Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1089

Chapter 1089

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At this time, however, good news also came.

When Yin Meng was just enthroned and coronated, his queen Bessanne Toyn became pregnant with their first child, and then gave birth smoothly the following year.

The first child that Queen Bessani brought to Yin Meng was a boy, a boy with silver hair and purple eyes with obvious characteristics of the Targaryen family blood, which made Yin Meng overjoyed.

Then after thinking about it, Yin Meng named his eldest son Viserys, and he wanted to commemorate his father, whom he had barely met, in this way.

A few years have passed since the birth of the eldest son Viserys, and Bessani successfully became pregnant again, and this time the kind and gentle imperial queen brought Yin Meng a little silver-haired princess.

Yin Meng named her Layla Targaryen.

However, in the 328th year of the Yin Geng calendar and the 35th year of the new calendar, when the empire's little princess Layla Targaryen was just born, a very serious and vicious assassination incident broke out in King's Landing.

A long-premeditated killer army has its sights set on the Targaryen royal family. They cannot resist the wrath of the dragon, so they can only choose this indiscriminate method.

They have been lurking in King's Landing, the capital of the empire, for an unknown amount of time, and even their eyeliners have been buried in the interior of the Red Fort.

Because the first generation of Unsullied guards have all aged and no longer have the ability to protect the safety of the royal family, these warriors have all been sent to Dragonstone to enjoy their old age.

But Slaver's Bay has ceased to exist, becoming the province of Giscali on the frontier of the Empire, and Astapor no longer produces the Unsullied, which was the promise of Her Majesty the Queen Mother Daenerys to the Unsullied.

Therefore, the current Red Keep guards are the soldiers selected and trained by the Unsullied.

However, the problem appeared at this time. Queen Bessanne's second child was about to be born. All members of the royal family, including the three queen mothers, returned to the Red Fort to wait for the good news.

But at this moment, a well-planned assassination operation broke out. More than a hundred killers suddenly poured into the Red Fort and caught the guards of the Red Fort by surprise. They wanted to behead all the members of the royal family. .

They were so daring that they even went crazy, killing and beheading anyone they saw. Blood stained the entire Red Keep, and they even rushed into the Maegor House at one point, disturbing Queen Bessanne who was giving birth.

A killer broke into the delivery room and stabbed a woman to death, but was killed by Emperor Yin Meng with a sword, but Queen Bessani was still severely frightened, so she left a root cause that was difficult to eradicate.

This mighty assassination operation caused an uproar in the empire. Although it did not cause very serious consequences, and no members of the royal family were killed, the impact was still extremely bad.

Although the Red Fort has been attacked many times in the past few decades, none of them has been so bad. Yin Meng was extremely angry because of this. He made a big move and ordered to scrape the ground three feet to find out the forces behind these people. .

He even dismissed the intelligence minister in his former council for this, and was thrown into prison for the rest of his life.

And reinstated the notorious Ministry of Internal Affairs, which had been abolished since he ascended the Iron Throne, and brought Mesaria, who had been liquidated after the rebellion, out of prison again and ordered her to be in charge of the eucalyptus.

Yin Meng's great efforts have also paid off later, and after a series of strict investigations, it was finally found out that they were the remaining members of the cult of the cult of the King of Light harboured by the people.

According to legend, the leader of this remnant party was a person from a previous era, Melisandre, a priestess of the Red God Cult, whom Yinmon Targaryen's father had relied on heavily.

In terms of age, the other party should be in his sixties or seventies now, but according to legend, Melisandre, like Yin Meng and the three empress dowagers, still maintains the appearance of her youth.

Why did Melisandre quietly leave King's Landing in the first place, and then how did she join a remnant party of the Church of the Red God and become the leader.

The secrets may have long been unknown except for the important ministers of the Imperial Council of that era.

Yin Meng didn't know, and at the same time didn't want to know.

He just wanted to let all these cult remnants die, so he launched an unprecedented purge, and then as many as seven imperial governors were involved in the incident.

The empire was established in the hands of Viserys, and reached its largest territory in the era of the Three Empresses.

In particular, Inmon I Targaryen I has always ruled the country with gentleness and tenderness since he ascended the Iron Throne, which made those ambitious imperial governors regarded as weak.

But they were powerless to fight the dragon, so they colluded with the remnants of the cult, intending to eradicate the roots from the root, directly destroying the Targaryen family, tearing the empire apart and returning to the original chaos.

Unfortunately, their plan failed, and UU reading instead aroused the anger of Yinmeng Targaryen I.

After 12 years of thorough investigation of the Red Fort Blood Eucalyptus, when the truth finally surfaced, a rebellion that swept through half of the empire broke out in the 340th year of Yin Geng's calendar and the 47th year of the new calendar.

But the Imperial Legion under the second emperor of the Empire, Inmon I Targaryen I, was already stronger than ever.

The dragons of the Targaryen family also thrived during these peaceful years, giving birth to thirteen dragon eggs one after another. In the end, in addition to one young dragon that died, the Targaryen family also had twelve more young dragons.

Therefore, when the rebellion that swept over half of the empire broke out, more than a dozen dragons flew to the place of the rebellion, and were finally quelled by the emperor Inmon I Targaryen in just one year.

The dancing fire dragon directly destroyed the seven governor families with the shortest effort, quelled the rebellion, and made their surnames disappear from this world forever.

At the same time, it also deterred the rest of the evil-minded forces, and let the world see that His Majesty Inmon I Targaryen I was not only kind, but also had the wrath of thunder.

In the following decades of rule, the power of the imperial central government over the local areas was gradually strengthened under Yin Meng's rule.

He even said the famous saying, "Wherever the giant dragon can fly, it is my country", which is famous everywhere.

Yin Meng later also sent Xu Yin, the youngest son of the former Red Fort chief executive Xu Ying, a young man of mixed eastern and western blood.

He was ordered to lead a fleet back to the Golden Dynasty as a messenger, established a preliminary diplomatic relationship with mutual recognition, and took the lead in establishing an official trade channel and fleet for mutual exchange.