Ember. - Ember. Part 41

Ember. Part 41

Jaden lifted his arm up to eye him incredulously.

They still hadn't told me.

Ikovos smirked at Jaden's face then looked to me. "It means fiery."

I couldn't help but smile. "Really?"

He nodded.

Jaden sighed. "See? Boring."

I thought about this. Sure, there was the obvious 'he can use fire' thing, but . . . "There's a lot of things it could mean," I noted. Then I turned back to my studying. I knew better than to let my mind wander down this subject.

"Did you have something particular in mind?" asked Jaden. He was leaning forward now, though still casual.

I let my eyes graze his. Yeah, dangerous. I quelled this. "Well . . . fiery, like, impassioned or spirited.

Ikovos pursed his lips in consideration beside me. I couldn't tell what Jaden thought.

"Sounds a bit like yours," said Ikovos.

I stiffened. This was much more fun when it was someone else's name. Mine made me feel much too vulnerable . . . especially after the conversation last time.

"You already looked hers up?" questioned Jaden.

Ikovos nodded. "It means 'like a bird'." He smirked while saying it. "Good one, right?"

Jaden laughed slightly. "Oh yeah, she's totally a bird."

My eyes narrowed at him. What, were him and Ikovos on the same psycho wave-link or something? Before I could voice my protest, Ikovos threw another book down and stood up.

"Okay, well, I have to go watch the gate tonight." I perked up. "And no, I'm not letting you come with me this time."

I pouted my lip considerably.

"But I'll see you guys in the morning when I get back."

"Will you have to sleep all day again?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. I'm going with Holdan so me and him will take shifts." I winced and Ikovos nodded to Jaden. "Thanks for that by the way."

Jaden raised a hand. "No problem."

I turned back to Ikovos.

"Good luck on your studying, don't stay up too late."

I nodded. "I won't."

His mouth tipped then he walked off through the library.

When I looked back, Jaden's eyes were on me. "You miss him a lot when he's not around, don't you?"

It wasn't really a question. My throat constricted instantly. I tried to think of something diffusing to say . . . but none of them were true.

I lowered my eyes from his slowly. He must have gotten the message, because he picked up a book and went back to reading.

After a few quiet minutes I heard one of the boys shout behind me. At this time of night the small library was buzzing with people, though they seldom came by my spot near the fire. I peeked up at Jaden cautiously. He was writing out something from a book, probably for a lesson.

I looked back down, then took a deep breath. Come on, Evelyn, you're brave.

"Um, Jaden?"

His eyes lifted to mine.

I chewed my lip. "I was wondering, well . . . Nathan has been a bit down about his magic abilities lately . . ."

Jaden made no reaction. I continued "I know he thinks a lot of your opinion and I was hoping, I mean I wanted to ask you . . . if you would encourage him a little."

Still no change.

"You know, just sometime . . . when you get the chance."

A bit of a smirk slid up then, along with a single eyebrow. "Sure."

My breath exhaled.

"You know, you don't have to be so nervous to ask me for something," he added assumingly.

I felt my face flush. Was I really that much of an open book to him? . . . It must make it awfully dull to be around me. . . .

I smiled, mostly because I couldn't help it, being uncomfortable. "Okay."

He went back to his writing casually.

I rolled my eyes and did the same.

Alright. Concentrate, Evelyn. Think about what's going on inside of you, focus on your hand, imagine conjuring the fire. My jaw tightened, all my muscles were tensed . . .


I sighed dejectedly. Since Ikovos had left, I'd been working on the same simple fire-spell. Thus far I hadn't even managed so much as a spark. I had no clue what time it was now . . . late. The sun had gone down forever ago, and the study was completely abandoned of boys. Dark, quiet, calm . . . the opposite of how I felt.

I let my hand fall, sighing again.

"You shouldn't get so upset every time." That was Jaden. He'd been studying so quietly that . . . well, that I should have forgotten he was there . . . but of course I hadn't . . .

He was still on the other couch, not looking up at me. I assumed he meant every time I failed the spell.

"Easy for you to say," I muttered. My patience was running low. "You probably did it like, what -your third try?"

