Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 468

Chapter 468


"I don't think it is fast."

Viserys paused slightly when he heard Jon Clinton's excited and worried words, and then slowly spoke.

"Family, fiefdom, autonomy, this system has been in Westeros for thousands or even tens of thousands of years."

"Such a system has given birth to a never-ending war. The big lords fight with the big lords, and the small lords fight with the small lords. The productivity is lagging, and the people are not living, which seriously hinders the development of society and the progress of civilization."

"Aegon unified the seven countries, but it was only a nominal kneading of these families together, ending the continuous melee."

Before Aegon unified the Seven Kingdoms, protracted wars have been erupting on this land. The seven kingdoms conquered each other all day long, and the people had no livelihood.

However, the Seven Kingdoms have been established for such a long time, and when they were first unified, there were people who opposed it.

Even assassinations broke out repeatedly, but with the passage of time, people gradually realized the benefits of unity.

However, Aegon's unity was only limited in appearance, and it seemed to have become a unified kingdom, but in fact, each family and every place was deeply divided, and they still had their own masters.

What Viselis has to do now is to truly unify Westeros.

Therefore, his first step is to violently destroy every 'high wall' they have built.

"The city-states on the Essos continent have changed earlier than Westeros."

"Jon, you have lived here for so many years, I believe you can already feel it."

Jon Clinton nodded slightly when he heard the words. The atmosphere on the Essos Continent was more enlightened, and each city-state had its own system. It was almost a situation where a hundred schools of thought contended.

This also led to the average economic strength and military level of each of their independent city-states surpassing the cities on Westeros.

Relatively speaking, Westeros is stubborn, conservative, and uncivilized. There are many families that have been passed down for thousands of years, and there are even families that have been passed down for thousands of years.

"And now is the best opportunity."

"With the help of the already chaotic situation, the old order was completely smashed."

"Anyway, one of the windows is broken, so it's better to smash it completely."

It was not Viselis who said this, but Jon Clinton.

He was thoughtful, and seemed to have some understanding of what Visiris wanted to do.

Anyway, due to the invasion of aliens and the conquering war, Westeros has become a mess. It is better to take this opportunity to solve all the problems in one go. If you wait for everything to stabilize, then you want to solve the outstanding problems. It's in trouble.

However, even though Jon Clinton was persuaded by Viselis, his heart could not help but was surging, because this was a major event destined to be recorded in the history of Westeros, but he had one last question and couldn't help but ask. .

"Your Majesty, what do you want?"

"what do you want?"

And Veserys raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard Jon Clinton's question.

"In addition to power, status, and wealth, what else do you want in this world?"

The hand of the king opened his mouth for a while, and he wanted to say that there were women, but thinking that the young and handsome King did not seem to be short of women, he swallowed the words back.

"In the beginning, I just wanted to protect Reness and Dany and survive."

"When I was able to protect them later, I wanted to regain the Iron Throne."

"Human ambitions grow without limits."

Veserys said jokingly.

"If I wanted to rebuild the Valyrian Empire and claim the holy Valyrian Emperor, would you believe it?"

In the morning sun, the king's hand medal on the chest of the gray-red haired man slightly reflected light, and then he saw the expression on his face stunned, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"just kidding."

However, the silver-haired young man shook his head and stretched out his hand to twist down a beautiful flower in the garden.

The spring breeze is floating, and the flowers are in full bloom.

An old black cat ran over with a butterfly, and then saw Visiris as if he had seen a big demon, and hurried to hide away.

"Where is Westeros to the west?"

Jon Clinton slowly escaped from the shock just now, and then he heard Visiris's question, and he thought carefully and said.

"It seems to be an endless sea, an endless land just like the continent of Sosros, Your Majesty."

People have not explored the end of the continent of Sosros, and they also don't know what is on the other side of the sea of sunset.

Is it the flowing water palace of Yanshen?

Or does the red **** take the sunset away, and then send it to tomorrow's place?

"Nobody knows."

Jon Clinton shook his head slightly.

"This is where all maps end."

"Perhaps one day when I am free, I will ride a dragon and try to reach the end of the world."

Veselis quietly looked at the back of the old black cat that hadn't seen him running away for a long time.

Then the flower that was folded in his hand was given to a beautiful little maid passing by, causing the other person to blush.

Veserys stayed in Pantos for a short time, but did not rest for a few days, and then boarded the dragon to fly to King's Landing.

The world has restricted a lot of restrictions to everyone.

After all, human beings are social animals, and the structure of human society is a pyramid shape from top to bottom. Even though the wayward King was out for a walk, he still had to return to King's Landing to deal with many things that he temporarily avoided.

The figure of the black dragon covering the sky and the sun appeared in the sky above Heishui Bay, causing the nobles in the Red Fort to panic.

In the fishermen's square of the mud gate, there was even a frightened beast knocked over the fish basket, fresh big fish bouncing all over the floor, and then they were looted. Only the fishmonger sat alone on the ground wishing to cry without tears. .

"This black dragon is much bigger than the bronze dragon of Her Royal Highness."

The **** was wearing a robe, his hands folded in his sleeves, and he looked up at the sky and spoke.

" this the name?"

"Every time I mention this name, it always reminds me of the highly anticipated Silver Prince, but unfortunately he failed everyone's expectations."

"Rego is like a 'little baby' in front of the Black Death."

Varys leaned on the railing and opened his mouth like a joke, seeming to be talking to himself.

"Indeed and there was a response voice under the railing of the Red Fort tower.

The 'little devil' Tyrion Lannister was too low, so he spread his hands under the railing and said.

"Otherwise, how can your Majesty repel those terrible ghosts?"

"Why did the tens of thousands of coalition forces be defeated all the way from Twin River City to Runliu City? There is no room for resistance."

Although Tyrion does not have a specific position now, everyone knows that after receiving the recommendation of Her Royal Highness the Princess, Tyrion will surely rise in the future.

As the Minister of Intelligence of the Iron Throne, Varys still maintained his original post.

Renesse did not make drastic changes to the Imperial Conference, and Pasier University bachelor resigned not long ago and wanted to leave King's Landing and return to the school city, but was detained.

The reason is that someone stabbed him out of the things he had done, and every one of them was enough to condemn him.
