Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Latest URL: "Who to Choose?"

Viserys fell into contemplation slightly. He has three children, the eldest daughter Diana, the eldest son Heros, and the youngest son Aemon.

Although Viserys has yet to meet his youngest son Aemon, several children are his own flesh and blood, and he likes them very much. Diana's character is lovable, while Helos has no personality or appearance. All like him.

The palms and backs of the hands were full of flesh, and it was difficult for Viserys to make an immediate decision.

Then Viserys pondered for a while, then stretched out his hand, and his magic weapon was in his hand.

This dragon spear is completely made of Valyrian steel. The weight of Valyrian steel is much lighter than that of ordinary steel, but even so, the weight of this dragon spear is still more than 100 kilograms, and it is difficult for ordinary people to lift it. It's even harder to talk about going into battle to kill an enemy.

But now there is mottled golden divine blood on the Dragon Execution Spear. This is the divine blood embodied by the divine power of the three gods. It carries the ferocity after the fall of the gods. After taking it out, the cellar of the Red Fort was filled with gloomy wind.

Viserys also used it to kill the three gods of Tyrosh, known as the 'God of Hell' not long ago, and pierced the head of one of them with a gun.


Then Viserys held the dragon spear without hesitation, and inserted it directly into the ground.

A surge of silver divine power poured directly into it, connecting the dragon spear and the entire ground together.

"My three children, Diana, Heros and Aemon."

Viserys said, looking around his three wives, the three women in front of him were the mothers of his three children.

"Whoever can pull it from the ground can inherit the throne of the Valyrian Empire."

Viserys treated them equally, and his sons and daughters had a fair play and the right to inherit his place, so he put a difficult question to test them.

When she heard what her husband said, Arianne was stunned for a moment. She did not expect that her daughter would even have the opportunity to participate in the competition for the throne.

But even so, as a girl, Diana won the least support from her vassals.

Arianne discussed with her father, Prince Doran, and her uncle Oberyn, Dorn's offer to support Diana, but was rejected.

Although Prince Doran is the biological father of Queen Arianne, when he participates in the battle for the royal succession, it involves the overall interests of the Martell family and Dorne.

Therefore, instead of supporting a princess with a low chance of winning to the throne, they would concentrate on Reness' son.

Rhaenys's mother is Princess Elia, Rhaenys is of Dorne blood, and Heros is the eldest son of Viserys, who also has significant prestige among the people.

Primogeniture is a very ingrained concept, the only fly in the ointment is that Heros does not have very obvious characteristics of the Targaryen bloodline.

And Daenerys's son made up for these shortcomings, with the iconic silver hair and purple eyes, but Prince Aemon was the youngest son of Viserys, and because of premature birth and birth in the cold winter, he was born with some insufficiency and was frail.

Therefore, when Prince Aemon chose the giant dragon, the two little female dragons, Merasis the Siren and Syracuse the Lady, did not choose Aemon as their partner.

Long Sanjie Merasis is low-key because of her low-key personality. She has dark blue scales like the sea. She is inconspicuous. She doesn't like to fight for anything. She, then she will not refuse either.

The beautiful and beautiful crystal dragon bent down its graceful neck slightly, brought the huge head close to him, and looked at Aemon carefully, but in the end, the little lady did not choose Aemon.

Little Aemon didn't know what these giant dragons were doing in front of him, but the boy had no innate fear of these behemoths.

The little silver-haired boy smiled and opened his arms as if he was facing his partner, as if he wanted to embrace these magical and beautiful creatures, but unfortunately, the crystal dragon spread its wings and flew high into the sky.

Aemon stood there in a bit of a loss.

However, at this moment, the last silver nugget flew over. He cautiously approached Aemon, with a pair of silver eyes quietly staring at the boy in front of him, as if he saw himself, his eyes full of is goodwill.

And Aemon saw another 'big guy' taking the initiative to come to play with him, the loss on his face was swept away, and a big smile instantly appeared.

Then he hugged the nostrils of the silver nugget, and the silver dragon did not refuse, silently enjoying the process of getting along with this little boy, and then the hearts had mutual induction, and one person and one dragon became partners for life.

Silver Nugget chose Aemon, and Aemon chose him.

On the other side, the dark blue female dragon Merasis saw that Aemon chose their youngest brother instead of her. There was not much fluctuation in his eyes, but he let out a low roar, as if to congratulate , and then stretched his wings and flew to the sky, and returned to the sea.

As the dragons grew in size, the imperial forest seemed a bit crowded for them, so Merasis chose to live in the sea. She likes to fish herself, and does not need human support, only occasionally when something happens. Will be back.

The 'premature baby' chose the 'premature baby'. The mutual choice between Silver Nugget and Prince Aemon was seen as a kind of mutual warmth, and some people even sneered at this boy who was only three or four years old.

Of course, this is something little Aemon doesn't know.

He was born in the long night, his uncle Gao died because he saved him and his mother, the mother was frightened and gave birth to him early, and when he was born, he also suffered from cold and and Aemon He hasn't seen his father since the day he was born, and he has always been in the deep palace.

Therefore, although Aemon did win some folk support for himself because of his mother's prestige and his silver-haired and purple-eyed appearance, these voices were indeed insignificant compared to his brother.

In general, Prince Helos, who is humble and polite, young and promising, and the eldest son of Viserys, has won the general support of the nobles.

As for Aemon, because his mother is the "Mother of Dragons", he has a certain support rate among the people, but Aemon's prestige among the people is also not as good as that of his brother.

Therefore, Aemon is far inferior to Heros in general, and it is impossible for Donne to disperse his strength to go to his sister Diana when he bet on the bet, which gives Prince Aemon a chance to breathe.

Viserys had a total of three children, two of Dorne Martell blood, the only one who did not have Dorne blood was Prince Aemon.

Although Dorn thought he had won, he was still careful not to make mistakes.