Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 399

Chapter 399

Chapter 397 Tang San's petty tricks were discovered

Xiao Wu slandered Zhu Zhuqing without restraint, and Dai Mubai next to him also heard it, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with Xiao Wu's words.

After all, he also believes that Zhu Zhuqing and the twin sisters are the same kind of people, and they are all sold out.

When Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing clashed with Xiao Wu.

Dai Mubai stood by and watched, not planning to intervene.

After all, he was quite annoyed by being rejected by Zhu Zhuqing and Ye Qifeng one after another, so he could use Xiao Wu's hand to teach these two ignorant guys a good lesson.

Of course, the top-notch girl he has his eyes on won't hurt her. At the critical moment, he will make a move, stage a scene of a hero saving the beauty, and then...hehe.

As for the other little boy, let Xiao Wu deal with it.

Dai Mubai thought very well, and was also very beautiful.

But what happened next surprised him, and made him furious.

Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing had just finished speaking.

The bad-tempered rogue, Tu Xiaowu, took the lead.

I saw that the soles of her feet exerted force instantly, and with a kick, she jumped in the direction of Ye Qifeng.

Rogue Rabbit's character is rascal and irritable. Before the battle, she always despises each other's name, martial spirit and level.

Rules are nothing to her.

Xiao Wu's speed was extremely fast, and the distance of more than ten meters was reached in an instant.

With a flick of the rabbit's leg, his body leaped more than one meter into the air, and kicked at the position where Ye Qifeng's waist and kidneys were.

Seeing the rogue rabbit kicking towards him, Ye Qifeng didn't flicker, with a faint smile on his face, he didn't care about her attack at all.

Ye Qifeng's calm and fearless appearance, in Xiao Wu's eyes, was pure provocation. When she got angry, the strength on her feet increased a little, and the speed of waving the rabbit's legs also increased instantly. big.

However, her attack failed.

A black shadow appeared in front of Ye Qifeng, blocked her attack, and pinched her ankle with one hand.

It was Zhu Zhuqing.

"It's you?"

Xiao Wuxiu frowned slightly, a little surprised.

"I'll fight you!"

Zhu Zhuqing said in a cold voice, looking at Xiao Wu, as if looking at a dead person.

"So you are also a soul master?"

Xiao Wu felt a wave of soul power from Zhu Zhuqing.

But she was very upset, especially the way Zhu Zhuqing looked at her, which made her feel a cold killing intent, which made her hair stand on end.

Xiao Wu's slender little rabbit waist immediately twisted, exerted force on her leg, and pulled her ankle out of Zhu Zhuqingyu's hand, then quickly kicked her legs back to create a distance.

Zhu Zhuqing also let go of his hand.

Brother Ye said that the dead rabbit in front of him is good at physical and soft skills, and every part of his body can be used as a weapon to perform soft skills.

Pinching her ankle, it seems to have captured her, but in fact, she might use it in reverse, close to and wrap around her upper body, and restrain herself.

"You'd better take back those words just now, and then apologize to me."

Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

"Apologize? Hehe, my little sister Wu never apologizes, let alone a stinky woman like you. If you have the guts to have a room with a man, why don't others say it. I just said it, what's wrong? Hmph, Shameless stinky woman, if you want to beat her, hit her quickly."

The rogue rabbit's mouth still smells the same.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became even colder. He originally wanted to give her a chance, but it seemed a bit redundant, so let's just tear her mouth apart.

Afterwards, Zhu Zhuqing didn't say any more, and immediately released his martial soul, and at the same time began to possess his body.

The martial soul possession was completed in an instant, and Zhu Zhuqing's form changed accordingly.

She flicked the ten fingers of both hands, and sharp claws like thorns came out. A pair of cute cat ears quietly stood up on her head, and her eyes also changed color at the same time. The left eye was dark green, and the right eye was blue. A humanoid civet.

at the same time.

Accompanied by the cold and sharp breath of soul power, two bright yellow soul rings appeared under Zhu Zhuqing's feet at the same time, rising one after another, lingering around his body, moving slowly.

Zhu Zhuqing lowered his body slightly, his dark green and orange blue eyes stared at Xiao Wu coldly, as if looking at his own prey.

Immediately afterwards, her delicate body suddenly jumped up, and with a series of phantoms, she rushed towards Xiao Wu from the front.

"Xiao Wu, be careful!"

Zhu Zhuqing's attack was very sudden and fast, Tang San saw it, and immediately called out to remind him.

Xiao Wu was taken aback. She didn't expect that this big-breasted stinking woman was also a second-ring soul master just like her.

She hastily summoned her own Martial Soul Soft Bone Rabbit, and at the same time possessed the Martial Soul, transforming into a humanoid rabbit.

