Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall - Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Chapter 396 Zhu Zhuqing: I want to tear her mouth apart!

Ye Qifeng's voice is very pleasant, full of magnetism, but very cold, revealing a sense of threat.

He also deliberately emphasized the words "rabbit" and "being a man".

Hearing Ye Qifeng's threatening words, Xiao Wu's eyes trembled, her heart trembled, and she felt as if she had been seen through by the other party.

She shrank her neck, and subconsciously hid behind Tang San.

"Why did he say I was a rabbit? Why did he teach me to be a human? Has he discovered my true identity? Knowing that I am a soul beast?"

Xiao Wu hid behind Tang San, her eyes became extremely frightened, her hands held her head, her body trembled after rinsing.

But after a while, she suppressed the fear in her heart, and suddenly denied herself again:

"No, it's impossible. I hide it very well. No one knows that I am a human being transformed from a soul beast."

"Besides, he doesn't have a Title Douluo-level cultivation, so he can't see through my body at all. He is so young, how could he be a Title Douluo-level powerhouse."

"Then why did he say that? Am I thinking too much?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Wu became suspicious again, and the next moment, her eyes lit up:

"Maybe he didn't even know that I was a human being transformed from a soul beast, it was just a mistake."

"Well, by the way, I was possessed by a martial spirit just now, so he should have seen me, that's why he called me a rabbit and wanted to teach me how to be a human being"

After the thoughts quickly circulated in her mind, Xiao Wu sneaked her head out from behind Tang San, and looked at Ye Qifeng on the opposite side.

Sure enough, I saw the funny expression on his face.

"Damn it! He tricked me."

The rascal Tu Xiaowu was immediately annoyed, jumped out from behind Tang San, jumped out again, stretched out a finger, pointed at Ye Qifeng from a distance, and shouted arrogantly:

"Little boy, you dare to threaten me? I will kill you!"

"Little boy?"

Ye Qifeng froze for a moment.

There were times when he was called a little boy?

Subconsciously touched his cheek, well, the skin is smooth and delicate, much better than that of the Blue Star period, coupled with the handsome appearance, it does look a bit like a cheesy face.

Ye Qifeng laughed:

"Oh, how are you going to kill me?"

"Of course it is this."

Xiao Wu clenched her fists and said with fierce eyes.

Immediately, she bowed slightly, bent her legs backwards, and made a precursory posture of a rabbit kicking her legs, and was about to rush forward to beat Ye Qifeng on the opposite side.

"Xiao Wu."

At this time, Tang San suddenly spoke.

He grabbed Xiao Wu's shoulder and stopped her.

Tang San's face was ugly, even uglier than Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu was threatened, he was threatened, and he was killed.

Thus, anyone who threatens Xiao Wu has a way of taking death, and must die.

Xiao Wu suddenly turned her head, looked at Tang San, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Little San, you heard it too, he threatened me just now! Don't stop me! I'm going to kill him!"

Tang San slowly shook his head:

"Xiao Wu, as I said, I will protect you forever."

"Let me do it."

He didn't want Xiao Wu to make a move.

Because he didn't know the opponent's depth and strength, he was afraid that Xiao Wu would be hurt.

In addition, since the opponent dared to threaten Xiao Wu, he already had a way to kill him, but he didn't want Xiao Wu to be stained with blood, so he had to do it himself.

He will do his best to make the other party pay the price, the price of life.

Tang San is very confident, thinking he has this ability.

Hearing Tang San say "I will protect you forever", the angry expression on Xiao Wu's face froze for a moment, and she glanced at Tang San.

Seeing Tang San's pale face, she suddenly felt distressed, and the sword-shaped imprint hidden in her heart also throbbed.

Staring at Tang San's pale face, Xiao Wu's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and she suddenly said firmly:

"Little San, you just fought with Dai Mubai, your soul power was consumed a lot, and you haven't recovered yet, you should take a rest first, this time I'll take care of it myself."

Tang San opened his mouth, wanting to say more, but Xiao Wu got impatient:

"Oh, Xiaosan, can you leave me alone, walking from Notting City to Soto City, you are the one who takes action when encountering anything, and I have no chance to do so."

"I've been suffocated a long time ago."

"I have to let me do it myself this time, don't talk too much, otherwise I will ignore you in the future, hum!"

The rogue rabbit has an irritable temper, and she is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Now she realizes that she has been tricked. If she doesn't find the place herself and punish the other party, how can she relieve her anger.

"Oh well."

