Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 400

Chapter 400

Chapter 398 Shoot the rogue rabbit to the floor

"Not good, it was discovered."

Seeing the bone-penetrating nail being taken away between his fingers, Tang San, who was screaming in pain, suddenly shuddered.

"Are you planning to intervene in the battle between them?"

Ye Qifeng held the penetrating nail in his hand, pointed to Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu who were fighting in the center of the hotel lobby, squinted his eyes and asked knowingly.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Tang San endured the severe pain in his stomach and right hand, and directly pretended to be confused and denied it.

"Then what do you say this is?"

Ye Qifeng shook the bone-penetrating nail in his hand.

"Just an ordinary nail,"

Tang San's eyes flickered, he gritted his teeth and argued.

"Oh, it's just an ordinary nail."

Ye Qifeng pretended to be surprised, as if he had believed Tang San's words, but the next moment, he changed the subject:

"Tell me, what do you think will happen if this nail hits that little rabbit?"

"you dare!"

Tang San's face suddenly turned ferocious.

"Do you think I dare?"

Looking at the ferocious Tang San, Ye Qifeng smiled slightly, with an intriguing expression on his face.

"Little three?!"

Hearing Tang San's sudden scream, Xiao Wu, who was struggling to resist Zhu Zhuqing's attack, subconsciously looked in Tang San's direction.

Then she saw a scene that surprised and angered her.

I saw the third elder brother who said he would protect her for the rest of his life, and at this moment, being pinched by the little boy in her mouth, he knelt down on the ground with his hands pinched, his face full of pain.

Following a certain hidden sword-shaped imprint in her heart suddenly flickered, Xiao Wu was furious, and she was about to leave Zhu Zhuqing immediately and go to rescue Tang San.

"Do you still dare to be distracted while fighting with me? Are you looking down on me?"

Zhu Zhuqing smiled coldly, just now he asked Brother Ye to help me too, why, now that Brother Ye has made a move, you can't sit still?

Want to rescue that ugly thing? Think beautifully.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't have the slightest liking for Xiao Wu, the foul-mouthed and shameless rogue rabbit.

Taking advantage of Xiao Wu's distraction to pay attention to Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing directly launched the second soul skill, Nether Hundred Claws, aimed at Xiao Wu's face, hundreds of claw strikes, almost tearing her mouth apart.

If it wasn't for Xiao Wu's timely response to avoid the attack of the Nether Hundred Claws, his entire face would probably be scratched to pieces.

But even so, due to distraction, Xiao Wu was stabbed and scratched severely by Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws on the back, and his skin was ripped apart and blood spattered.

Xiao Wu snorted.

But she didn't care about it, instead, with the help of Zhu Zhuqing's attack force, while opening the distance, she rushed towards the direction where Ye Qifeng and Tang San were.

Xiao Wu's speed was so fast that even Zhu Zhuqing didn't react, she broke away from the battle, her body was like an arrow off the string, and shot towards Ye Qifeng who was holding Tang San's right hand.

Xiao Wu left Zhu Zhuqing aside and attacked her side, and Ye Qifeng, who had a keen sense, naturally noticed it too.

Seeing Xiao Wu rushing towards him, he didn't dodge, instead he continued to grab Tang San's right hand, showing no intention of letting go, and even increased the strength in his hand, making Tang San in pain and sweating.

As for Xiao Wu's attack, Ye Qifeng didn't take it seriously.

As early as three years ago, he was already a soul emperor. Now three years have passed, and his soul power level has been cultivated to level 72. He is a powerful soul saint with a real body of a martial soul.

Although his body doesn't look strong, his strength is not even weaker than that of the Contra level.

Xiao Wu's attack did not pose any threat to him at all.

Facing Ye Qifeng's unwavering attitude, Xiao Wu naturally wouldn't let go of such an opportunity.

Pat, clack!

Two muffled sounds sounded one after another, and Xiao Wu's feet accurately kicked Ye Qifeng's waist from the side.

But Ye Qifeng's body remained motionless, he didn't even shake, the corner of his mouth curled up, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked at her indifferently:

"Little bunny, are you tickling me?"

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, tickling? Then let you taste the strength of my waist bow.

Thoughts flowed quickly, and the first soul ring on her body suddenly flashed.

The first soul skill, waist bow, is activated.

Xiao Wu's feet seemed to be glued to Ye Qifeng's waist, her toes suddenly retracted, and she stepped heavily on Ye Qifeng's waist.

Immediately afterwards, she grabbed Ye Qifeng's shoulders with both hands, twisted her delicate body with all her strength, and turned in the air, trying to instantly increase her waist strength by 100%, and throw Ye Qifeng out.

However, to Xiao Wu's surprise, her waist bow couldn't work, it couldn't carry Ye Qifeng's body at all, and she couldn't even move him at all.