Two circles of soul rings with the same yellow color also quickly appeared under her feet, floating on her body, centered on herself, fluctuating up and down.

It doesn't take much time to summon martial souls, soul rings, and martial soul possessions, and it can be completed in a matter of seconds.

But when Xiao Wu finished these preparations, Zhu Zhuqing's sharp attack had already arrived in front of her.

Facing Zhu Zhuqing's ferocious claw attack, although Xiao Wu was taken aback, her combat awareness was pretty good, and she was soon ready to meet the attack, even to counterattack.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws attacking her face, Xiao Wu didn't panic, even the corner of her mouth curled into a sly arc.

She intends to take advantage of the fact that the opponent doesn't know that she is good at close combat, first let the opponent approach her, and then catch her by surprise, using soft skills to slam the opponent hard.

This trick, she tried repeatedly.

In the past few years, she has never missed a shot, like her younger brothers at Notting College, that's how she subdued her.

Xiao Wu's idea is very good, but Zhu Zhuqing has already learned about all her abilities from Ye Qifeng, so how could she give her a chance to get close.

I saw that just as Xiao Wu was about to wrap her hands around Zhu Zhuqing's arm and even go up with her, Zhu Zhuqing's figure suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes.

"Huh? People?"

The grabbing action failed, Xiao Wu was obviously stunned for a moment, what she encountered was actually just an afterimage.

"Not good, I fell for it."

Xiao Wu secretly said "Oops", and quickly turned her head to look for Zhu Zhuqing's figure.

"Xiao Wu, she is behind, get out of the way!"

Just at this time, Tang San's prompt came from outside the arena.

The moment Tang San's voice came, Xiao Wu also noticed a sudden burst of icy and sharp soul power breath behind him, bringing people a dangerous feeling like suffocation.

Seizing the opportunity of Xiao Wu's slight stupor, Zhu Zhuqing's first soul skill, Nether Thrust, was activated instantly.

The first soul ring on his body suddenly shone brightly.

In the air, the sharp claws in Zhu Zhuqing's hand suddenly stretched out, the speed doubled in an instant, and pierced directly towards Xiao Wu's back.

Sensing danger, Xiao Wu hastily followed Tang San's prompt, bent her legs and flicked, and moved sideways.

Fortunately, she is a rabbit, her legs are extremely strong, and any rabbit can jump far away by kicking her legs.

When there was no time to kick his legs, he led Xiao Wu's body out of Zhu Zhuqing's attack range.

The sharp claws pierced through the air, almost sliding across Xiao Wu's body.

"So fast."

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing flashing away from her side with sharp claws, at this moment, Xiao Wu finally realized that the opponent's strength did not seem to be inferior to hers.

"Xiao Wu, be careful, the other party is an agility attack system soul master, and his speed is no weaker than yours, so go all out."

At this moment, Tang San's voice sounded again in the arena.

At this moment, Tang San had already displayed the unique technique of Tang Sect that he had masteredthe eye training method Ziji Demon Eyes, his eyes were covered with a layer of purple, staring closely at Zhu Zhuqing on the field, turning around with her figure.

Zhu Zhuqing's speed is extremely fast, in the eyes of ordinary soul masters, her figure is difficult to distinguish, but Tang San has the purple magic pupil, but he can see clearly.

It is precisely because of this that he can see Zhu Zhuqing's real body, see her attack methods, and recognize her as an agility attack system soul master who takes the agility attack route.

Then tell Xiao Wu all the information.

"It turned out to be an agility attack system soul master, no wonder the speed is so fast, ah, I remembered, your martial soul is a ghost civet, right?"

Hearing Tang San's words, Xiao Wu suddenly realized.

In Xiao Wu's impression.

Ghost civets are rare in the Star Dou Great Forest, and she hasn't seen them many times in her long years, so she didn't recognize them at first.

The ghost civet is a high-level soul beast. Its front claws are extremely sharp and can cut gold and silver. It is good at speed. It moves like a ghost and is as agile as a cat. It is especially good at sneak attacks.

The Nether Civet, as a martial soul embodied in human beings, naturally inherits all the advantages of the Nether Civet, and is a natural agility attack system soul master.


Listening to Tang San's advice to Xiao Wu outside the arena, Zhu Zhuqing frowned suddenly, the disdain in her eyes was undisguised.

Interfering with and influencing the battle between the two sides is a taboo in the world of soul masters, a shameful behavior, and must be despised by others.

I didn't expect that guy in blue clothes to be so shameless, his heart was as ugly as his appearance, no wonder he mixed with this dead rabbit, they were all the same.

No rules, no credit at all.

Tang San, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, didn't think it was shameful to do so.

After all, what he did was for Xiao Wu's safety, as long as he was thinking about Xiao Wu, then it was right, there was nothing wrong with it, and there was nothing shameful about it.