Talking about this point, Tang San had no choice but to agree to Xiao Wu's request, but worried about Xiao Wu's safety, he couldn't help asking:

"You must be careful."

"Don't worry, little San, you just stand by and watch how I show my power."

Xiao Wu waved her hands carelessly, then snorted viciously:

"How dare you threaten me? I have never been insulted like this before!"

"This time, I will definitely make that couple look good. If you don't fight, you won't even know them, so I won't call you Miss Xiaowu."

Tang San was worried, and asked again:

"Xiao Wu, it doesn't matter if you hit hard, you can use that thing when necessary."

"That thing?"

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up.

Almost forgot, she also had the silent sleeve arrow given by Tang San.

The Silent Hidden Arrow is a kind of mechanical concealed weapon, and also a sharp weapon for killing. When it is fired, it is silent and silent, and it can kill people by surprise.

Xiao Wu couldn't be more aware of the power of the silent sleeve arrow, after all, she has tried it countless times.

Facing the silent sleeve arrow, if you don't take precautions in advance, you will easily lose your life.

Anyway, she is not sure of escape.

Looking at Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing on the opposite side, Xiao Wu touched the sleeve arrow worn on her left arm, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on her face:

"I'll let you all know what it means to kill someone invisible, hehe."

When Tang San and Xiao Wu were thinking about how to deal with Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing.

Ye Qifeng and Zhu Zhuqing here are also talking in low voices.

"Brother Ye, can I make a move? I want to tear her mouth apart."

Looking at the rascal Tu Xiaowu on the opposite side who was ready to move, Zhu Zhuqing, whose face was extremely cold, turned to look at Ye Qifeng.

Ye Qifeng glanced at Zhu Zhuqing, seeing her murderous look, nodded with a smile:

"Just do what you want, don't worry too much."

"However. You come here first, and I will tell you some things you need to pay attention to."

Ye Qifeng waved to Zhu Zhuqing while talking.

Zhu Zhuqing heard the words, and walked obediently to his side.

Ye Qifeng leaned close to Zhu Zhuqing's ear, and said to her in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"Zhuqing, let me tell you the basic information about the dead rabbit, please remember."

"The body spirit of the dead rabbit is a soft bone rabbit, good at physical skills and soft skills, and relatively strong in melee combat."

"So remember, don't entangle with it in melee combat, so you are very likely to suffer."

"In addition, her first soul skill is called Waist Bow, which is a soul skill with both attack and boost."

"When the waist bow is activated, it can instantly enhance one's own waist strength by 100%, increase toughness by 50%, and then send a powerful kick to the enemy's waist."

"This soul skill, after the tenth level of soul power, every time it increases by one level, the effect of the increase will increase by one percent."

"The dead rabbit's soul power level is now level 29, so when she uses the waist bow, she can instantly increase her waist strength by 119% and her toughness by 69%."

"Although this attack power is not strong, it is still unbearable for you now, so be careful not to be kicked by her waist bow."

Speaking of this, Ye Qifeng glanced at Zhu Zhuqing.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful black eyes had obviously widened.

It seemed that he was shocked by why he knew so much information about the rogue Tu Xiaowu.

Ye Qifeng smiled lightly, without explaining, continued to explain to her:

"As for her second soul skill, it is a control soul skill called Charm."

"When the skill is activated, her eyes will emit a seductive pink light, confusing and slowing down the opponent."

"However, this skill has a flaw. It only has strong control over the opposite sex, but for the same sex, the effect is greatly reduced, even equivalent to nothing."

"So you can ignore this skill."

Speaking of this, Ye Qifeng paused for a moment, then changed his voice, and said again:

"In addition to the first soul ability and the second soul ability, that dead rabbit also has a very powerful attacking talent soul ability."

"Innate soul skills?"

Zhu Zhuqing raised his head in confusion.

What is an innate soul skill? Why hasn't she heard of it.

"Yes, innate soul skills!"

Ye Qifeng nodded, "Uh, what is a natural skill, I will explain it to you in detail later, now you can treat it as a self-created soul skill."

"Oh, so it's similar to self-created soul skills?"

Zhu Zhuqing immediately understood that she didn't understand innate soul skills, but when it came to self-created soul skills, she understood.

Self-created soul skills are skills created by soul masters based on their own martial soul and soul ring skills, by changing their own martial soul skills and moves.

But the birth of self-created soul skills is extremely difficult.

