Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 470

Chapter 470

There are only three important things to do for the young king.

The first is to hold the wedding as soon as possible. Arianne has been pregnant for five or six months. If the wedding is not held, their children will be born.

Although the wedding can be re-organized in the future, no one dared to say anything, but after all, the name is not right, the common people may not care, and it is a small stain for the noble royal family.

Therefore, the king's wedding was scheduled for half a month in St. Belle's Cathedral. There were not many guests who were eligible to participate in the wedding, mainly members of the Targaryen family and important ministers.

There are fewer people on the bride's side. Her uncle, Prince Oberon, and Sand Snakes will attend. Arianne's father, Prince Daolang, has inconvenience in his legs and feet due to gout, and hasn't walked out of the Garden of Flowing Water for many years.

The bride's younger brother, Prince Quentin Martell, took a boat to King's Landing a long time ago and arrived not long ago. The other prince, Cui Sidan, was too young to stay in Dorn and did not come to attend the sister's. wedding.

In the arrangement of the wedding scene, Prince Quentin and Aegon will form a flower-spreading boy together, and the young lady of Winterfell, Sansa Stark, is just the right age. She acts as a companion to help the bride hold up the skirt. .

In fact, since Arianne arrived, King's Landing had already started preparing for the king's wedding.

However, the royal wedding process is extremely complicated and the specifications are high. Even if it takes a few months to prepare, it is difficult to prepare adequately.

After all, no king or prince held a wedding party so hastily. Taking the time to visit Braavos, Viserys could be regarded as a respite for the busy palace chief, and there was a few more days to set up.

For Viselis, the second more important thing to do is to be crowned again, which was initially controversial.

Viselis felt it was unnecessary to repeat the coronation, but there were still ministers and advisers who suggested that the new king be crowned again in King's Landing, which would make it more justifiable.

After all, Veserys was crowned for the first time on Longshi Island. At that time, the Targaryen Dynasty was about to fall, and the widow and orphan fled to Longshi Island. It was Queen Layla who added cotton to his son. It is inevitable that there will be some Hurry, maybe the gods haven't heard it yet.

As for the second coronation he claimed, in fact, he knew in his heart that this was pure illusion.

The seven gods did not crown him, nor did the heavenly Father pluck the stars from the sky and set them on his crown.

At that time, it was the ministers' idea to get in touch with the gods in order to better settle down in the Andas Plain and rule the 'land grant' of Braavos.

Veserys couldn't resist the suggestions of the officials. After all, holding such a ritual that seemed useless would actually be of some help to the future war.

People in this world are still very firm in their persistence and belief in certain things.

In the end, the young silver-haired king agreed that he would hold a coronation ceremony again, and the date of the coronation ceremony was set a certain day before the royal wedding.

However, just these are not complete.

Veserys has one last important thing, and that is the trial of the usurper Robert Baratheon and his entourage Ed Stark and others.

Viselis once declared that these people will be tried in public, and their crimes will be announced to the public, including some secrets.

Although many of the culprits on the list have been dying in so many years.

For example, the Duke of Eagle's Nest, Jon Allyn, who played an important role in the Wolves and Osprey Alliance, was assassinated, and Horst Tully, Duke of Running City, was betrayed and his head was cut off by his vassal.

And there are also people who have not been arrested, such as Tywin Lannister, Duke of Kaiyan City, who escaped by boat from the battlefield of Runaway City.

These are the culprits named to kill, and it is almost impossible to forgive people.

But this trial can no longer be dragged on. After all, Robert has been in his hands for so long, and dragging on will only add more problems.

Veserys is also worried that the delay will change.

Therefore, in the first formal royal meeting after Viselis returned to the Red Fort, the public trial of the chief culprit in the War of Usurpers was scheduled for a period of time after the end of the royal wedding.

"If it is a public trial... the absence of the respected Duke Tywin, I think it would be quite regrettable."

Oberon, sitting with Erlang's legs on the left hand side of Veserys, looked a little cynical. In fact, he has always been like this, rubbing his slightly curled beard and talking with a quizzical voice.

Then he turned his head and glanced with interest at the little demon who just talked about. This dwarf is different from his appearance. There is good wisdom in his small body, and the analysis logic just now is clear and coherent. Oberon couldn't help but give him a high look.

Tyrion felt Oberon's gaze shudder, and felt some chills on the back of his neck, so he hurriedly lowered his head to clasp his fingers.


Oberon shrugged his shoulders slightly and retracted his gaze when he saw this scene.

However, his appearance looks frivolous, but the depths of his dark eyes actually flicker with cold light.

It was obvious that his heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

The death of his sister Ilia has little to do with Robert and the Baratheon family or Ed Stark, and can only be regarded as an indirect murderer.

Even Oberon was willing to admit that if the Duke of Winterfell was the first to break through King's Landing, then his sister would definitely not have trouble.

The person who actually raped and killed Ilia was 'Magic Mountain' Gregor and the real murderer behind the Magic Mountain was Tywin Lannister, Duke of Kaiyan City.

He deceived the gate of King's Landing, and then led Lannister soldiers to burn and loot in King's Landing. Because Prince Rega died in battle, it would be a matter of time before Robert waited for the rebels to win. The Lannister family came one step too late. Wen can only use the heads of Ilia and Aegon as a certificate.

The facts have proved that Duke Taiwen's methods are indeed clever, and he has actually picked the biggest fruit of victory second only to the Baratheon family.

But now Oberon took the initiative to take the medal from the King's Hand and led the Targaryen Family's Second Legion to land in Westeros across the sea, just to find the Lannister family to settle accounts.

"Your Majesty, I would like to apply to lead troops to attack the western border alone."

Then Oberon put away the cynical expression on his face, and put down his eccentric legs, a rare serious expression appeared on one of his cheeks.

"I am willing to make a promise to you that I will'please' the Duke of Tai Wen before the public trial."
