Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 544

Chapter 544

Chapter 544 Insignificant

Chen Fei saw Chen Daoheng, and Chen Daoheng naturally also saw Chen Fei.

After Chen Fei walked away, Chen Daoheng took a straight look at Chen Fei's back, with interest in his eyes. Chen Daoheng was still a little curious about Chen Fei being able to perceive him some time ago.

With Chen Daoheng's method of hiding form, many people in the middle stage of the Aperture Realm can't see through it, even those who are also among the top ten forces.

"Go and find out, what are the origins of those people just now." Chen Daoheng turned his head and instructed the disciples of Luotian Pavilion beside him.

"Yes!" The Luotian Pavilion disciple nodded in agreement, and then disappeared in place.

Chen Daoheng walked around the Haiyu City casually. As a member of Luotian Pavilion, even if he was recruited to the front line, Chen Daoheng still had a lot more privileges than other ordinary Aperture Realms.

This is given by the forces behind it. After all, in Haiyu City, although the leader Min Yanlu has the highest authority, the following matters, large and small, are all negotiated by the peaks of the Aperture Realm.

Luotian Pavilion has the peak of Heqiao Realm in Haiyu City, so it can naturally favor some of its own family members.

Where there is power, there is privilege. This is almost inevitable, and all warriors in Haiyu City understand this truth. As long as many things are not too much, everyone can accept it.

After a while, the disciple of Luotian Pavilion who disappeared just now appeared beside Chen Daoheng.


In a restaurant, Chen Daoheng sipped lightly the wine in his hand, turned to look at the disciple of Luotian Pavilion and said.

At this moment, Haiyu City is in a state of war, but some basic services in the city have not disappeared. With so many warriors coming to defend the front line, there must naturally be enough people to serve them.

So some restaurants, tea gardens, and shops are still operating normally. In Haiyu City, there is also a huge market, which is very lively.

Come to the front line to resist the sea monster, and to resist, beheading is the most straightforward.

After these sea monsters are beheaded, they will be dragged back to Haiyu City. Whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, the bodies of these sea monsters can be used.

Even swallowing those monster meat directly can increase the cultivation base.

The area around Haiyu City is now a meat grinder, but if you really have the ability and luck to get through it, your cultivation base will definitely increase rapidly.

Compared to sea monsters in other places, the selling price in Haiyu City is extremely low now, and there are no such favorable cultivation conditions in other places.

"Report to Elder Chen, the situation of those people has been investigated." The disciple said, and handed over a jade slip.

Chen Daoheng took the jade slip and poked his mind into it. After a while, Chen Daoheng raised his head.

Jade slips recorded the news of Chen Fei and the others in detail. This is indeed not difficult to find out, because when the five ships arrived, you only need to do a little research to know where the ships came from.

"It's only been a few years since breaking through the Heqiao Realm, and it's really amazing to have already conquered a sea area!"

Chen Daoheng turned over the jade slip in his hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The news about Qin Haishan and the others can be ignored. Only Chen Fei's experience, people have to say a genius after reading it.

With such talent and combat power, if he had joined the top ten forces in the early years, his cultivation base would have already skyrocketed by now.

But obviously, the other party did not have this luck, and only worshiped in a small sect. There is no chance to practice to the top of the kung fu, and the upper limit has almost been locked.

Without a strong background, and now at the front line, although the cultivation base in the early stage of the Aperture Realm is good, and he has a certain ability to protect himself, but as long as he is a little bit unlucky, he will probably die.

Those sea monsters also know how to ambush, and they don't shy away from bullying the small with the big. Even the sea monster's favorite thing to do is to bully the small with the big, directly devouring the flesh and blood of warriors.

Warrior can use every position on the Kraken's body. The Kraken can't do this, but directly swallowing the martial artist can also increase their cultivation base.


The jade slip in Chen Daoheng's hand made a crisp sound, and was directly crushed into powder by Chen Daoheng. He had no interest in Chen Fei in his heart.

Although it is good, it is just like that, not a threat, and insignificant!

If there is a suitable opportunity, just kill it!

Haiyucheng City Lord's Mansion, the information of Chen Fei and five people has been registered, which is regarded as a successful registration.

"Nowadays, there are many sea monsters on the defense line outside Haiyu City every day. In order to encourage everyone to kill sea monsters, there is a task hall next to the city lord's mansion, which lists various killing tasks."

The deacons led Chen Fei and five people out of the City Lord's Mansion, towards the direction of the mission hall.

"The task is completed, and there will be a corresponding Yuanshi reward. If you don't need Yuanshi, you can also exchange it for magical weapons, breakthrough elixir, and even unique skills are in the list." The deacon whispered.

Chen Fei's expression moved slightly. This is a point exchange system. To complete a task, one must either choose the corresponding primordial stone, or save it. When a certain point is saved, the corresponding treasure can be selected in the list.