He looked up. "First actually."

I tossed a hand. "Of course."

He made a pitying face, then set his notebook down. "Well I said I would help if you wanted me to."

I shrugged, somewhat angrily at first, but I was too disarmed by his soft demeanor to hold it. "You've told me everything I need to know at least a dozen times . . . and shown me. . . . I don't know what good it would do."

He leaned up, looking a little bothered that I would dare mention he wasn't of supreme use. "Are you doing everything the way I told you to?"

My brow furrowed. "Of course."

He looked unsatisfied. "Well . . . Try it and I'll watch you."

My eyes tightened. I didn't want to try and fail again under scrutiny, but his gaze was direct and his tone was all commandy.

I sighed, lifting up my eyes then turning them down to my hand.

It was flickering with shadows, barely visible in the firelight. I took a breath.

Okay, concentrate on- "Roll your fingers out straighter," said Jaden firmly.

"I was getting there," I noted, then turned back down, doing as he said.

Now, just imagine what the flame will look like in my han- "You don't have to close your eyes," he said.

I glanced up darkly. "Okay," I muttered, then turned back down, eyes open.

Just relax, Evelyn. Think about the fire, think about your thoughts . . .

"You still don't have them out all the way." Jaden reached his hand over to straighten my fingers.

As soon as he touched me, I pulled away.

He gave me a "what gives" face.

"I can't do it with you interrupting me every two seconds," I snapped, it was loud enough for the empty library to echo significantly. The fire seemed to shutter beside us.

"Do you want me to help you or not? You were doing it wrong."

I gave him a face. "I don't think stretching my fingers out an inch further is going to make a difference, I've seen you do it without even blinking."

He scoffed. "Yeah, well, you're not me."

My chest rose violently. "Obviously." Then I dropped my head into my hands.

"I give up. . . ."

After a moment I felt a body sit down on the couch. Jaden's voice came softly beside me. "Hey, I've seen what you can do, what you're capable of . . . you'll get this."

I sighed once, then turned my face up to him. His expression was severe. My heart started to beat off-kilter, but his stare was unflinching. He moved his eyes down and I followed them to my palm. Without a word he slid his hand under mine, cupping it gently.

I thought about asking him what he was doing, but the words wouldn't come out. My chest was rising heavily now, I couldn't even look up at him. His grip tightened. I could feel every finger . . . hard and rigid, course compared to mine.

Just when I thought I might lose it, I felt a warmth come from my palm, like it had originated within the hand itself.

The blood around it was rushing, hot, it was almost enough to make my whole body shiver. I narrowed my eyes on it . . . then, suddenly, a small violet flame sparked up above my palm.

Breath escaped me. It grew larger, turning pinkish at the tips. A fluttering smoke, but it glowed so brightly . . . the most magical thing I'd ever seen.

Then . . . just like that . . . it was gone.

My heart beat wildly. I was speechless.

Jaden slipped his hand away from mine and I began to trace the spot where the flame had lit.

"See. I told you coul-"

I flung my arms around his neck, interrupting his words. "Thank you, Jaden!"

His body constricted. It seemed my outburst surprised him. He wasn't the only one.

I let go quickly then he cleared his throat, leaning back straight.

"Yeah, well, I just . . ." His voice trailed awkwardly. I'm sure he wasn't a fan of the hug thing. I was too happy at the moment to let it get me down.

"So I really did it? That was really me?"

He smirked. "Yeah. It was you."

Excitement grew in my chest and I looked to the fireplace. I thought I might burst.

I turned back to him beaming. "Would I be able to do it without you?"

His smirk leveled a bit, something I couldn't read. "After you do it once, it's much easier to repeat. It's like that with most spells. . . ." His eyes fell for a moment, then lifted assuringly. "Anyways, you should be able to, yes."

I smiled, readjusting to face him. "But, why? . . ." My fingers lifted to my lips. "Why could I do it-"

"With me?" he finished.

My eyes held as my head bobbed up and down.

He let out a heavy sigh. The fire followed this, causing the whole room to flicker, but I was used to that . . .

"To be honest, I wasn't supposed to do that. . . ."