wrapped himself around her warm naked body. He grew hard instantly and was about to tease her awake when she turned in his arms and snuggled against him resting her face on his chest.
Her body relaxed against his and he felt a jab to his gut, his heart lurch, and his arousal thickened. Her actions showed just how much she trusted him, felt safe with him and as much as he wanted to wake her so that he could make love to her; he couldnt bring himself to do it.
She was exhausted from the days events and needed to rest. He wrapped his arms around her, tucked his leg over hers and though he thought hed lay awake for hours unable to sleep, he didnt. He closed his eyes and was asleep in no time.
Dawn didnt know what woke her. It was as if someone was nudging her and she refused to open her eyes. She didnt want to wake yet, she was warm and snug and so very comfortable all wrapped up in...
She smiled realizing that she was in Crees arms. He had come to her, slipped in bed beside her and joined her in sleep. He hadnt turned away when he found her sleeping or had he woken her to couple. He lay beside her content and it filled her heart with joy, for it meant he wanted to be there lying beside her whether they made love or not.
The thought stirred her passion and that was when she realized what had nudged her awake. He was hard and his arousal poked at her. She eased her head off his chest to gaze up at him expecting to find him awake but he was sound asleep.
He was handsome beyond words but at the moment that seemed unimportant to her. What mattered was the caring side of him he had demonstrated time and again and it had her curious. Who was he? She knew so little about him and she suddenly realized that she wanted to know... as much as possible.
After all, she should know about the man she was losing her heart to little by little. The thought should have warmed her but it chilled her instead and once again she rested her head on his chest. She would not dwell on what it meant to give her heart to Cree, for what good would it do? It would not stop her from falling in love with him. Her heart had already taken the plunge and she could not snatch it back nor did she want to.
Love will find you. Those were her mums words and though she had doubted them, her mum had been right. Love had found her and there was nothing left for her to do but welcome it.
She snuggled contentedly against him and felt his arousal poke her again. She smiled suddenly feeling wicked or perhaps it was her own rising passion that had her hand drifting down to stroke him.
She was surprised at how good he felt and how caressing him simulated her own senses. She soon found herself exploring him more intimately. She slipped her hand lower and cupped his genitals weighing them gently in her palm and enjoying the feel of them. She then eagerly returned to run her hand over the length of his rigid arousal. He was big and thick and she gave it a squeeze thinking how shed love to have him inside her. And the thought brought with it a rhythm and setting her grip tight around the length of him, she followed pace, her own body joining in.
His moans turned her daring or perhaps it was her own passion that made her react so wantonly, though whatever it was at the moment she didnt care. She pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him, his eyes fully opening. She guided him inside her, her mouth dropping open as if she cried out in pleasure when his thick hardness pierced her.
I want that mouth on mine, he groaned and grabbed the back of her neck forcing her head down and claiming her lips in a brutally erotic kiss.
Dawn pushed him away after a few moments, her need to ride him too great to ignore. She threw her head back and braced her hands on either side of him and lost herself in a rhythm that was as natural to her as breathing.
Good God, Cree moaned and reached out to squeeze her breasts and tease her nipples with his fingers.
She planted her hands on his chest and he clamped his hands on her hips and together they set a rapid pace.
Damn, woman, Im going to come, tell me youre ready.
She threw her head back in pure ecstasy and Crees powerful hands brought her down on him even harder. His groan grew and when he shouted out her name, she burst again and shuddered against him in another climax.
She collapsed on top of him and he hugged her tight but only for a moment. He needed to regain his breath and so did she so he rolled her off him to rest at his side, his arm wrapping protectively around her.
When his breathing finally calmed he turned to look at her and she smiled. He did the same, though he had a feeling that his grin was much wider than hers.
You can wake me anytime you want like that.
He couldnt hear her laugh but he saw it on her face.
She poked his chest and nodded.
Did I enjoy it?
She nodded again.
Words cannot describe how much I enjoyed every minute of it.
He could see again the laughter in her eyes. And you?
Her grin turned wide and she nodded vigorously. Then she tapped her chest and placed her hand on his now limp shaft.
You like touching me?
Again she nodded vigorously.
He kissed her gently. I love the way you touch me and I give you permission to touch me whenever you like.
Her smile was interrupted by a yawn.