"This is a monster, right? Why can't it move?"

Xiao Wu grabbed Ye Qifeng's shoulders with both hands, stepped on Ye Qifeng's waist with both feet, half hung on Ye Qifeng's body, and was stunned for a moment.

"Dead rabbit, don't move on me!"

Looking at Xiao Wu who was half hanging on his body, Ye Qifeng frowned, his face full of disgust, he reached out his hand like lightning, grabbed her neck, and tore her off her body.

Being strangled by Ye Qifeng, Xiao Wu had difficulty breathing, her face flushed, she subconsciously struggled and kicked, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration, remembering that she still had something she could use.

She also had the silent sleeve arrow given by Tang San, which could kill people invisible.

"Go to **** you!"

Xiao Wu immediately raised her left hand, aimed at Ye Qifeng's face, activated the switch of the silent sleeve arrow, and shot out all three poisoned arrows inside.

However, Ye Qifeng had expected it a long time ago. The moment Xiao Wu raised his left hand, he tilted his head and easily dodged the three poisonous arrows.

Seeing this, Xiao Wu was dumbfounded again.

Under the gaze of her bewildered eyes, Ye Qifeng grabbed her left hand, flicked his fingers repeatedly, and took off the silent sleeve arrow on her wrist in the blink of an eye.

"This thing is mine."

Ye Qifeng smiled slightly, flipped his wrist, put away the silent sleeve arrow, and then looked at Xiao Wu:

"Next, how should I take care of you?"

At this moment, Ye Qifeng suddenly felt a tightness in his body.

The vines full of spikes grew crazily from the ground under his feet, and quickly wound up, wrapping his body and binding his arms and legs.

But in an instant, Ye Qifeng's whole body was wrapped tightly.

It was Tang San who did it, and the vines that bound Ye Qifeng were his spirit, Blue Silver Grass.

When Ye Qifeng dealt with the rogue Tu Xiaowu just now, he had loosened his control over Tang San, allowing him to regain his freedom and display his martial spirit.

"Let go of Xiao Wu!"

Tang San's cold voice suddenly sounded behind Ye Qifeng.

Restrained by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, Ye Qifeng didn't panic at all, after hearing Tang San's words, he just replied to him in a flat tone:

"Okay, then you have to pick it up."

The words just fell.

There was a muffled sound.

I don't know what method Ye Qifeng used, the blue and silver vines wrapped around his body were broken at the same time and scattered in all directions.

Then, he grabbed Xiao Wu, turned around, and threw her towards Tang San.

The Blue Silver Grass was completely shattered, the damage received by the Wuhun instantly reflected on his body, Tang San's face turned pale, but he didn't care so much, he jumped up hastily, catching Xiao Wu who was thrown over.

But the force from Xiao Wu's body was unexpectedly strong, and even brought Tang San himself flying backwards.

Finally, they hit a pillar in the lobby of the Rose Hotel and slid to the ground.

The two hummed in unison.

"Ahem, Xiao Wu, how are you?"

Tang San hugged Xiao Wu's delicate body as soft as cotton, ignoring his injuries, coughed twice, and immediately asked anxiously.

"I'm fine."

Xiao Wu took a few breaths violently, calmed down, and then responded.

Then, she spoke very fast:

"Little San, he took my sleeve arrow away, quickly help me get it back."

Tang San nodded gloomyly upon hearing this:

"Good! Xiao Wu, this person is very strong, let's go together."

Up until now, he didn't know how strong the opponent was, but judging by the age of the opponent, it seemed that he was on the same level as Dai Mubai, and his strength was not much different after all.

If he is only similar to Dai Mubai, then he is 70% sure that he can kill him.

Adding Xiao Wu, if the two of them attack together, then he has absolute confidence that he can take the opponent's life.

Dare to hurt Xiao Wu, this person already has the means of death, death is not a pity.

"No matter how strong he is, if he dares to steal my things, he will have to pay the price!"

Xiao Wu is so angry that her lungs are going to explode now, when has she ever been wronged like this, if she doesn't beat the other party to death, she doesn't need to call Miss Xiao Wu anymore.

Seeing that Tang San and Xiao Wu are going to join forces to deal with Ye Qifeng.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was chasing after Xiao Wu's figure, was about to rush forward to help Ye Qifeng share an opponent.

But Ye Qifeng waved at her and stopped her:

"It's okay, Zhuqing, as long as you watch from the side, I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay, Brother Ye."

Hearing the words, Zhu Zhuqing immediately stopped, retracted his martial spirit, and obediently stood aside.

"Little San, do it!"

After dropping a sentence, the irritable rogue Tu Xiaowu immediately kicked his feet and shot towards Ye Qifeng, aiming at his waist and kidneys with all his strength.

