Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091

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The voice fell with the appearance of a figure.

Viserys was sealed in Norvos by the Lord of Light for decades, but today he finally broke the seal and reappeared in this world.

In fact, Viserys has spent a lot of energy on the fusion of the power of ice and fire, but the progress is slow. The two forces balance each other, and the existence of divine power can only allow them to coexist for a short time, rather than merge together.

If you want to fuse the two forces together, it is impossible to do it by just relying on a single person. You must work together to succeed.

Therefore, Viserys divided his own power into three parts before he died, and the power of ice and fire was given to his sons and daughters.

But now Diana and Helos really lived up to his expectations, completed their respective challenges and gained the power of ice and fire, and they merged to open the seal of the king of the gods.


Viserys came out of the seal again. His body was covered in golden armor, and huge wings were born from his back, which helped him levitate in mid-air.

The once pale long hair also returned to its original color after getting rid of the shackles of the power of ice and fire.

Viserys' long silver-gold hair was shining brightly, and his purple eyes were like stars in the sky. His gaze looked west, and then he took everything that happened in recent decades into his eyes.

He had received help from the old gods, and he saw what choices to make in the future and a series of things that happened, so he started the layout in advance.

In fact, whether it was the gift of the divine weapon, the shadows left behind, etc., were all prepared before the battle of the gods began.

However, Viserys knew very well that prophecy such things often did not necessarily represent a 100% occurrence. A butterfly flapping its wings from somewhere could cause a storm on another continent, and it might even change the direction of the world.

This is like the production of cancer cells in the human body, dangerous and uncontrollable.

But nothing in this world can be guaranteed 100%, so he has to take this risk.

Fortunately, the moment the seal was lifted, Viserys knew that he had finally waited for so many years underground.

And when he stepped out of the seal, he instantly learned of everything that had happened in the past few decades. The distant King's Landing was holding a state funeral. His son Yin Meng was leading his grandson and granddaughter to **** the queen. Bethany Toyne's body went to St. Baelor's Cathedral.

What Yin Meng didn't see, however, was that the soul of his wife, Bessanne, was following their side and burst into tears at the moment.

Viserys saw all this, and at the same time learned about a series of major events in the country in recent decades. He knew that his daughter-in-law, the virtuous and virtuous imperial queen, had helped Yin Meng a lot in all aspects.

Therefore, Viserys waved his hand and took away Bessanne's soul directly, to prevent her from becoming a lonely ghost because she could not find the entrance to the kingdom of God or the underworld at this time when the chaos and order of the gods collapsed .

At the same time, Viserys also gave a greeting to his three grandchildren.

The convoy for the state funeral drove from the Red Fort to the Cathedral of St. Baelor. In front of it were heavily armed cavalrymen clearing the way. The soldiers of the Capital Guard maintained order on both sides of the road, while the guards of the Red Fort followed around the convoy.

"Rest in peace, Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Your Majesty Yin Meng!"

"Prince Viserys!"

The people on both sides of the road heard cries and some faint crying from time to time, because this virtuous and virtuous queen, Her Majesty Bessanne Toyn, was deeply loved by the people of King's Landing, and her kindness was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And His Majesty Inmon I Targaryen I sat in the carriage escorting the coffin to send his beloved wife the last ride.

Their eldest son, Viserys Targaryen, Crown Prince of the Empire, was escorted on horseback in bright armor with a sword hanging from his waist, and his two younger sisters in the carriage behind.

However, at this moment, the same golden light appeared directly on Viserys, Layla, and Jahenella, and the caravan of the state funeral was in a state of chaos, thinking that something had happened, and the surrounding people There was also an exclamation.

And Yin Meng, the emperor of the empire, who was sitting in the carriage, heard the movement outside, and opened the tent to see this scene, which was extremely familiar.

"This is... father."

He remembered the memories of his youth in an instant, and then a pair of young but vicissitudes of life eyes showed a faint redness, and tears flowed, and he couldn't tell whether he was excited or happy.

On the other hand, Viserys took away the soul of his daughter-in-law. Bessanne was shocked when she suddenly arrived in a strange environment, but Viserys made her understand everything in a flash.


The soul of a graceful and luxurious middle-aged woman from the Empress of the Empire hurriedly bowed slightly to give her salute. UU reading www.

However, Bessanne then saw Diana and Heros flying over as well, and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Sister and brother."

Thirty years ago, Heros and Diana evaporated under that golden light, but they didn't expect to come here.

Helos didn't know the woman in front of him, and Diana opened her mouth to introduce it, but it was embarrassing that Bessanne was the oldest person in the scene.

"Father, will Yin Meng also ascend to the kingdom of God in the future?"

But the virtuous and virtuous imperial empress was only slightly embarrassed. After all, she has been accustomed to ageing slowly over the years, while her husband remains young forever, and then she asked expectantly.

It was obvious that Bessani had regarded this place as a kingdom of gods in the sky, and she was connected to the kingdom of gods after her death.


"There is his place in God's Domain. In the future, I will change the order of God's Domain and let them perform their duties."

But after receiving Viserys' slight nod, Bessanne breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of joy on her face.

People die like lights go out. I thought everything would be over when I close my eyes, but I went around and experienced so many things. I watched my sons and daughters cry, and watched a funeral of my own. Some people were distraught, However, some people were secretly pleased.

But although she has experienced so much, her heart is a little complicated, but when she thinks that their husband and wife will be able to reunite in the future, Beshani's heart is suddenly put down.

She observed her words and expressions, and knew that her father, sister, and brother must have more important things next, so she bowed again and saluted, and then disappeared.