You need sleep after such strenuous activity, he teased and she cuddled against him. He kissed the top of her head as his arms tightened around her. You belong to me, Dawn, always remember that.
She could not argue with that; she did belong to him... but did he belong to her?
Chapter Thirty.
Cree woke with the first light of day, Dawn curled around him. Damn, but he loved her there in his arms, in bed with her and damn if he didnt want to make love to her again. His lust was insatiable when it came to her. He couldnt remember wanting any woman with the voraciousness that he wanted her.
Your seed will grow in her soon enough. The thought startled him and concerned him. It would not be good to get her with child. He would not only worry over her but for the child as well. He would not want a son or daughter to suffer as she had. And being his mistress and not his wife would make it all the more difficult for any child born of their union. He shook his head. He needed her to talk with Elsa so that he did not have to worry that his seed would take root.
If only things were different... but they werent. He expected to hear from Roland Gerwan any day now. The King no doubt had cautioned him to react wisely to his new circumstances and obey his command or suffer the consequences.
Cree had been more concerned with Colum than Roland Gerwan. Colum had seen an opportunity and had taken advantage of it. Gerwan was old, too old to tend his lands as well as he should. Colum had ingratiated himself with Gerwan and had convinced him to appoint him liege lord, with intentions of gaining more and more control.
However Colum had not known that the King had other plans for Gerwans land and he wasnt part of those plans. As long as Colum didnt convince Gerwan to lodge an attack against Cree, a foolish move, then all would go smoothly. It was the reason the King sent an immediate message to Gerwan telling him that Cree was now the new Earl of Carrick and that his daughter was to be his bride sealing the title.
The plan had been flawless... that was until Dawn.
He glanced down at the sleeping woman in his arms and wondered what magic she had worked on him, for he could not comprehend his maddening desire for her.
Love. He grew annoyed at the foolish thought. He promised himself many years ago that he would never fall in love. He had no time for such folly. He had committed himself to forging a future, a good future for himself, his sister and his men. He could let nothing stand in the way... not even love.
That he should even think that he could love Dawn was surprising. He had turned his heart so silent that he hadnt thought himself capable of loving. Had she proved him wrong?
She certainly had made him view things differently of late. That she had forgiven Dorrie and helped her, that she had seen that Flanna had gotten a new position, had protected Old Mary, and had made certain that her friend Lila did not suffer because of her, all had made him aware of her forgiving and generous heart.
Had her heart stirred his? Had she awakened it to feelings he had long kept buried? Those were questions he was not sure he was ready to answer.
She stretched herself awake beside him, her arms reaching above her head and her toes bent as she stretched her legs. She rolled on her back and Cree threw the covers off them so that he could watch her body unfurl like a flower greeting the morning sun.
She was beautiful, long limbs, soft flesh and pert breasts that tempted him to taste... and of course he did.
Her fingers wound their way in his hair pulling him closer and her legs wrapped around him drawing him against her.
Cree didnt hesitate. He slipped over and into her knowing shed be wet and ready for him... and she was.
Dawn remained abed when Cree left. She hadnt wanted him to leave and she thought that he felt the same, though perhaps that was wishful thinking. He was the new Earl of Carrick and had responsibilities to attend to. He could not linger in his mistresss bed all day, though a wifes bed would be different, for many would expect him to produce an heir as soon as possible.
Her hand went to her stomach. What if he had already gotten her with child? What would she do? What would he do? She pushed the disturbing thought from her mind. She did not want to think about it.
Before he left he had mentioned again that she should talk with Elsa the healer. He had not stated why, though he seemed adamant about it to a point where he had made it sound more an order than a suggestion.
Curiosity had her wondering over it and so when she finished a quick morning meal of porridge that had been delivered to her door and had been far tastier than she had thought possible, she slipped on her cloak and opened the door.
Neil blocked the open doorway. She smiled pleasantly and gestured with her fingers as if taking a walk and then scrunched her face and held her stomach.
You need the healer?
She didnt bother to correct him about needing the healing versus visiting the healer since he nodded and stepped aside to let her out.
Ill be walking right behind you. Ill let no one hurt you.
His adamant words not only startled but endeared her to him and made her feel safe. She nodded, smiled, and pressed her hand to her chest in a show of gratitude.
He bobbed his head and his cheeks flushed red letting her know that he understood her.