Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 908

Chapter 908

Latest website: A silver streamer fell from the sky and flew into the Red Fort.

There were many people who witnessed this incident that day, but the news was quickly closed.

The Red Fort has not communicated any information to the outside world, and even the high-level officials of the Imperial Council are not aware of it.

And in the Red Keep, Viserys also learned from his wives what had happened over the years.

"It's been so long..."

Viserys was silent for a moment when he heard the words of his wives.

Although some psychological preparations have been made, it is indeed difficult to accept the battle in the sky and the three years underground.

Viserys gained another profound understanding of the insurmountable gulf between gods and mortals.

Now Viserys looked at his three wives, the women who had slept in the same bed, but there was a sense of alienation that couldn't be expressed in words.

The feeling wasn't that Viserys didn't love them anymore, or that he had lost his love, but a sense of alienation and strangeness, as if the distance was getting farther and farther, but in reality they were close.

"Maybe I'll leave suddenly one day."

Viserys picked up his emotions slightly, and then said frankly.

Arianne, Rhaenys, and Daenerys opened their mouths as if to say something when they heard his words, but were interrupted by Viserys raising his hand.

"What I said just now... I believe you all know a little more about my current situation."

Viserys had just listened to his three wives talking about some of the big and small things that had happened in the years since he disappeared, including the infighting in the north, the assassination of the red-robed monk, and the upcoming war.

With the unanimous consent of the three Queen Regents, the Empire is ready to wage war.

In the face of the city-state of Volantis, which is known for its army strength, after deliberation, the Imperial Council decided to launch the combined fleet of Qingting Island, Dorne, and Tyrosi, and dispatched Pantos, Rhys, Tyrosi, and Myr. 's Army.

In order to deal with this foreign war, the empire dispatched a total of about 100,000 people, including thousands of warships, and three giant dragons to join the war.

The little queen Daenerys personally led these troops to avenge her son, with the goal of smashing Volantis in one fell swoop and turning this city-state that touched the bottom line of the imperial family to scorched earth.

However, it was at this time that Viserys just came back.

Otherwise, in half a month, Daenerys will be ready to set off to ride her own dragon Viserion, and at the same time take Merasis and the silver nugget and fly to Volantis. .

Every child of the Targaryen family has a dragon of his own, and on Aemon's third naming day, the old silver nugget of the five dragons chose him, and one person and one dragon became partners.

Although Viserys' youngest son, Aemon, inherited the excellent blood of his father and mother, he was born prematurely and born in the long night under the Great Wall.

Little Aemon had been frail and sickly since childhood, so Daenerys doted on this child very much, and someone dared to attack him. Dany was naturally furious.

"Viserys, is there really a **** in the sky?"

In the cellar of the Red Keep, Daenerys couldn't help but ask Viserys' words.

"The Seven Gods, the Drowned God, the Red God... have you seen these gods with your own eyes?"

"And you...are one of them now?"

His wife's words were full of disbelief, but Viserys nodded slightly.

Daenerys' expression suddenly became a little dazed. They had been looking for Viserys for three years, but they never expected such a result.

"Do you have to leave if you become a god?"


Then a beautiful woman with long brown hair and a dignified and elegant dress on the other side couldn't help but ask.

After a lapse of several years, Renice has also become different from before, a lot less lively and cute, and now she is more like a mother.

After all, she has been trying to pull a ten-year-old son.

"God's Domain is not safe now."

"The gods of Essos are at war with the gods of Westeros."

Viserys spoke after a moment of silence.

"This is a life-and-death battle, and we will never give up until we eliminate the opponent."

Of course Viserys can connect Arianne, Renes, and Daenerys to the realm of the gods now.

However, the realm of the gods is not an ideal place for them now. The world of mortals is now the safest. The gods cannot easily interfere, and even Viserys himself escaped.

But escaping doesn't mean you can hide in the mortal world forever, it's a battle Viserys can't escape.

If the gods of Westeros are wiped out by R'hllor's side, then what awaits him is the end of the Valyrian Doomsday Scourge.

The empire Viserys created would fall apart along with the continent, and tens of millions of Westeros would die without a place to be buried.

Therefore, this is a battle of life and death. Viserys has no way to rely or retreat. He must stand up again, face the powerful enemy, and save the world once again.

This is his obligation in addition to enjoying these supreme powers.

Viserys' words silenced all three women in the cellar of the Red Keep.

After all, the world Viserys spoke of was something they had never dared to imagine. It was on another level, and it was fundamentally different from them.

"Next, I will go to Dragonstone to retreat."

"Maybe it won't come out in a short time, ten or twenty years, maybe even never."

Then Viserys was silent for a moment, and he was the first to break the silence and speak.

"I will go with you."

As soon as Viserys' voice fell, Renice stood up and said.

"I'll go to Dragonstone with you too, Viserys."

The remaining Arianne and Daenerys looked at each other, and the silver-blond-haired woman spoke.

And Arianne didn't take the initiative to express her position. She married Viserys the first time, and she knew her husband's character well, and he didn't care about these so-called things.

Arianne pondered for a moment, and then asked a crucial love. "

"What's next for this country?"

It goes without saying that Viserys created this country with his own hands, and Viserys certainly would not sit idly by and let it fall apart.

"Your two sons, Helos and Aemon, who will you choose?"

Arianne asked.

And as soon as her words came out, Renice and Daenerys were also slightly stunned. They didn't expect that Arianne would directly bring the inheritance dispute to the table.

But Viserys wasn't angry either. After all, this was a problem he had to face sooner or later. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh, and he didn't want to favor a certain child.

"Who to choose?"

Viserys was slightly lost in thought.