Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 545

Chapter 545

Chapter 545 Convincing people with virtue

Raising his hands, quietly setting up an illusion, Chen Fei looked around with surprise in his eyes.

Guo Huasheng's accomplishments in formation have already surpassed his cultivation. Fighting with formations, with Guo Huasheng's skill shown just now, in the early stages of the general Acupoints state, even in a frontal battle, I am afraid that it will not be able to please.

If Guo Huasheng is allowed to leave some space and set up a bigger formation, the other early stages of the Heqiao state will have no advantage at all.

"What about you?" Xu Wucheng looked at Chen Fei and the two of them.

To work together, self-introduction is naturally essential, so that you can arrange corresponding tasks according to your respective strengths.

"Qin Haishan, search for the soul, explore the mystery."

Qin Haishan didn't hide anything. He waved his right hand, and a few second-order monsters appeared in the field. They were not strong, but they could come in handy in some special occasions.

Features are there, but not outstanding.

But this is normal. Most of the exercises of the fourth-level forces do not have any major characteristics. The biggest feature is that the difficulty of cultivation is slightly lower.

As for the pursuit of combat power, it is still secondary, because the continuous inheritance of the Heqiao state in the door is the more critical thing.

The three of Xu Wucheng were not surprised when they saw Qin Haishan's martial arts aura. This is indeed the case of most martial artists in the early stages of the Heqiao state.

Xu Wucheng was a strong man caught at the gate of the city lord's mansion. This kind of thing is completely based on luck. It is very difficult to meet a particularly strong person, which is not realistic.

Xu Wucheng and the others turned their heads to look at Chen Fei. In terms of aura, Chen Fei was undoubtedly the youngest among the five. At this moment, Chen Fei's cultivation was close to the second rank of Aperture Realm.

This state is a state where Chen Fei can restrain himself when he fights with others.

Otherwise, if you use a little more power, the true state will be directly revealed, and the spirit killing technique cannot cover it up.

"Chen Fei, good at healing and alchemy."

With a smile on Chen Fei's face, he stretched out his arm, passed his finger across, and a wound with deep bones appeared. Chen Fei oscillated Yuanli, and the wound on his arm recovered at an extremely fast speed.

This is not the resilience of the dragon-suppressing elephant. At this moment, Chen Fei deliberately suppressed the operation of the dragon-suppressing elephant. This is indeed a kind of power inherent in Chen Fei's exercises.

Taixuan Tianjian smelts the top lineages of nine schools, and among the lineages of three schools, there is a tendency for healing. Among them, the most obvious one is the practice of Fengwu Pavilion, which has the strongest healing effect.

So Chen Fei said that he is good at healing at this moment, it is indeed not empty words.


Xu Wucheng saw the effect of Chen Fei's kung fu, showing a hint of interest on his face, and also slashed across his arm, the wound was bigger than the one on Chen Fei's arm just now.

At the same time, Xu Wucheng's internal organs vibrated, forcibly bruising his own internal organs. Xu Wucheng wanted to see to what extent Chen Fei's healing ability had reached.

If it is just a simple treatment of some flesh and blood injuries, the meaning is actually not great.

Tong Linyun and Guo Huasheng also looked at Chen Fei. If Chen Fei's healing ability is really strong enough, then this time catching a strong man is actually a treasure.

In the battle with the Kraken, no one can guarantee that he will not be injured, not even Xu Wucheng.

Once injured, the strength will definitely be affected, and even lead to the failure of the entire battle.

In the ever-changing battle, the effect of taking the elixir is too slow, but if there is someone nearby who can heal, it will greatly improve the battle situation.

Moreover, to heal the wound afterwards, the effect will definitely be stronger with the combination of Yuanli and the elixir, and perhaps there will be no such thing as frequent rest for several months.

Xu Wucheng and the others looked at Chen Fei expectantly, while Qin Haishan was a little confused. Chen Fei is good at healing?

Then what did Chen Fei rely on to suppress the entire Haifeng region? Convincing people with virtue?

Qin Haishan hadn't figured it out yet, but saw Chen Fei hitting Xu Wucheng's body with a burst of energy. Xu Wucheng frowned slightly, and the **** wound on his arm recovered at an extremely fast speed.

Not only that, Xu Wucheng felt the place where his viscera were bruised, and at this moment there was also a hint of warmth, and the pain subsided quickly until it finally disappeared.


Xu Wucheng smiled involuntarily, and looked at Chen Fei with surprise.

As far as the effect of this treatment is concerned, the possibility of completing any task will increase by a few points.

In the past, Xu Wucheng had only heard of the healing effect of this intensity among a few top forces. Chen Fei is undoubtedly not a member of those forces, and obviously he also had an adventure.

Seeing Xu Wucheng's situation, Tong Linyun and Guo Huasheng couldn't help smiling. Doing tasks on the front line, everyone hopes that their lives will be guaranteed.

And Chen Fei's ability to heal others is undoubtedly extremely popular.

Qin Haishan grinned, and his admiration for Chen Fei grew deeper and deeper.