This not only requires the soul master to be talented enough, but also requires the soul master to have amazing comprehension, and the understanding and comprehension of his own martial soul and soul ring skills must reach the extreme.

In addition, it takes a lot of time to research, so that you can create your own soul skills.

In the entire Douluo Continent, there are not many people who can do it.

That's why self-created soul skills are so rare.

According to Big Brother Ye, innate soul skills should be comparable to self-created soul skills, and it is called "talent". Is it an innate ability?

Among the soul masters in Douluo Continent, is there anyone with this ability?

Zhu Zhuqing was a little confused.

"Okay, let's get down to business, let's continue talking about Dead Rabbit's innate soul skills."

At this time, Ye Qifeng spoke again, pulling Zhu Zhuqing's thoughts back, only to hear him continue:

"Dead Rabbit's innate soul skill is called Eight-Duan Wrestling. It is a soul skill released on the basis of the first soul skill Waist Bow. It has powerful attack power and comes with a stun effect."

"The eight-stage throw is divided into three stages. The first stage is a volley robbery and circle throw, the second stage is a backhand flip with six consecutive falls, and the third stage is a 1,080-degree volley and violent throw."

"The attack of the eight-stage throw is extremely violent, and each fall is stronger than the other, and each fall has a dizzy effect."

"Once it is controlled, it is almost impossible to get rid of it. As long as it is thrown for the first time, the subsequent falls will be unavoidable."

"This innate soul skill, eight-stage fall, is Dead Rabbit's strongest attack method at present."

As he spoke, Ye Qifeng changed his tone again and said:

"However, although the eight-duan wrestling is powerful, it also has certain shortcomings and limitations just like the second soul ability."

"That is, before the soul power reaches level 30, if you want to successfully release the eight-stage throw, you must spend time to gather the soul power."

"That is to say, there will be a period of lead time when she uses her innate soul skills, and as long as she interrupts the process of gathering her soul power during this period, her strongest attack can be stopped."

"That's basically all the abilities of that dead rabbit."

After quickly explaining the intelligence information of the rogue Tu Xiaowu, Ye Qifeng taught Zhu Zhuqing how to deal with the rogue Tu Xiaowu:

"Zhuqing, when you fight her in a while, be careful not to give her any chance to get close and wrap her upper body."

"You are an agility attack type soul master, while she has both agility attack and strong attack, but faintly prefers the strong attack type."

"In terms of speed, there is not much difference between the two of you, but in terms of reaction and agility, as well as observation and perception, and the ability to find flaws, you are above her. These are your advantages."

"Then in terms of defense and attack power, in terms of defense power, you can be said to be half a catty at the moment, all of you are very fragile, but in terms of attack power, you are just behind her."

"So, you can take advantage of your advantages and run around her, but remember, don't be greedy for too much, it's best to leave with one blow, lest she finds an opportunity to perform soft skills by getting close."

"The dead rabbit's limbs and soft skills, including her scorpion tail whip, are extremely threatening to you."

"Yeah, I understand."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded frequently, his eyes lit up, and he was eager to try.

Brother Ye analyzed the ability of that stinky dead rabbit so clearly, and also told himself the opponent's weakness and how to deal with it. If she still can't tear the opponent's mouth, she might just find a piece of tofu and smash it to death.

"By the way, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to, be careful of her hidden weapons."

Ye Qifeng suddenly thought of something, and reminded him aloud.

"Hidden weapon?"

Zhu Zhuqing tilted his head.


Ye Qifeng nodded slightly, and hummed:

"On her left wrist."

Zhu Zhuqing's black eyes, as sharp as a cat's, moved slightly immediately, and looked at Xiao Wu's left wrist. He couldn't see anything unusual, but he felt a little more vigilant in his heart for no reason.

She immediately understood that Brother Ye's warning was right, and there was indeed something tricky there.

Brother Ye is so powerful, he can detect such hidden dangers.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing had a deeper understanding of Ye Qifeng's strength, and admired him even more.

Ye Qifeng took a look at Zhu Zhuqing, saw her eyes shrunk, obviously found something tricky in it, and explained softly:

"It's a silent sleeve arrow, which can kill people silently."

"But you can rest assured, I won't let her hidden weapon hurt you, just do your best."

"As for the other ordinary-looking dog thing, and"

Ye Qifeng glanced at Tang San and Dai Mubai successively, a faint smile appeared on his handsome face:

"I'll watch for you."

"Okay, thank you Brother Ye, shall I go then?"

"Go, have fun."

(end of this chapter)