Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 158

Chapter 158


"This...this...what is going on?"

And the nobles below were in an uproar, they didn't know what happened, they thought that a despicable poisoning incident had happened.

However, at this time, there was no movement after seeing the Qiqiao of Bachelor spraying blood.

A guard pulled out the dagger from his waist, held up the Bachelor's chin with the bright and sharp tip of the dagger, and fiddled with the already limp head. The inspection confirmed that the man was completely dead, and he was relieved.


Then he put the dagger into its sheath, looked at the noisy nobles below, and then began to explain.

"My lords."

"The real name of this'Gunther Bachelor' is Gillian Lannister."

The guard pointed at the corpse of 'Gunther' who fell softly on the chair and said loudly. The voice instantly suppressed the noisy nobles below who were at a loss.

When the guards of the castle spoke, the noise below quickly became much smaller.

Then everyone looked at each other, not understanding what the guard meant.


They seem to have heard this name, it seems to be the surname of the Duke of Kaiyan City on the other side of the narrow sea.

"What does it mean that Bachelor Gunther's real name is Gillian Lannister?"

A nobleman who didn't understand his meaning from below asked.

The guard's gaze swept across all the nobles on the scene, and did not rush to answer, and then continued to speak when everyone was completely quiet.

"The real Bachelor Gunther was already killed on his way to Longshi Island."

"Jillian and the Lannister family murdered the Bachelor, and came to Dragonstone Island by imposting him."

"He committed a lot of crimes, fornicating with pirates, leaking classified information, and murdering Ms. Miri Maz Duer, consultant of magic and occult."

"His Majesty, thinking of his old feelings, gave him a glass of poisoned wine and let him go on his own."

In the hall.

The bachelor took the poison himself and fell to his death.

And on the other side.

Several servants in the castle were kowtow desperately at the feet of Viserys, hoping that His Majesty the King would be magnanimous and spare their lives.

As if he hadn't heard it, Viselis was holding a diary searched from the room of 'Gunther Bachelor' in his hand, flipping through the contents on it, and then a little silent.

The servants kneeling on the ground below were bought by the 'Gunther Bachelor' and participated in the murder of Mili Maz Duer in partnership.

Although the witch witch possessed extraordinary powers, she herself was just a woman with a slightly out-of-shape figure and had no fighting ability.

That night, the servants were conspired by these servants, **** with a rope and gagged his mouth, and then sent to the place where three young dragons were raised at the time. He was poured kerosene on his body and lit a fire.

Except for the bachelor himself, no one knows why he arranged for these people to do this.

Perhaps it was to get rid of a witch witch from the Targaryen camp and plant it on another witch who wanted to join in.

Because Mi Li personally confessed to Reness that Melisandre is a real witch and witch, even the strength of the other party may be higher than her, and the bachelor was on the scene at that time.

Caught Mi Li, then burned to death with fire, and planted it to another Lakhlo priest who was good at using flames.

At the same time, she led Renice to believe that it was the black dragon who didn't know why a mouthful of dragon flame burned Mi Li, perhaps because Mi Li wanted to steal the dragon. After all, she would approach the dragon house in the middle of the night for no reason.

Then deliberately buttoned the **** basin on Melisandre's body.

In this way, the suspicious motive of Mi Li's death was eliminated, and the black dragon Belerion was also confirmed to have a beastly mind, which was difficult to tame. Using the kindness of the girl's inner nature, Renesse let her control the three dragons by herself.

And when the three young dragons are tied up, it will be beneficial to his follow-up actions, otherwise he will be burnt to death by a dragon flame if he is close to the dragon now.

And even if Veserys didn't know when he would return, he wouldn't be blamed on him, after all, this was Renise's own work.

In the end, in the ideal state of 'Gunther's Bachelor', or Gillian Lannister's plan, is...

Mili Maz Duer, the witch witch, is dead.

Three young dragons were imprisoned.

In order to wash the ground for Bellerion, Renice executed the Red God priest Melisandre for murder.

Three birds with one stone.

But... the final result may not be exactly what the 'Gunther Bachelor' intended.

Although the girl is not very old and her mind is not yet fully developed, she is not as easy to be controlled remotely as he imagined.

Renice didn't imprison the three dragons for fear that they would continue to cause trouble.

And did not kill Mei Li Shan Zhuo, but just put her in jail, enjoy special treatment, good food, drink and hospitality.

Viselis looked at the diary left by the'Gunther Bachelor'. It seemed calm on the surface. The arm of the chair was lightly tapped with his fingers. It was exceptionally clear in the quiet room, but no one knew Viselis. What is thinking in my heart.

This diary also records the 'Gunther Bachelor', no, it's the true identity of Gillian Lannister.

He is Tywin Lannister's third brother.

His eldest brother is Tywin Lannister, Duke of Kaiyan City, his second brother is Kaivon Lannister, and his third brother is Tigett Lannister.

Because the inheritance ranks low, he is destined to miss the family's foundation, so Jillian has found his own way since he was a child. Like Oberon, he has also studied in the school.

It's just that his personality is lively and impulsive. When they were young, James and Tyrion liked to play with this little uncle, so Jillian left without staying in the school city for a few years.

At that time, Oberon was still young and had not yet come to the school city, so the two had never met each other.

Jillian left Lannister Port in the Laughing Lion at the age of eighteen, looking for the lost Valyrian steel sword of the Lannister family, the light and exploring the legend. In the "Smoky Sea" and "Cursed Land" in the game, I hope to get the treasures that survived the apocalypse of Valyria.

Since then, ten years have passed, and Jilian has never returned to his hometown.

Until the end of the War of the Reavers.

To congratulate King Robert on the marriage of his niece Cersei, he presented a good dagger with a gold-plated blade, an ivory handle and a round head with sapphire as a gift.

At the same time he also heard that his second brother Kevon Lannister died on the way to pursue Targaryen's remnants, and that his death was so miserable that his head was almost gone.

Therefore, Ji Lian, who had not returned for many years, returned to his hometown and asked Ying to take revenge for his second brother.

Because he hasn't appeared in his hometown for many years, many people have not recognized Jilian.

So that year, he 'replaced' the real Gunther Bachelor and went to Dragon Stone Island.