For so many years, Qin Haishan has felt too much magic in Chen Fei. In particular, those endless secret techniques have always been fresh in Qin Haishan's memory.

When Qin Haishan felt that this should be what Chen Fei had learned, Chen Fei could still come up with something different.

Such a gifted talent, did not join those top forces.

I don't know whether it is Chen Fei's misfortune or the loss of those top forces.

"Departure in half an hour, you guys get ready."

The smile on Xu Wucheng's face subsided, and he threw two pieces of jade slips in front of Chen Fei and Chen Fei, who subconsciously took them.

"Here is the task content, take a look, we will continue to gather here later." Xu Wucheng warned, and then disappeared in place.

Tong Linyun smiled kindly at Chen Fei, and also left the courtyard.

Guo Huasheng did not leave, but nodded to Chen Fei and the two, then continued to look down at the array in his hand, muttering subconsciously, completely immersed in his own world.

"Then us?" Qin Haishan looked at Chen Fei and asked.

"Let's separate and take a walk in Haiyu City." Chen Fei smiled slightly, his figure flickered, and disappeared into the courtyard.

Chen Fei walked on the street, looking at the layout around the Haiyu City. At this moment, there are no ordinary people in the city, but there are a large number of body-refinement realm warriors.

These body-refining warriors are not here to kill the sea monster, they are purely here to do various logistics.

While walking, Chen Fei diverted his attention to look into the jade slips.

After a while, Chen Fei browsed through the contents of the jade slips, and put the jade slips into the Qiankun bag.

Go deep behind the siren and check an area. There has been something strange in that area recently, and we need to figure out what is the reason.

If it is not good for Haiyu City, try to destroy it. If you are unable to destroy it, you must bring back the complete news.

The rewards given by this task are very rich. Of course, the rewards given by the two goals are very different. However, even the lower level mission reward, in Chen Fei's opinion, is extremely generous.

Five people are divided, even if Xu Wucheng takes the big head, the rest can still get a lot.

Of course, this task is also extremely dangerous. The front line is already dangerous enough, but they have to go deep into the rear of the Kraken. Once discovered by the sea monster, it is estimated that whether he can escape safely is still a problem.

And there is another problem. Xu Wucheng is not the only one who accepts this task at the same time. This task is arranged for two teams to check at the same time to ensure that they can get accurate information.

The two teams are regarded as cooperation, but there is also competition. If the other team gets accurate information first and rushes back to report, then the other team cannot say that there is no reward at all, but the reward will be cut in half directly.

Chen Fei pondered, and went deep behind the siren. The most difficult thing to do was how to restrain his breath.

However, Hai Yucheng has already considered this point. The team that accepts the task will be assigned a middle-grade magic weapon, which can restrain all the breath in the body.

This magic weapon is somewhat similar to Chen Fei's Spirit Slaying Technique, because if someone makes a move, this magic weapon can't continue to cover up the aura of the person who did it.

This magic weapon is actually very similar to the formation disk, but after the formation disk is set up, everyone's movement speed will become extremely slow, but this middle-grade magic weapon does not have this disadvantage.

As long as you don't use your physical skills to the limit, many traces will be covered up by this magic weapon.

Chen Fei walked around the Haiyu City while thinking.

Chen Fei didn't enter the shops and restaurants, but walked around the market for a while.

The square market on the other side of Bianhu City is already extremely prosperous. After all, many things that cannot be sold will be bought and sold there, which has created the special prosperity of Bianhu City.

And the square market on the side of Haiyu City is even more lively, as long as it can improve the strength, there is everything in this square city.

All kinds of things made of sea monsters are relatively cheap. After all, there are a lot of sea monsters dragged to the sea palace every day, which causes a decrease in value, which is almost inevitable.

Siren's items are cheap, but the prices of other items are going up crazily. Whether it is a magic weapon or some special-purpose formation disks, as long as they can strengthen the killing of the enemy, all of them are very expensive.

Chen Fei saw a bottle of poison and sold it directly for the price of more than a dozen high-grade primordial stones, which is already close to the value of a middle-grade magic weapon.

Colorless and odorless, it has a miraculous effect on the sea monsters at the beginning of the third level. Even if the sea monsters are in the middle of the third level, if they are poisoned by this poison, their strength will be greatly affected.

Chen Fei just glanced at it and left. One is that there are not so many polystones, and Chen Fei doesn't know whether the effect of this poison is really that strong.

Less than half an hour later, Chen Fei returned to the previous courtyard. Guo Huasheng was still in the courtyard, staring at the array in his hand, muttering, while drawing imaginary figures in mid-air with his fingers.

Sensing Chen Fei's arrival, Guo Huasheng looked up at Chen Fei, nodded, and continued to study the situation.

After a while, Xu Wucheng and several others appeared one after another.

"This mission is extremely dangerous, I hope you don't take it lightly!" Xu Wucheng said in a deep voice when he saw that everyone had arrived.

A moment later, the figures of five people flickered, appeared at the east gate of Haiyu City, and then disappeared.

(end of this chapter)