Cultivation Starts From Simplifying The Exercises - Chapter 546

Chapter 546

Above the sky, there is a sea of clouds all over the sky.

Chen Fei looked around curiously, not because he was curious about the sea of clouds, but because the five of them were being enveloped by a white cloud and integrated into the entire sea of clouds.

Gathering cloud stone, owned by Guo Huasheng, can gather white clouds out of thin air to cover the body around the body.

If ordinary people saw this scene, they would probably regard the five people as banished immortals. After all, soaring through the clouds and riding the fog has always been the appearance of immortals and gods in the imagination of ordinary people.

It was covered by the gathering cloud stone, and there was a breath-holding ring covering the breath of the five people without revealing it. To such an extent, even if there was a third-level sea monster investigating below, they couldn't see any clues.

If you want to go deep behind the Kraken, it is definitely unrealistic to walk from the bottom of the sea, which is the real home of the Kraken.

Not to mention those third-order sea monsters, there are not many first- and second-order sea monsters. Although this first- and second-order semonster poses no threat to the five of them, it is easy to expose their whereabouts.

The further back the rear, the greater the danger of this exposure.

The target of this mission is more than two hundred miles away, and at the current speed of Chen Fei and others, it doesn't take long. But starting thirty miles outside Haiyu City, the number of sea monsters began to increase sharply.

Although they were on the sky and covered by the Juyun stone, Chen Fei and the others still slowed down.

Before leaving the city, Xu Wucheng specifically ordered that the main purpose of this mission was to find out the situation. As for the destruction required in the mission, although Xu Wucheng didn't say it clearly, several others knew it and would never carry it out.

This is behind the sea monsters. Although it is not to the extent of the real rear, with the number of sea monsters, a spit from each head is enough to drown five people.

Going in quietly and coming out quietly is the perfect way to complete the task.

If it wasn't for this urgent task that was assigned, Xu Wucheng would never have wanted to accept such a task.

The reward for this mission is generous, but it also represents the cruelty of the mission. Moreover, there are still two teams to complete this task. Obviously, they feel that one team can easily be damaged in it.

Xu Wucheng thought about whether to fly over from a higher area, but without the cover of the sea of clouds, the possibility of being discovered is greater, which is not advisable.

Xu Wucheng looked solemn, looking around from time to time to prevent any accidents from happening. Even Xu Wucheng didn't use his mental power, just because he was worried that the sea monster would detect abnormalities in his mental power.

However, one does not need to use mind and spirit power. In terms of eyesight alone, there are still quite a few limitations, even if Xu Wucheng's cultivation is at the late stage of the Aperture Realm.

No one spoke, Tong Linyun held the giant blade of Ren Gao, ready to strike at any time.

Guo Huasheng stopped talking to himself, and held the array with his right hand. Once the situation was wrong, the array would unfold immediately.

Qin Haishan looked dignified. Among the five, Qin Haishan knew that his combat power was probably the weakest. Apart from Xu Wucheng and Tong Linyun, there is no comparison between one at the late stage of Aperture Realm and one at the middle stage of Aperture Realm.

Guo Huasheng can form a formation with a wave of his hand, and judging from the tip of the iceberg shown in the courtyard before, Qin Haishan thinks that he will definitely not be able to please him if he is really facing him head-on.

As for Chen Fei, Qin Haishan felt that Chen Fei was the leader of the alliance from the bottom of his heart, so he knew that Qin Haishan had already convinced Chen Fei.

The weakest among the five, Qin Haishan knew that he would be the most dangerous one when he encountered a situation when other people were overwhelmed.

So at this moment, Qin Haishan's mind is actually the most tense, trying to perceive possible changes around him.

Eighty miles out of the city, everything is safe and sound, but the speed of the five of them has also become very slow, and they dare not let the cloud they are in look out of place with the sea of clouds.

Half an hour later, ninety miles out of the city, Xu Wucheng stopped suddenly, and at the same time raised his right hand, Guo Huasheng quickly controlled Juyun Stone to stop.

