Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 469

Chapter 469

After many years.

Returning to King's Landing once again, everyone looked at the back of this handsome silver-haired youth.

They thought that Veselis would feel the spring and autumn, lamenting that time is passing quickly, but things are not.

After all, this is where Veselis grew up.

He wasn't like Renesse, Veselis was seven years old when he left the Red Fort, and he was already past the age of record.

All of the Red Fort should be the best memories of his childhood. After all, he was the pampered second prince of Targaryen at that time, and he did not follow his mother, Queen Laila, to the end of the world.

Unfortunately, the reality is not as they expected.

Veselis looked at this magnificent Palace of Seven Kings on the Aegon High Hill, but he didn't actually have any deep memories in his heart.

The Red Fort is very strange to him, but it is a tourist mentality of visiting famous scenic spots.

In fact, the main reason is that the last time he came to the Red Fort, it was when he first came to this world.

At that time, the atmosphere in the Red Fort was tense, and Prince Rega had just died in battle, as if people were panicking at the end of the world.

Moreover, there was not enough time. He did not leave him too much time to be familiar with the palace. Veselis didn't even have time to make a round in the Red Fort, and was put in a carriage and fled from King's Landing.

And Veselis was silent at the moment, without saying a word, looking at here and feeling there as he walked.

In the eyes of the many trembling nobles who followed him, these reactions were the memories of His Majesty the King.


In the Prime Minister's Tower of the Red Fort.

"For the current situation, Her Royal Highness has sent ravens to all the nobles, telling the Iron Throne that the Iron Throne has changed hands, but the results have been minimal. The Valley and the West have not clearly expressed their surrender."

The Duke of the Vale today is Robert Allyn, the former Usurer's former prime minister, Jon Allyn, the treasure of the old son.

But he is just a child who doesn't understand the world. In theory, the person who actually controls the valley should be his mother Lysa Tully.

However, Lysa Tully is not a tough person, even if her father died in the battle of Runaway City, because her relationship with her father, Duke Horst Tully, was not at all harmonious. It stands to reason not. It should last for so long.

Now I have received some information that the power of the valley should have fallen into the hands of other people. The other side united many nobles to form an alliance, and they refused to surrender to Viserys.

Naturally, on the west side, Lannister had offended the Targaryen family too harshly, and there was no difference between surrendering and sending him to death.

According to Tyrion's judgment of his father, Tywin would rather die in the battle than be sent to the gallows.

"On the side of the storm, Duke Lanly Baratheon had deliberately bowed to his knees, and was testing how we would treat him after his surrender."

"Len Li hopes to retain the position of Wind's Breath Fort and the Seal of Storms."

"But according to intelligence, Stannis, who escaped from prison some time ago, appeared in Wind's Breath. He was sought after by a group of vassals loyal to the Baratheon family."

"Whether the Stormlands can be peacefully incorporated into the kingdom's territory is a question mark for the time being."

"On the southern side, Dorn's army's burning, looting and looting of the river bay angered the Tyrell family, and Gao Ting Rose summoned his vassals and vowed to take revenge."

The Tyrell family in the Bay Area has always been a family with long sleeves, although the Bay Area can mobilize more military power than the Lannister family and have a navy comparable to the royal fleet.

But Gao Ting Rose is not good at leading the battle.

However, this time when the situation was clear and clear, the Tyrell family still did not kneel and surrender, which shows how powerful Visiris's transformation on Essos is.

In addition to the ice and snow in the north, and the king's soldiers are not bloody, Veselis wants to launch a second conquest war and conquer other regions. Almost every inch of land needs to be paved with blood.

These veteran nobles are reluctant to bow to their knees in any way, and willingly surrender power.

And if Veselis makes a promise not to apply the new law to Westeros, perhaps most of the wars in the Seven Kingdoms will cease the next day and immediately change the flag.

However, this will be another historical reincarnation, and he has also lost the true meaning of regaining the Iron Throne.

Several chairs are placed in the meeting room of the Red Fort Prime Minister's Tower.

Viselis sat in the middle position, and the position opposite the king's hand was empty.

On both sides, there were heavy ministers sitting full of the imperial meeting, except for a few places.

Oberon Martell, Minister of Justice of the New Dynasty, Geoffrey Brecken, Minister of Maritime Affairs, Chief Intelligence Officer Varys, Princess Renesse, and Tyrion recommended by Renesse, Captain of the Royal Guard The seat is sitting with the red-haired female knight Mia.

Except for the hands of the king, the positions of the bachelor and the chancellor of the exchequer are also empty.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer Illyrio is still in Pantos to help the king stabilize the overall situation. He did not follow the army to Westeros, and the bachelor of Excise was just jailed.

The person who is talking is Tyrion.

He was originally not eligible to be present in the Imperial Conference, in fact, there is indeed no place for him here.

The little devil was just standing at the table and giving a speech, and everyone could see him by sitting on the chairs and straightening their backs.

But Veserys heard Renise's recommendation and gave him a chance to show off on stage.

In fact, he was also the first time he saw this famous 'gnomish', the 'giant' in the field of wisdom, even without Reness' recommendation, he would like to meet this important character who shines in the original trajectory.

Tyrion was slightly excited when he saw that Visiris hadn't interrupted him, and then continued to speak.

"Although it is now in a stalemate, the initiative is still in our hands."

"Judging by the situation, as long as we do not take the initiative to launch a second war of conquest, large-scale conflicts will not break out for the time being."

In the west, valleys, stormlands, and river bays, the enemies from all directions are attacking the king's collar and the river land that Viselis has mastered on all sides.

If you just look at the map from the map, the situation is not very good, but the Targaryen army is strong and strong, and has the dragon as the top combat power, and there is Donn's support from the periphery.

This embarrassing encirclement can easily become a central blossom, and where the Targaryen army is pointing, this encircling net can easily be torn.

However, the enemy has assembled forces from the four realms after all, occupying half of the Seven Kingdoms. If Viselis wants to win the next war, he still needs to fight steadily, otherwise he will easily capsize in the gutter.

Both sides now need precious time to recuperate, and the brief armistice can be considered a tacit understanding.

"But compared to war, Your Majesty has more important things to do." Tyrion continued to speak.
