Ember. - Ember. Part 42

Ember. Part 42

My head tilted and he looked back up.

"The rule is, you have to let the person do it on their own. There aren't any side-effects or anything," he added quickly, "it's just . . . I guess it's a way of making sure the person is ready." His mouth lifted. "But don't worry, you were."

I smiled, though it was a little subdued. Something more was hitting me now. Something strong enough to overpower even my delight at using magic. My teeth clicked nervously.

"If, ah, well, if you can it'd be better if you didn't tell anyone," he said, eyes pinching a bit.

I nodded. "Of course . . ."

His smile returned.

I looked down at my hand. "But . . . Jaden?" My voice was soft. I lifted my eyes to his and leaned forward a bit. "If you aren't supposed to, if . . . if you could get in trouble . . ." his face narrowed ". . . Why did you do it?"

My heart beat furiously. He held my gaze without so much as a blink, only the fire stirred. It looked like there was much he might say, but maybe I was wrong.

His head turned, as the corners of his mouth tightened. In that moment, with the drawn expression and flickering, orange, shadows, he looked just like he had the night I'd first met him. All hard and indifferent, nothing sensitive or mindful of me, so far beyond me. . . .

My jaw tightened.

"It's late," he said. "I'd better go."

I looked down. "Yeah . . ." I guess that was my answer.

He looked back once, after getting up. "Congratulations, again. I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded, forcing a smile. Then he disappeared out of the room.

I turned back ahead, sighing slightly. Hmm. . . . Then my features lifted as I remembered what had just happened. This was no time for fretting. I leapt up, grinning and beginning to pace.

I did it! I can use magic! I can't believe I can actually use magic!

I paced around the table a few times then hopped back into the couch.

Through the rest of the night I worked on the spell, succeeding a handful of times in repeating it.

By the time I fell asleep the sky outside was turning blue. I never went back to study. Instead I just collapsed on the couch of the library.

"Evelyn, Evelyn! Wake up!"

My head pounded groggily. I brought a hand up to it.

"Evelyn, it's lunch already. You have to get up," sang the voice again.

I squinted my eyes open.

The bright light made my head hurt even worse. I saw the large fireplace first, then heard low murmurings. I looked around more to see that there were four boys crowded around me.

I leapt up onto the couch.

"Ah! You're awake." That was Nathan. He'd obviously been the one doing all the shouting. His face was bright, eyes almost pinched shut with a wide grin.

Trevor pushed him back. "Jeez, calm down, Nate. You're gonna scare her to death." The other boys nodded in agreeance, waving to me as I looked at them.

"Good morning, Evelyn," said Trevor.

I blinked, sinking down to sit. "Oh. Morning guys."

My head was pounding significantly at this point, but I was too concentrated now to care.

"Did you sleep here last night?" chimed Nathan.

Trevor gave him a sideways glance. "Course she did. Why else would she be here looking like that?"

I moved a hand up to my hair self-consciously.

"There are sweeter things to say to a lady in the morning, Trevor," said Ikovos, who'd walked up suddenly, lifting Trevor and swinging him around in the air.

Trevor struggled. "Ah!"

Nate and the other boys laughed.

Ikovos lowered him with a smile, then tousled Nathan's hair. "Now, why don't you guys get back to studying and let Evelyn wake up in peace."

They all nodded, happily waving to me.

When I watched them run off, I saw the tables were already filled already with dozens of boys. I ducked my head immediately behind the couch.

Ikovos laughed fully.

I looked back at him. He seemed light today, almost gleaming. But maybe it was just his clothes. The pants were pale tan rather than the usually dark leather, and his shirt was blue enough to match his eyes.

"Is it already that late?" I asked, wincing.

His grin spread. "Eleven-o'clock. Did you really sleep here?" He fell solidly into the couch.

I peeked over at the boys cautiously, then sat up straighter. Why was I here?. . .

Oh yeah!

"Ikovos!" I started, smiling wide. "I did it!"