If it was before, Chen Fei must have gone to the unique skills, but now, if he really completes the task, Chen Fei probably directly chooses the primordial stone, or the elixir that promotes cultivation.

As for magic weapons and boundary-breaking elixir, they are not bad, but they are relatively less useful to Chen Fei.

"However, in order to prevent people from being passive and sabotage, the leader stipulated that within three months, one sea monster with the same cultivation level must be killed, or the consequences will be at your own risk." The deacons turned their heads and glanced at Chen Fei and the others.

Chen Fei and Qin Haishan looked at each other, this is a mandatory task. Compared with the training environment that was incorporated into the military formation, the movement of the joint environment is undoubtedly more free.

But this kind of freedom is not really unprincipled, there are still hard targets.

Beheading a fellow practitioner to become a semonster must be dangerous. After all, the body of the semonster is bigger, and it is really head-to-head.

However, if several people cooperate, be careful. Although it is still dangerous, at least it can be completed. And the time has been extended to three months, and the possibility of injury has also been considered.

"I heard that there are a few newcomers here. I have a task here that requires two people."

Before they reached the mission hall, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them, with beards all over his face, eyes shining brightly, and a powerful aura rushing towards him.

Xu Wucheng, in the late stage of Heqiao state, Chen Fei and the others could perceive Xu Wucheng's state with just a glance.

Qin Haishan and the others couldn't help but pause, glanced at the deacon, who took a few steps forward, and just about to ask, Xu Wucheng directly threw a jade tablet from his sleeve.

The deacon hurriedly caught it, and sensing the message carried in the jade tablet, turned around and walked towards Chen Fei and the others.

"This senior has accepted an urgent task. The leader stipulates that other people can be temporarily called in to help with this task, and they must not refuse." The deacon whispered.

Qin Haishan and the others couldn't help being startled. They thought that the Heqiao state was relatively free, and the five of them could act together directly. They didn't expect that someone would come to recruit people before they reached the mission hall.

"It's just you two, keep up!"

Xu Wucheng waited for the deacons to finish speaking, and directly clicked on the figures of Chen Fei and Qin Haishan, and then disappeared in place.

In Xu Wucheng's eyes, among the five, Tong Zhongqiu was an old man, apparently at the end of his lifespan. In this state, his combat power was actually in a state of weakening.

And once injured, it is much more difficult to recover than others, and it may become a laggard by then.

Although Zhao Tianxuan is better than Tong Zhongqiu, he is not much better, and is also in a state of declining combat power.

As for Yu Shoucheng, he is quite satisfactory and acceptable.

But compared with Qin Haishan, the breath is obviously much weaker, so Qin Haishan is a must.

As for Chen Fei, no matter in breath or appearance, he is definitely the youngest. Not a member of the top ten forces, and at such a young age, his talent is beyond doubt.

And among the five people just now, Xu Wucheng could see that the other four were faintly headed by Chen Fei. Obviously, Chen Fei must have other advantages, the other four people will be like this.

Just a few glances, Xu Wucheng took all the situation into his eyes, and then made a choice.

Tong Zhongqiu and the three looked at Qin Haishan and Chen Fei with wry smiles. Among the five, the two strongest were directly transferred away, which disrupted all the original plans.

But obviously, judging from what the deacons said just now, this kind of recruitment cannot be refused.

"Pay attention to your own safety." Yu Shoucheng said in a low voice.

When I heard that it was an urgent task, I knew that there must be danger in it. It was a late-stage leader in the Aperture Realm. Obviously, the sea monsters I faced also had this level.

Chen Fei nodded, glanced at Qin Haishan, Qin Haishan nodded, the two disappeared in place, and chased behind Xu Wucheng.

In just a moment, Xu Wucheng landed in a courtyard, and in the courtyard, there were already other Acupoints.

There are two people in total, one in the middle stage of Heqiao state, who looks like a young woman, with a gentle appearance, but there is a trace of heroism in her eyebrows and eyes.

The other one is in the early stage of Heqiao state, looks like a middle-aged man, looks about the same age as Qin Haishan, holds a formation plate in his hand, and mutters words.

After Xu Wucheng landed in the courtyard, the man noticed it and raised his head.

Chen Fei and Qin Haishan landed in the courtyard, Xu Wucheng and the three of them all looked over.

"Here comes a new teammate, my concubine Tong Linyun." Tong Linyun looked at Chen Fei and the two with a charming smile on his face, then took out the huge blade on his back and stuck it on the ground beside him.

With the appearance of the blade, Tong Linyun's charm disappeared, only a fierce aura filled the entire courtyard.

Chen Fei took a look at this giant blade that was nearly human tall. Even among male warriors, very few of them use this kind of blade, let alone female warriors.

"Guo Huasheng is a formation master."

There was a smile on Guo Huasheng's face, and the whole courtyard suddenly shook slightly. In an instant, flowers were blooming, birds were singing and flowers were fragrant, and countless big trees rose from the ground, crowding the entire courtyard.

(end of this chapter)