Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1088

Chapter 1088

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And when Diana and Helos both experienced hardships in their respective challenges, growing up hard step by step.

In the mortal world, time flies fast.

In the blink of an eye, decades of vicissitudes have passed.

"When I was a child, my life was like a snail crawling slowly. I couldn't see my head when I was a year old. When I grew up, I was like a reindeer. It disappeared in three or two times. A few years... it feels like a blink of an eye."

The greatest kingdom in the world, King's Landing, the capital of the Valyrian Empire, is located in the Red Keep on the high hills of Ingen.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of medicinal soup, and a young and handsome man with silver-blond hair and a face sat sideways in front of a sick bed.

His hands gently caressed the hands of a woman lying on the hospital bed, the shadow of the other party was reflected in his purple eyes, and he said softly.

The woman lying on the hospital bed looked graceful and luxurious, with extraordinary bearing.

Even though the woman now has gray hair from her temples, she can still see from her brows that she must have been a beauty in all directions when she was young.

However, now this woman is angry and pale, and it seems that she has been ill for a long time and is about to die soon.

When she heard her husband's words, a faint smile and an unhealthy blush rose on her cheeks, and she spoke weakly.

"How do you know that I just had a dream... Yin Meng."

"I dreamed that we were back when we first met."

"At that time, you suddenly broke into my house and said you wanted to marry me."

"Do you know what my first reaction was then?"

She smiled with difficulty, the unhealthy blush on her cheeks seemed to return to light, and then continued to speak.

"I first thought that this should be a pervert, and then I thought about the second prince of your dignified empire, he shouldn't be such a person..."

"Well... So I wanted to see what kind of person you are first, but I didn't think that I couldn't escape just by looking at you. All I thought about was you."

The woman's voice was weak, but it was like a sharp arrow that pierced Yin Meng's heart, causing him to clench the hands that caressed the other's palm.


The silver-blond haired young man closed his purple eyes in pain.

"I've tried everything I can, but...I can't."

Yin Meng's voice was painful, but in turn it was the woman on the hospital bed who was comforting him.

"I don't blame you, Yin Meng."

She pulled out her husband's sore hands, and gently caressed the other person, hoping to soothe the other person's emotions, while continuing to speak softly.

"I just want to go back to when we first met..."

"We hurriedly got married in Casterly Rock, and followed you to High Court."

"I prayed almost every day when High Court was under siege, and I admit I even had a little bit of regret and fear at the time."

"I regret marrying you in such a hurry, I am afraid of implicated in my family, and I am afraid of becoming a prisoner of the enemy."

"I heard that if the female volume is captured, it will encounter terrible things..."

"You accidentally said something from your heart, you won't blame me, Yin Meng?"

Having said that, a smile appeared on Bei Shanni's pale cheeks again, and her mental state seemed to be boosted more than before, and she even had the strength to make a joke.

Then the smile on the woman's cheeks subsided slightly, and then she continued to chatter.

"Then you won the war, defeated our brother, and finally won the Iron Throne, but at the same time something like that happened..."

Thirty years ago, a civil war broke out among the royal family of the Valyrian Empire, in which His Majesty Inmon I Targaryen, the Empire's second emperor, defeated his elder brother, Prince Heros Targaryen. Your Highness, finally won the civil war.

However, an accident suddenly occurred during the trial against the first prince Helos Targaryen at that time.

A strong golden light shot straight into the sky from under the Red Fort and lasted for half an hour. Almost all the people of King's Landing saw it. It was called a miracle.

In this miracle, the eldest prince Helos Targaryen, who was undergoing justice, and the eldest princess Diana Targaryen, another member of the royal family, disappeared without a trace at the same time.

Diana and Heros disappeared at the same time, and there was a huge shock at that time.

There is no doubt that all the spearheads are directed at Yin Meng, the only second prince who has not disappeared.

Yin Meng was under tremendous pressure and misunderstanding at that time. It was the most difficult time in his life, even more stressful than when Gao Ting was besieged by the group.

As a wife, Bei Shanni has always been by Yin Meng's side, helping him to survive the difficulties, won the trust and understanding of the three empress dowagers, and finally successfully ascended the Iron Throne.

He was crowned as the Valyrian Empire and the Northern Kingdom, the Kingdom of Dorne, the Supreme Holy Emperor of the Duchy of the Midsummer Archipelago, the True Dragon Kao of the Great Grass Sea, the guardian of the world, the guardian of peace, and the 'lord of the gods' Yin Meng Targaryen Yin Meng's life is full of legends, from high court winning the impossible war, a sudden torrential rain saving the city that was about to be breached, and then to the golden On the road of blood, the eldest princess and the eldest prince, the contenders for the Iron Throne, disappeared at the same time. These good fortunes were blessed together, so Yin Meng was also called the 'lord of the gods'.

And not long after Yin Meng was crowned as the second emperor of the empire, although he went through turmoil and difficulties, Yin Meng carried out his own reforms boldly.

First of all, he gathered the forces left by Diana and Helos. In order to make up these remaining forces peacefully, Yin Meng no longer wanted to start a war.

Therefore, he issued a decree to allow the North to be upgraded to a kingdom attached to the Empire, and named his missing sister, the eldest princess Diana Targaryen, as the Queen of the North.

As for the kingdom of Dorne, Prince Doran died shortly after the initial rebellion.

Because Helos had forced Prince Doran to give him the title of Prince of Dorne, after Yin Meng ascended the Iron Throne, he took advantage of this opportunity to take the dominion of Dorne that the Iron Throne had not mastered for hundreds of years.

He canonized his missing brother, Heros Targaryen, as Prince of Dorne, the ruler of the kingdom of Dorne.

Then he appointed Tristan Martell, the second son of Prince Doran, who has the authority to hold the Iron Throne, as the governor of Dorne, to act as the deputy governor of all things in the territory.

After Yin Meng ascended the Iron Throne and was crowned emperor, a series of policies successfully stabilized the chaotic order after the war. With his grace and sincerity, all forces quickly reached a reconciliation and won the respect of all forces.