Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1092

Chapter 1092

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Bessanne disappeared, and Diana on the other side turned to Viserys.


Then Diana took out a sword and threw it over. It was the Divine Sword Dusk that Viserys inserted on the ice altar in the Land of Eternal Winter in order to balance the yin and yang of the whole world.

"It will be up to me and Helos to maintain the balance between ice and fire."

Now Viserys' sons and daughters, Diana and Heros, have become the two gods of ice and fire, the **** of cold and the **** of fire.

They will use their divine powers to balance the order of the world, no longer needing Viserys to do so himself.

And Viserys has also washed away the miscellaneous divine power in his body and completely returned to a pure state, so he has no ability to balance yin and yang.

And for the next battle, Viserys really needed a handy weapon, and the dragon spear was handed over to Helos for use.

"Well, well done Diana."

Excalibur Twilight returned to Viserys' hands. This sword had been away from Viserys for a long time, otherwise he would not have to collect a lot of Valyrian steel to smelt, and then recast the Shenlong Lance.

"What about you, sister?"

And Heros used the Dragon Slayer Spear. When his divine power was injected into it, a layer of red flames immediately covered it, and the surrounding space began to be clearly distorted. Then he looked at his sister Diana and asked.

"I naturally have my suitable artifact."

Diana, however, shook her head and spoke.

Then she took out the ice crown and the quaint stone sword obtained in the final challenge.

These were once used by the Night King, with mysterious origins and infinite power.

The Frozen Crown is the source of the Night King's continuous power and the basis for ruling the army of death. Although this simple stone sword looks ordinary, it is also an artifact that can truly kill gods.

After Viserys defeated the Night King, he put all these things away and put them in the challenge for Diana to obtain. In fact, Viserys still had a lot of artifacts in his hands.

However, at this moment, the sky above his head turned red in an instant, and the father, son, father and daughter, who were located in the realm of the gods, all looked at each other.

"The King of Light is here."

Now Viserys and Diana and Heros are all gods.

The only difference is that Viserys has already condensed his divine body. Because of his deep accumulation, his divine power is no less than that of old-fashioned gods like the Drowned God, second only to the Seven Gods and the Lord of Light.

While Diana and Helos had mastered the power of ice and fire, they had not had time to condense their divine bodies, so they could only be regarded as new gods.

So this battle is essentially a continuation of the previous battle between Viserys and the Lord of Light.

But the difference is that this time Viserys has found two helpers and has already made full preparations.


However, in the next second, not only the sky of God's Realm, but also the entire God's Realm was wrapped in red, and the three gods were instantly enveloped by intense light and heat.

And Heros and Diana immediately felt a clear discomfort because they had no divine body.

"The King of Light is so strong."

Diana's face changed slightly. Helos was fine, but as a **** of cold, she was the most sensitive to light and heat.

She was surrounded by the Divine Kingdom of the King of Light and felt that the ice crown on her head was almost melting.

"Get ready, children, the king of the gods is not easy to deal with."

At this moment, Viserys' golden wings stretched out, and the golden light covered Heros and Diana, temporarily relieving their discomfort with the Kingdom of Light.

"For so many years that I was sealed, almost all the gods in this world, big and small, could not escape his poisonous hands."

"The strongest among them is the horse **** believed by the Dothraki people, and the mother He Luoen believed by the Luo Yinna people. They did not participate in this battle of the gods, but they were also liquidated by R'hllor. "

"And even if he participated in the war, the God of Thousand Faces died in his hands, and the rest such as the old man in the river, the crab king, and Relene have all fallen."

Viserys' words were horrifying.

"I can hardly feel the existence of other gods in the realm of the gods, except for the old **** that R'hllor can't kill."

"Rahlo was originally a Luo Yinna person, but he still showed no mercy to Luo Yinna's god."

"Perhaps he never thought that I would come back someday."

"What is he trying to do? I don't understand."

"But... R'hllor he's also not what he used to be."

Although Viserys' voice was calm, following his words, Diana and Heros couldn't help but feel vigilant and stressed.

However, when the kingdom of the Red God enveloped the three gods, the battle had already begun.

Under the fiery red sky, the red color became more and more solid, and it even seemed like a drop of blood, and the figure of R'hllor appeared in the sky in the next second.

"I didn't expect you to escape."


R'hllor's face was gloomy. He wanted to crush Viserys' divine body and kill him completely. However, the eruption of Norfos's Tiankeng volcano connected with the underground world and forced him to retreat, giving him a chance to take advantage of it. .

"In the past few decades, you have killed almost all the gods in God's Domain."


"What on earth are you trying to do, R'hllor?"

And Viserys looked at R'hllor the King of Light with a pair of purple eyes, and asked directly in a low voice.

The present R'hllor is very different from the red **** he had just met. The red **** at that time was humble and polite, although he had intentions, but compared to him now as crazy as a mad dog who killed all the gods Still like two people.

Therefore, Viserys had a bad premonition in his heart. He felt that the state of the King of Light was not right, and he took the initiative to ask the other party why.

"You don't need to know that, Viserys."

However, R'hllor's eyes were full of tyranny, and his voice was cold.

She swayed briefly when she heard Viserys' question, but did not answer the other's question directly.

"I will kill you."

"And the two of them."

The Red God's eyes were full of aggression. He looked at Diana and Helos, who were protected under Viserys' wings. He stayed on Helos for a second.

Viserys noticed that he shook a little too, but soon the sense of danger returned.

"You made a wrong choice, my heir."