He coked his head at me. "Did what?"

"Magic!" I beamed, leaning forward. "I did a spell."

He brightened immediately, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Really?! I knew you would get it! What did you do?"

I laughed, then bit my lip considering. "Ah, just the basic flame spell . . . It's the easiest I know, but-"

Ikovos shook his head. "No, that's amazing." He looked ahead. "You actually conjured fire. I can't believe it."

I smiled, tapping my feet happily.

"Was Jaden there?" he asked, looking back at me.

I tensed immediately. What was it that he told me to say? "Um . . . he . . ."

"Wait," interrupted Ikovos, eyebrows rising."What color was it? Was it the same as anyone else's?"

I thought about it, a little fluster by his many questions.

My head shook. "No . . . I don't think so. It was purple."

He grinned. "Purple, you like that color, don't you? That's great."

I nodded, joyous again, almost vibrating.

"Well, we have to celebrate!" he declared. "Remember I said I'd take you to the pool? It's a perfect day for it too."

I looked outside. The sun was bright . . . and the idea of swimming actually sounded wonderful.

"Okay!" I smiled.

"Great, it'll be a blast."

"What will?" asked a high voice. It was Nathan. Trevor stood beside him.

"Ah . . ." Ikovos scratched the back of his head for a second, then grinned, abandoning. "We're going to the pool to swim."

Nathan's eyes got wide. "Wow, really? Can I come?"

Trevor knocked the back of his head. "Of course not. Evelyn and Ikovos are going, it's obviously for older kids. . . ."

Nate frowned. It was heart-wrenching. Even Trevor looked glum.

Ikovos lifted his shoulders. "Well, I don't care if you guys wanna come . . . As long as it's alright with Evelyn."

He gestured to me and the gaze of both boys followed.

"Of course!" I said without hesitation.

Nathan practically jumped three feet. "This, is, awesome!"

Trevor nudged him, I could see his excitement despite the cool veneer. "Come on, Nate, let's go get our stuff ready."

Ikovos stopped them. "Hey, but don't go telling the whole world, okay. The pool is only so big."

They both smiled coyly. "For sure," said Trevor, and then they were off.

Ikovos turned back to me. "Wow. I still can't believe you did it."

I warmed with delight.

"I'd ask you to show me, but . . ." he nodded his head around ". . . I think it might draw too much attention."

I glanced around as well.

I wonder if I'll be keeping it a secret. . . .

Ikovos stood up, rubbing his hands together. "Well, I'm gonna go let the Masters know, and also get permission for us to go to the pool."

"What's the occasion?" The voice made my skin shiver. Jaden sunk casually onto the couch. "You sure look happy this morning," he added, nodding to Ikovos.

The blond boy smiled. "With good reason. Evelyn did a spell."

I stuttered, unsure of the plan.

Jaden's eyes moved over to me. "Is that so?"

I guess we were just omitting everything.

Ikovos nodded for me. "Yeah, a flame spell too."

I blushed. Jaden just kept staring.

"Well, don't get too excited or anything," snorted Ikovos sarcastically.

Jaden eyed him, then turned to his book. Even if he was just playing it cool, he seemed to be awfully indifferent of the achievement Ikovos shook his head disapprovingly. "Don't let him fool you, Evelyn. He's just upset that he wasn't there when you did it."

My eyes widened internally, but I remained calm on the surface.

Jaden played it flawlessly, looking at the other boy as if it was the most preposterous thing he'd ever heard.

Ikovos paid no attention, gazing off and shaking his head wistfully. "I'm glad too, for a while I thought he was gonna give in and help you do the spell himself."

My eyes darted over to Jaden. He scoffed, retaining the skeptical glare.

"When have I ever done that?" His voice was incredulous.

Ikovos looked back at him with a coy smirk. "Never. But this is different."

Jaden's jaw clenched.

My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Anyways," declared Ikovos. "We're going to the pool now to celebrate. You have to come with."