Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 910

Chapter 910

Latest URL: Aemon is taking a class with the varsity today.

Although the boy is only four years old, his origins determine his uniqueness.

While the other children were playing, he had to begin a royal education.

"so tired."

As a prince of the Targaryen family, Aemon has never felt happier than others.

He didn't even think he was as happy as the big, blond-haired guy in the stable.

He accidentally heard that the other party seemed to be a prince once too, what was his name Joffrey...

However, his father's throne was taken away by his own father, so he was reduced to a stable and became a groom.

"What kind of person would your father be?"

Aemon held a thick book in his hand and looked at the dense letters on it. He recognized most of the commonly used words, but he still did not recognize some rare words.

He looked at the book and listened to Dr. Marwin's patient teaching, but his mind began to wander.

There is a portrait in the mother's bedroom. In the middle of the portrait is a silver-armored knight with majestic hair and a spear. His appearance is very similar to the other party's.

In the portrait, the man's expression is indifferent, riding on a war horse, holding a long spear on the shoulder of a knelt knight on the ground, and he led his people to surrender to the young knight with silver hair and silver armor. .

This is a portrait of a painter in King's Landing who, based on the appearance of Viserys, tried hard to restore a portrait of His Majesty the Emperor resisting the invasion of the Dothraki in his early years and successfully subduing the other party by relying on his own imagination.

The person on the portrait and Viserys can't say 100% of their imagination, there are only slight differences, but they are still very similar, so this painting has been hung in Daenerys' bedroom, and Aemon can often see it. , his mother often hugged him and told him the story of his father back then.

It's just that Imon was confused. After all, he had never seen his father. He could only draw an indifferent and domineering image in his mind based on his mother's description and his own imagination.

The girl is pregnant.

The younger sister's impression of her brother is often admiration. Daenerys has always regarded Viserys as a big hero, so she wants to marry him.

And the Viserys in her mouth is indeed a little bit more different from reality.

"The little prince's learning talent is not bad, but he is not as good as his elder brother His Royal Highness, and he is often distracted."

And Dr. Marwin, who was teaching, saw that Prince Aemon was distracted again, paused slightly, and said silently in his heart.

Viserys's three children were enlightened by him, so who knows the three princesses and princes of the Targaryen family best?

Then Dr. Marwin must be one of them.

Prince Helos has an introverted personality, but is very diligent. He obeys everything his teachers and elders say, and he is also very hardworking, diligent in learning, humble and polite, and never puts on the air of a prince, even in the Red Fort. The **** and maid of the sect have praise.

And Prince Aemon compared to Prince Helos... the gap is indeed a bit big.

Dr. Marwin said silently inwardly.

Prince Helos is a model of a prince, and Prince Aemon does not seem to have any advantages other than affinity, and he doesn't even study hard.

"Ah, sorry!"

"Doctor, have I lost my mind?"

However, at this moment, some silver-haired boys who were wandering around the world suddenly noticed that Dr. Marwin's dull voice had disappeared.

Then he looked up and saw that Dr. Marwin was looking at him, and immediately knew that he had made a mistake and was a little flustered, and quickly said a sincere apology.

"Your Highness doesn't have to..."

However, Dr. Marwin was also a little distracted just now. Hearing Prince Aemon's apology, he sighed slightly and was about to say something.

But then he suddenly seemed to sense something, turned his head and suddenly looked out the window, and then his face suddenly changed.

"This is..."

Dr. Marwin watched helplessly as a silver light descended from the sky and fell into the Red Fort.

And there is a power in this light that makes him shudder...

If this group of energy explodes, maybe the entire King's Landing... No, maybe the entire King's Landing and even half of Westeros will be scorched to the ground.

"Could it be that the gods in the sky have fallen?!"

Dr. Marwin's heart was beating rapidly, but he still didn't show it on the surface, for fear of scaring the little prince.

"Doctor, what is this?"

And Aemon also saw this group of silver rays of light, and he did not know why a strong sense of intimacy came out of his heart.

However, not too long after that, there were hurried footsteps in the corridor of the Red Fort Master Tower.

An Unsullied guard holding a spear and a round shield pushed the door and walked in, his eyes fell directly on Prince Aemon, then raised his head to look at Dr. Marwin, and then spoke in Valyrian Said a few words.

Dr. Marwin's expression changed several times, and then he looked down at his student in disbelief.

Then Maester Bull squatted down and looked at little Aemon, reached out and rubbed his hair, and said.

"This is a once-in-lifetime opportunity for you, Your Highness."

"You must catch it."

And little Aemon was a little unclear.

He was only four years old, and with his limited learning ability, he had managed to learn the more commonly used common language, but could not understand Valyrian.

In the end, the boy was taken away by the Unsullied guard.

"Where are we going?"

The silver-haired boy asked, but the Unsullied guard was silent for a while, thinking of the commander-in-chief's advice, but also the identity of the boy behind him, and then he said.

"Go see your father, Your Highness."


When Aemon heard the words of the Unsullied guard, he was stunned for a didn't seem to understand, and then repeated it again.


However, at this moment, they had come to the entrance of the cellar of the Red Keep, and then the Unsullied guards pushed open the heavy door, and there was a damp smell and a gentle and peaceful voice from the ground.


"come on."

The Unsullied guard beside Little Aemon knelt on one knee without any hesitation.

The boy froze for a moment, then stiffened his body and raised his head to look into the depths of the cellar.

This is a long row of stone steps

And at the end of the stone steps is a young man with a strong physique, long snow-white hair, a soft face, and a blue flame burning in his eyes.