Tang San sighed helplessly.

Originally, I simply discussed tactics with Xiao Wu.

But at this time Xiao Wu was obviously in a state of rage, and couldn't listen to anything at all, and rushed out before he could speak.

However, the impact is not significant.

Anyway, he and Xiao Wu have formed a tacit understanding, just follow the usual practice.

Xiao Wu is responsible for the main attack, and he is responsible for the control and auxiliary attack.

With certainty in mind, Tang San hurriedly followed Xiao Wu's attack rhythm, dark blue light surged in his hand, a cluster of blue silver grass suddenly grew out of his palm, spreading towards the opponent, controlling and restricting the opponent's attack, while assisting Xiao Wu launched a frontal attack.

Tang San's spirit power was actually not much, and it would bottom out soon, unable to support him to use his spirit skills a few times.

But for now, Martial Soul and Soul Technique are not his biggest reliance and means.

His biggest hole card is his hidden weapon and poison.

If he and Xiao Wu can't take down the opponent together, then he will use the hidden weapons and poisons that he has forged and refined in the past few years.

Tang San carefully went through the next means and process of confronting the enemy in his mind.

At this moment, Xiao Wu had already rushed in front of Ye Qifeng, kicked him on the waist again, and climbed up.

She wants to use her strongest attack method, which is the innate soul skill-eight-step throw.

It's just that she needs Tang San to buy time for her to gather her spirit power, otherwise all talk will cease.

But will Ye Qifeng give her a chance?

of course not.

So, next.

A scene happened that both Xiao Wu and Tang San didn't expect.

"I said, don't move on me, why don't you listen?"

Looking at the rogue rabbit hanging on her body again, Ye Qifeng was expressionless, and slapped her on the back of the head like a fly.


There was a muffled sound.

Before Xiao Wu could react, a huge force came from the back of her head, and the next moment, she was lying on the floor with her face on the ground.

Didn't even have time to let out a scream.

The floor paved with stone tiles in the lobby of the Rose Hotel was instantly smashed and cracked, and large cobweb-like cracks spread outward from Xiao Wu's body as the center.

The hotel lobby was suddenly quiet, and Yaque was silent.

Ye Qifeng's face remained unchanged, and he shook his hand casually, as if what he just slapped was really just a fly, not a rabbit.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was watching from the side, had a pair of beautiful black eyes slightly widened, and the eyes were shining brightly, as if there was a light of worship growing in them, and he felt a strong sense of relief in his heart.

"Xiao Wu."

And Tang San was stunned, with an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he couldn't believe what happened before him.

"Bastard, how dare you hurt Xiao Wu?"

Looking at Xiao Wu lying motionless on the floor, Tang San's eye circles instantly turned red.

"Ah, yes, yes, I beat you, what's the matter? I warned her just now, who told her to be disobedient?"

Ye Qifeng tilted his head to look at him, his tone was very flat, but he didn't deserve a beating.

"you you you!"

Tang San's breathing became rapid, his tone was gloomy and cold, and he gritted his teeth one after another.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ye Qifeng smiled faintly, as if deliberately teasing Tang San's sensitive nerves.

"I am going to kill you!"

Tang San finally roared out.

Ye Qifeng laughed suddenly, yes, that's it.

Quickly take out all your hidden weapons, and let me see if there are any good things.

Since you have already made the Xiujian, I wonder if you have made the Godly Zhuge Crossbow?

There are also hidden weapons such as insinuations, tight-backed crossbows, flying claws, etc.

Well, judging from the original development of fate, Tang San seems to have only two kinds of hidden weapons in his hands, the sleeve arrow and the Godly Zhuge crossbow.

Tangmen's top school Xuantian Baolu Hidden Weapons Hundred Explanations, it seems that only these two types of hidden weapons are relatively easy to make, and the requirements for craftsmen and materials are not high.

As for other mechanical hidden weapons, either the materials are expensive and difficult to find, or the production process is complicated. For Tang San, who is still a poor guy, he simply doesn't have the ability to build and produce.

However, the sleeve arrow and the Godly Zhuge Crossbow are enough for the time being.

These two mechanical hidden weapons do not require soul power to drive them, and are very suitable for ordinary legions, especially the Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

Sleeve arrows are more suitable for individual combat, but the Zhuge Godly Crossbow is different. It can be deployed by the entire army and act as a big killer for ordinary legions to harvest the enemy's vital forces.

The most important thing is that the Godly Zhuge Crossbow can also be improved to increase the range and power, and increase the types of functions. Well, there is no rush for these, and it will be fine to leave it to Lou Gao and the others to study slowly.

Let's get the Godly Zhuge Crossbow first.

Now that he has got a sleeve arrow, he still needs a Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

Tang San, don't let me down!

(end of this chapter)