Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1090

Chapter 1090

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The founding emperor of the Valyrian Empire was Viserys I Targaryen the 'True Dragon', but he only reigned for seven short years.

Then entered the long era of three queens, Arianne, Rhaenys and Daenerys three queens ruled the empire for more than 20 years.

And now the history of the Empire has been updated once again. The second emperor of the Valyrian Empire, Inmon Targaryen, has reigned for more than 30 years and has become the longest ruler.

Yin Meng has indeed left an indelible mark in history, but his story is not over yet. However, his beloved queen Bessanne Toyne died before him, but Yin Meng could do nothing about it.

Even though he has the ability to live forever, time cannot leave any traces on his cheeks, but Yin Meng can't use this ability to save the life of his beloved wife, and can only watch her quietly leave. world.

Bessanne gave birth to three children for Yin Meng, the eldest son Viserys, the eldest daughter Layla, and the last youngest daughter Jahenella Targaryen.

And now Yin Meng's eldest son Viserys has reached his thirties and is married and has children.

Prince Viserys Targaryen, the crown prince of the empire, went north to marry a daughter of the Stark family as his prince concubine, who was the granddaughter of Robb Stark, the old governor of the North, who was now over seventy years old. Randa Stark.

This relationship stemmed from the guidance of the adults on both sides. Yinmeng Targaryen I wanted to strengthen the connection with the Kingdom of the North and the Stark family under his vassals, and the old governor of the North, Robb Stark, was also Yin Gengli III People from a hundred years ago, as old foxes of the previous era, naturally have deep strategies and have long planned in this regard.

Therefore, the two sides hit it off, the re-marriage of the Long family and the Wolf family, and the personal thoughts of Viserys and Brenda were not important.

Yin Meng's eldest son, the crown prince of the Empire, Viserys inherited the advantages of his parents. He is naturally handsome and extraordinary, and his personality is also the best choice. He is calm and airy.

And Brenda Stark has the 'Blood of the Wolf' flowing in her body, and she is equally enthusiastic and heroic.

However, although the acquaintance of the two young men and women began on the first day of marriage, the days after marriage were still a couple, a typical product of political marriage, and feelings slowly accumulated after marriage.

And two years after Brenda Stark married into the royal family, she also gave birth to a son for the crown prince of the empire.

Viserys named his son Yin Geng.

His intention was naturally to commemorate the ancestor of the Targaryen family. Of course, there is nothing wrong with the name Yingon Targaryen, but it has been used badly in the family.


However, when Yin Meng opened the door and walked out of the room, there were already many people outside the ward.

The first to bear the brunt is a man in his thirties, with clear stubble on his cheeks and chin, long silver-gold hair behind his back, a pair of purple eyes, and a face somewhat similar to Yin Meng.

He pulled a beautiful woman with a typical Stark family appearance, and in the woman's arms was a little baby with silver hair and purple eyes.

In addition to this young couple, there are also two girls with silver hair and purple eyes.

One of them was twenty-six or seven years old. She was tall and hot and wore tight black clothes. Her face was indifferent, but there was a faint hint of concern. Her long silver-gold hair was braided behind her back. She was Yin Meng's eldest daughter, Layla Targaryen.

The other, who is only a teenager, is Yin Meng's youngest daughter, Jahenella Targaryen, who is petite and sweet and beautiful.

Perhaps it was because of her dressing. Compared to Leila, who was dressed as a man, Jahenella was obviously much better-looking and more feminine than her sister.

"Father, how is mother's condition?"

After the door was opened, everyone hurriedly gathered around, and the first person to speak anxiously was Yin Meng's eldest son Viserys Targaryen.

Although he is a son, his appearance is even a bit more mature than his father looks.

But the young man with silver-blond hair and a Valyrian steel crown on his head did not answer. He just shook his head slightly to show everything, and a low sobbing sound suddenly sounded outside the ward.

Thirty years have been vicissitudes.

Nor did Heros and Diana expect to have spent more than 30 years in the challenge of the power of ice and fire.

When they finally came back to this world after overcoming many difficulties and sufferings, they suddenly looked back and found that the whole world had become unfamiliar to them.

The old acquaintances have all died, and the young and fresh lives are all unfamiliar faces.

Eddard Stark, Tyrion, Hound, Sansa, Littlefinger, Edmure Tully, Quentin Martell, etc... They have all died or died of illness over the years, Years never leave half a cent of affection.

However, the two achieved the power of fire and the power of ice respectively and successfully joined the ranks of the gods, but at this moment they have no time to grieve the spring and the autumn, because there are more important challenges waiting for ~ Although Diana, Helos, and Yin Meng have gone on different paths, they are all facing the difficulties they face, persevering, and naturally they will not be easily defeated by difficulties.

Then Diana and Heros once again returned to the depths of the never-extinguishing sinkhole in the ruins of Norvos.

And this time the two returned, the two gathered the power of ice and fire, and already possessed the ability to shake the seal of the King of Light.

"Let's start, Helos."

"Rescue father from the seal."

A long snow-white hair fell to her feet, and Diana turned her head to look at her brother.

A faint blue flame was beating in her eyes, her body completely turned into ice, but the original high temperature around her was instantly icy cold because of her arrival.

And Helos saw his sister's eyes slightly condensed.

She could feel the dangerous aura from her sister. Ice and fire were incompatible enemies, but at this moment they had to join hands.

But Helos didn't hesitate, he nodded slightly.


Immediately, the two brothers and sisters shot together, and the power of ice and fire was injected into the seal of the King of Light at the same time.

In the outside world, because this is the center of the Flaming Mountain for hundreds of miles, people in the outside world have not noticed it for the first time.

But if you look down from the sky, you can see that a huge black hole has been formed in the area centered on the Flaming Mountain, like an abyss that is frantically swallowing everything around it, including all the flames and mountains and rivers.

"The power of ice and fire has finally merged."