Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 157

Chapter 157

The sudden change in the field did not attract the attention of the nobles below who were pushing the cup and changing the cup. It was like an episode when the two guards pressed the bachelor back to the chair.

The Bachelor did not struggle at this time. The palms of his hands trembled slightly, and the sweat on his cheeks slipped off. He seemed to know what was happening, and gave up the struggle as if he accepted his fate.


Oberon, who was also on the same table, saw this scene, his eyes condensed slightly.

He looked up and down the Bachelor somewhat unexpectedly, as well as the two guards standing behind the Bachelor and controlling him.

And Aralia, the mistress sitting next to Oberon, poked him lightly, then put her mouth in his ear, seeming to be asking in a low voice what happened to Oberon.

However, Oberon shook his head lightly, did not say much, just told her to leave it alone, just watch it quietly to find out.

As for the other side, the red-robed witch on the same table also had no words, took a sip from the wine glass, looked at the Bachelor and then at Oberon's reaction.

Then the Red God Priest looked at the direction where Reness and Daenerys had left, and a pair of eyes showed a slightly thoughtful look.

Sitting on this table are all the high-ranking officials of Andalus. After the two young girls, Renis and Daenerys, left, none of the remaining present were all human beings. .

Sir Jeffrey did not attend this banquet due to the need to rest. However, people with the gossip learned that the old Sir's body was not recovering well, so perhaps he had to decide to delegate power. Several nobles wanted to win the fleet. The position of the commander.

But right now, the few people on the main seat were silent, and none of them spoke to the bachelor who had obviously been controlled.

Even as an alumnus of Bachelor Gunther, Prince Oberon, who has a good relationship with him on weekdays, did not say a word. Only the Bachelor sat alone in his seat, wiping cold sweat from his forehead with trembling hands. He lowered his head and said nothing.

He knew that his incident had happened, and even gave up his plan to defend.

The Bachelor actually had this kind of crisis awareness a long time ago. Originally, he intentionally left Andalus to go to Longshi Island, and then returned directly to Westeros when Longshi Island fell.

But he never expected Stannis to sell him.

Stannis will not influence his battle plan because of a dispensable person, even if his status as a bachelor is not much worse than him, but there is no such thing as a stone in a pit, with a bad temper and a tough temper. What's the use.

The raid on Longshidao was a war he planned for several years. For this reason, he had repeatedly deduced many times and bought some officers of the Longshidao fleet through some methods.

Because the Longshidao Navy had planted the most humiliating battle of his career, the Wang family fleet that was just created was not fought in his hands and the entire army was wiped out.

Therefore, the stubborn-tempered Stannis has since spotted the Dragon Stone Island fleet and his commander-in-chief, vowing to be ashamed.

So why is a spy hidden in Andalus eligible to influence Stannis' battle plan?

Stannis didn't put such a junior in his eyes at all, no matter how noble his pedigree, he would not miss the opportunity for him alone.


The Bachelor was not 'qualified' to know the Wang's fleet's raid plan in advance, and did not catch this train to board Dragon Stone Island, and then stayed logically, but was abandoned to Andalus.

It is precisely because of this that the Bachelor has been living in panic since the day Longshi Island fell, and even every time he saw Visiris, he couldn't help being frightened, for fear that what he had done had been discovered, and then Was sent to the gallows.

However, such days passed for a long time, and the bachelor originally felt that things had passed.

It was not until recently that he discovered that there were always guards and servants outside his Bachelor Tower. Only then did he know that Viselis had still not given up on tracing Mi Li's death and that his letters had been read. matter.


East window incident.

The Bachelor knew that he had already been targeted by Viserys, and now it might be useless to explain what the sophistry was.

He simply left the last bit of face, did not beg Viselis or ask Oberon to say a few good words for him, but just sat in a chair and waited quietly for the trial to come.

After that, there was no time for too long.

The bottom is still singing and dancing.

A soldier was holding a tray, and a glass of wine was placed on the tray in front of the bachelor's eyes.

"Master Gunther, this is a fine wine given to you by your majesty."

The crystal clear wine is slightly rippling, shining beautiful colors in the luxurious glass, but in the eyes of the bachelor, this glass of wine is like a viper hissing at him.


And seeing this scene, Oberon's eyes on the side were a little weird, he didn't expect things to reach this point.

What happened, what mistake Gunther made, Viselis was so angry.

However, Oberon was just about to say something, but Bachelor Gunther did not give him this opportunity.

The bachelor, who was only in his thirties, held the wine in the glass with his palm trembling slightly, and his voice became trembling.

"Thanks... Your Majesty... for the wine."

Afterwards, there was no too much nonsense, and he raised his head and drank it directly.


Then the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the luxurious glass water glass instantly fell apart, fragments splashed everywhere, and the sound spread throughout the entire hall.


"what happened?"

The singing and dancing below also stopped abruptly, and the nobles who were cheering and drinking still didn't know what happened.

However, it wasn't until this time that I saw a dozen heavily armed guards gathered on the throne, and I realized that something big had happened.

The bachelor drank the poisoned wine, broke the glass, and then sat quietly on a chair with his head down and waited for death to However, all this did not make him wait long.

next moment.

There was a pain in his abdomen that was like a thousand swords, and the Bachelor's face instantly turned red like blood.

A pair of eyes widened, and the whole body began to twitch violently, and the chair sitting under him made a violent sound because of his twitching.


There was a lot of soup and wine on the table in front of me.

Melisandre curtailed her red robe slightly and left her seat calmly, while Oberon also took her mistress away from the bachelor who was convulsing violently.

And in the next second.


Blood spewed out of the seven orifices of the bachelor who was convulsing violently, dyed his clothes red, and then he was completely motionless.