He has a clear conscience and a clear conscience.

"Who is shameless? You are shameless! Your whole family is shameless!"

The rogue rabbit Xiaowu also didn't feel ashamed, instead his mouth became foul:

"There is no rule in the battle that others cannot speak. Xiao San can see through your speed and attack. That is his ability."

"If you have the ability, you can ask that little boy to help you."

Zhu Zhuqing stopped talking, he didn't want to talk nonsense with this unqualified dead rabbit, he just wanted to tear her mouth open.

But when she heard her insulting Ye Qifeng as a boy, the murderous look and anger in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes became even more intense, almost overflowing his eye sockets.

Then the attacks launched were more frequent and more violent.

The next moment, the two were tossing and turning in the lobby of the Rose Hotel.

One attacked frantically, while the other dodged in embarrassment.

Zhu Zhuqing's attacks did not show any mercy, all moves were aimed at Xiao Wu's vital points, and many of the moves were aimed at Xiao Wu's face.

It seems that she wants to fulfill what she saidto tear her mouth apart.

As for the rogue Tu Xiaowu, although he recognized Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit after Tang San's reminder, he didn't know Zhu Zhuqing's attack method.

But Zhu Zhuqing is aware of all her abilities.

Responding to Zhu Zhuqing's attack, Xiao Wu suddenly struggled a bit, and every time she narrowly avoided it.

The Rogue Rabbit is very anxious, but helpless.

She wanted to try to rely on Zhu Zhuqing's speed not weaker than Zhu Zhuqing, to get close to Zhu Zhuqing's side, and find opportunities to display soft skills.

However, Zhu Zhuqing didn't give her this opportunity.

Every time she gets close to Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing will rely on her stronger reaction and agility than her to dodge her soft skills attacks flexibly.

Her soft skills can't be used at all, let alone release the first soul skill Waist Bow and the innate soul skill Eight-Dan Fall.

Unable to get close to Zhu Zhuqing's Xiao Wu, she could only passively accept the move and dodge.

If it wasn't for Tang San's reminder from the sidelines to help her cheat, I'm afraid Zhu Zhuqing would have scratched her face with a paw, how could she persist for so long.

But even so, Xiao Wu gradually struggled more and more, and soon showed signs of defeat.

Seeing that Xiao Wu was about to lose, Tang San, who had been guiding Xiao Wu from the sidelines all the time, his eyes flashed, his right hand quietly turned into a lustrous jade white, and he sneaked towards the "Twenty-Four Bridges of Bright Moon" at his waist. night".

Touching lightly on one of the jade pieces on the belt, in the gap between the index finger and **** of Tang San's right hand, a slender iron nail appeared in the blink of an eye.

The iron nail was one inch and three minutes long, with a triangular body, sandwiched between Tang San's fingers, it was barely visible and undetectable.

Slender iron nails are a common type of hidden weapon, called bone-penetrating nails.

Bone-penetrating nails are usually launched by a machine spring, and can also be thrown with strong hand force.

"Hehe, Tang San is really pure and pure, he likes to do this kind of little trick."

Ye Qifeng, who has been paying attention to him all the time, can see Tang San's small movements.

"What do you want to do?"

Just when Tang San took out a bone-piercing nail and was about to throw it out secretly with the trick of Tangmen's unique hidden weapon, Ye Qifeng's warm but cold voice suddenly rang in his ears .

This voice is not loud, but it is close to the ear.

"When did he come to me? I didn't even notice it? This not as ordinary as he appears on the surface, very strong!"

Tang San's pupils widened suddenly, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, he subconsciously stepped on the shadow of a ghost, and took a few small steps, away from the figure that quietly appeared beside him.

However, Tang San didn't get what he wanted.

Although he appeared a few meters away as if he had teleported, the figure that suddenly appeared still followed like a shadow, and he was not pulled away by him.

Tang San was about to step on the ghost shadow fascination technique again, suddenly, there was a muffled bang, his lower abdomen was struck by lightning.

Ye Qifeng punched him hard in the stomach.

A sharp pain came, Tang San's eyes bulged, all the strength in his body was vented instantly, and he fell to his knees powerlessly, bent at ninety degrees, clutching his stomach and spitting out acidic water.

Before Tang San could react, Ye Qifeng grabbed his jade-white right hand again, and then squeezed hard.

Tang San only felt an irresistible force coming from his palm, squeezing his hand creakingly, accompanied by a sharp pain.

Even his Xuanyu hand couldn't resist it.


The old pain did not go away, and new pain was added, Tang San couldn't help but let out a scream.

Ye Qifeng turned a deaf ear to Tang San's screams, and directly opened his index finger and middle finger:

"Come on, let me see, what are you holding in your hand?"

(end of this chapter)