Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 159

Chapter 159

The Bachelor's diary was found in a safe in a slab-covered hole under the bed in his bedroom.

It was hidden very secretly, and more importantly, no one would go to the bachelor's room on weekdays.

The bachelor claimed that there was poison in his room, so he reminded all the servants not to come close, he could just clean it up by himself.

So naturally no servant will enter the bachelor's room.

And Viselis decided to send someone to search the bachelor's room secretly after receiving this 'reporting letter'.

Then the soldiers found a movable slab under the bachelor's bed, moved the slab and found a safe from it.

This diary is hidden in this safe, and there is a transparent bottle with it, which is suspected to be the poison "Tears of Rees".

Jillian might want to use this expensive bottle of poison to poison Veserys or his dragon.

It's just that Jillian may not have found the right opportunity yet, it is actually not that easy for him to poison Viselis.

Since Veserys has been frequently assassinated by mercenary killers sent by the Iron Throne, the security level around him has been greatly improved. The'Bachelor' has not been so easily accessible to Veserys' kitchen, and it is also not so easy to want to poison the dragon. easy.

But now the 'Bachelor' is dead, and his diary does not specify what he wants to do with this bottle of 'Tears of Rees'.

No one can know his mental journey at that time.

Not long ago, in the reporting letter Viserys received, it not only stated that the true identity of the Gunther Bachelor was named Gillian Lannister, and he was the first person of Tywin Lannister, Duke of Kaiyan City. Three younger brothers.

It also provided some key evidence, confirming that his words were not fraudulent, and the true identity of 'Gunther Bachelor' is Gillian Lannister.

Although Xuecheng did send a Gunther bachelor, the real bachelor had already encountered the Lannister family's interception on the way to Longshi Island.

But Lannister did this very secretly, and few people knew about it.

And the owner of this 'reporting letter', no...maybe the owner behind that 'little bird' is one of the few insiders of this matter.

He took the initiative to divulge this information to Veserys.


When Viserys just saw the content of the letter, the first thought in his mind was that the child was a 'little bird'.

And the owner behind this letter is the 'eight-claw spider', Varys, the intelligence director of the Iron Throne.

He knew there might be a connection between Varys and Targaryen.

Once Veselis followed his mother Layla Targaryen to hide on Dragonstone Island, King's Landing had been taken down by the looters, and the courtiers and nobles had been purged and exchanged once, only a few. The people got the trust of Robert.

Among them are the scholar Paisier, the current Captain of the Royal Forest Guard, the 'fearless' Sir Barristan Selme, and the intelligence director Varys, known as the 'eight-claw spider'.

However, when Queen Laila fell in King's Landing and was hiding in Dragon Stone Island, she could still receive first-hand information from King's Landing, which showed that Targaryen still had an internal presence in King's Landing.

Viserys had doubted whether this person was Varys at that time.

After all, he later betrayed the Iron Throne and joined Targaryen's camp, known as this country and his future king-Aegon VI.


Viserys didn't trust Varys so much. He knew that everything he said could not be easily believed.

Including his life experience, he came from Rees, was a slave and was later sold as an apprentice to a theater troupe, and finally he was bought and cut off the male roots and so on...

Even the things he did were elusive to sway around, not to mention what he said, no one could figure out what his true position was.

Still like Petir Belishi of the 'Littlefinger', everything he did was just for himself.

Including the future king who seems to be loyal to him, may be his nephew Aegon Targaryen VI.

Therefore, Veserys has never actively tried to contact Varys after he came to Essos.

The spy he had planted in King's Landing set up another door, just collecting some common intelligence and civilian wind direction, and did not try to penetrate the Red Fort, for fear that it would arouse the alertness of this intelligence chief Varys.

But now.

Veserys had not actively contacted Varys, but Varys suddenly took the initiative to contact himself.

Although he thought that this letter was perfect, he did not reveal his identity at all.

He wanted to continue hiding under the water, silently mixing up the pool of water.

However, he never thought that his understanding of Viselis was far less clear than Viselis' understanding of him.

Veserys knew that this letter was absolutely inseparable from the eunuch.

Therefore, after reading the letter, he hurriedly asked the guards to continue searching for the kid who had just escaped. It would be better to catch him alive and uproot Varys's intelligence line hidden in Andaloth, but no news came back yet.

But now the few servants in front of him who were bought by the 'Gunther Bachelor' were still crying for mercy, which made Veserys a little upset, and then raised his head and glanced at the guards beside him.

"His Majesty?"

The guard and Veselis looked at each other and knew it well.

Then Veserys waved his hand, and the servants who were begging for their lives were dragged directly down.

After a while.

Several screams came from outside the door, the cry just stopped abruptly, and a faint smell of blood was also permeated in the air.

Veserys sniffed his nose and didn't feel the slightest discomfort.

I didn't know when he had become accustomed to this taste.

"This Gillian Lannister..."

Veserys closed the diary and fiddled with it a few more times.

Varys's letter stated that Gillian did not study very well in the school city, and his character was more lively and active.

However, Jillian was able to seamlessly escape from his role as an explorer later in Dragon Stone Island and Andalus.

It is better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books.

During the expedition, Jillian mastered a wealth of experience in observing astronomical phenomena and medicine, not even worse than a bachelor's degree returned from his studies.

It's just that no one knows where the letters he often exchanges with Xuecheng are sent to, and who wrote them back.

Therefore, he hasn't shown anything for so many years.