Game Of Thrones: Wrath Of The Sleeping Dragon - Chapter 1087

Chapter 1087

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Time flies by.

Both Diana and Heros fought within their respective 'dungeons' until they could fully master the power of their choice for future wars.

Then I don't know how much time has passed, a year? two years? Or many years have passed.

Diana has lived alone in the land of eternal winter outside the Great Wall, and she is facing different new challenges every day.

Her strength is also increasing with the continuous absorption of the power of ice, but the corresponding monsters that attack her are also becoming stronger at the same time. She even escaped several times and almost explained it on the ice field.

In addition to these, Viserys' eldest daughter Diana has also become magical in appearance compared to the year.

Her eyes began to burn with ice-blue flames, and the long silver-gold hair all over her body gradually faded into snow-white, and fell down to her feet. Her flesh and blood seemed to condense into ice, becoming crystal clear and impervious to swords.

She constantly absorbs the power of ice left by Viserys and the power in Blackstone. The two merged together and even gradually surpassed the Night King of the year, but evolved in a more terrifying direction.

An ancient **** whose name is often mentioned in human records and legends, but actually does not exist

Cold God.

Diana is evolving in the direction of the cold god.

The God of Cold has not existed since ancient times, and the initiators of all this are just those nameless oily black stones that fell into this world from the outer universe.

If there should be a God of Cold and the Lord of Light opposing each other in this world, it can only refer to this mysterious oily black stone.

However, in fact, these black stones do not have their own subjective consciousness, they are not cold gods, and the meaning of their existence is unclear.

However, the influence and interference of the mysterious magnetic field will make the indigenous intelligent life of this world mutate, which is to become the leader of the "Night King" White Walkers in a broad sense.

This cold power of ice can gradually increase the size of the death army that the Night King spreads, and even eventually affect the climate of the entire world, that is, where the death army goes, the wind and snow are swirling.

And now Diana is becoming a real cold god, the real Queen of Winter is going further and further.

On the other hand, Diana absorbed a lot of ice power and progressed smoothly, while Heros also lived in the ruins of Valyria for several years.

He was also not used to it in the early days. He was hiding in the middle of this ancient ruins every day, avoiding the attacks of demonized monsters, and then gradually gained a firm foothold, and even now he is like a duck in water.

Heroes is going more smoothly than Diana.

He killed countless monsters here, absorbed a lot of black mist from the ground and merged it into his body, and the divine power that the King of Light had injected into his body gradually came into use, and he gained control of this divine power. Ability.

Heros' eyes were now burning with fiery flames, and his hair color had completely changed from dark brown to fiery red.

It completely suppressed the bloodline characteristics of the Targaryen family, and became like a red **** priest like Melisandre. At the same time, his body was covered with countless golden runes, all the way to one cheek. superior.

In addition to the obvious changes in appearance, Helos also gained many abilities after mastering the power of the Red God.

Now, not only can the flame not hurt him, but he can even control the flame freely and gain the ability to control the flame. In addition, Helos has also obtained the abilities of Viserys back then, although there is no help from the Black Death now. , but still has the gift of his father.

Because of what he saw in the long river of time, Viserys harbored some guilt for his eldest son.

Now that Helos and his sister Diana belong to different spaces, they have reached the final step at the same time, which is also the end of this test.


The footsteps were crisp.

Heros stood at the heart of Valyria's ruins, the hub of power in that great empire, the breeze gently blowing his long fiery red hair.

He stood on the long, broken steps, looking up at the shattered grand palace, which told the glory of the Valyrian Freehold, and the swords and shadows of the forty Elector Houses with dragons.

However, the billowing black mist gushing out from the Fourteen Fire Peaks enveloped the sky, telling the story of how this great empire was torn apart from its glory to one day.

The Lord of Light, R'hllor, destroyed the Valyrian Freehold, and countless lives were lost in that catastrophe. However, the Valyrians were not defeated, and a new empire rose again from the west of the world.

But Heros knew that the Lord of Light had his greedy eyes on this new empire, and he wanted to take it or destroy it.

However, at this time, there was no figure of his father or the King of Light in Helos' mind. Instead, he thought of his younger brother Yin Meng.

"I won't allow you to do that."

Helos clenched his fists slightly, he wanted to do his best to protect his younger He was ready to climb the final steps to meet the challenge.

At the same time, Diana also came to her last step.


The icy cold wind whistled, and she walked towards the end of the world step by step against the wind and snow outside the Great Wall.

There were countless ghouls rushing towards her on the road, but before they got close to her body, they were all torn apart, and their body was torn apart by the ice surging on the ground.

Then she saw from a distance a towering ice altar standing on the ground in the white snowstorm.


Seeing this ancient altar of ice that was built by no one at the beginning of the birth of mankind or before, Diana knew that her destination had arrived.

It was difficult to see from a distance, but when she got closer, Diana saw a black stone placed on the altar of ice, and a red sword was inserted on this stone.

"This is the sword my father mentioned."

The white-haired woman saw the faint blue flame in Divine Sword Dusk's eyes beating slightly, and fell into memory.

This is her father's sword, but it was left here. At the same time, her eyes swept across the ice altar and saw a broken ice crown and a simple stone sword, which can be seen here. There was a fierce battle.

Father killed the Night King here, saved the fate of the whole world, and then stepped on the long steps of ascending to the realm of the gods.

But this time, with the help of her father, here is her path to godhood.

Then Diana no longer hesitated, but firmly stepped onto the first step and launched the final challenge.