"There is a Kraken ahead, take a detour!"

Xu Wucheng's voice rang in the ears of Tong Linyun and the others. Xu Wucheng pointed to another direction, and then flew forward slowly.

Tong Linyun and the others carefully followed behind, but after a while, Xu Wucheng stopped again, the reason was the same, there was a siren crouching in front of him.

Xu Wucheng remained motionless, glanced around, and chose another direction to move on.

Walking around, relying on Xu Wucheng's eyesight, the five of them continued to walk for more than 20 miles with some difficulty, and the entire journey was just over halfway.

But in this area, the density of the Krakens crouching began to increase again.

These are all semonsters above Tier 3, and they are actually some distance away from each other, but the semonsters can use their minds to observe, and they can easily be spotted if there is a slight movement.

Because the body structure of sea monsters is different from that of humans, their minds cannot be as fine as warriors. But no matter how rough it is, it is also the power of the mind.

So the speed at which Xu Wucheng led everyone became slower and slower, and at the same time, the direction of progress began to change, and it was no longer a straight line.

Walking around, Xu Wucheng was thinking about whether he could find a place with a slightly looser defense and take the opportunity to enter.

The whole sky is so big, Xu Wucheng doesn't believe that all places are tightly guarded.

Walking around for a few quarters of an hour, Xu Wucheng felt that the number of sea monsters squatting in front of him became less and less.

Xu Wucheng did not rush in with his team. The closer he was to the target area, the more semonsters would be there. Obviously, the semonsters were indeed preparing something, so they were so cautious.

Since he is so cautious, this sudden breach of vigilance seems somewhat suspicious.

The white clouds formed by the Juyun stone moved with the wind, Xu Wucheng looked ahead, hesitant.

Unable to use mind, too restrictive for warriors. As for the pupil technique that Xu Wucheng is using now, it can only be said to be average.

It can be used, but not to a very superb level, that is, the kind of pupil technique that can be touched by most of the Aperture Realms is not comparable to the kind of inheritance among the top forces.

Xu Wucheng's realm has reached the late stage of Heqiao state, and he thinks more about how to step into the peak of Heqiao state on weekdays.

For this kind of ordinary secret method, although I have spent energy to comprehend it, it is impossible to spend all my energy on this place.

"There are many sea monsters squatting in front." Chen Fei's voice sounded in the ears of Xu Wucheng and the others.

Xu Wucheng looked at Chen Fei with some surprise, Tong Linyun and Guo Huasheng did the same, only Qin Haishan was not surprised.

Back in the Haiyue Cave Mansion, Chen Fei had already shown his keen insight, and within a radius of tens of miles, no one on the opposite side noticed.

Qin Haishan asked Yu Shoucheng who had witnessed everything outside at that time, and Yu Shoucheng was full of praise.

"Can you see those sea monsters?" Xu Wucheng whispered.

Xu Wucheng didn't directly deny Chen Fei's statement because Chen Fei's cultivation was only in the early stages of Acuity Realm.

Xu Wucheng knows his strengths, and naturally he also knows his weaknesses. Although his strength was the strongest among the five present, he was actually on par with Tong Linyun in terms of defense.

As for the formation, not to mention that I don't know anything about it, but it is definitely not comparable to Guo Huasheng.

As for the power of healing, Xu Wucheng can only heal himself, or simply save others, and absolutely cannot achieve the immediate healing effect like Chen Fei.

"Can see some."

Chen Fei nodded, pointed forward, and continued: "There is only one sea monster within twenty miles ahead, but after twenty miles, the number of sea monsters will increase sharply. This is a trap!"

Chen Fei didn't use the eye of the sky at the moment, but simply used stargazing.

But among Chen Fei's many pupil techniques, stargazing is the one with the strongest telescopic ability. The other pupil techniques are more about tracing back to the source.

Chen Fei jumped out without even a second thought at the beginning, saying that he was the one to show the way, because Chen Fei didn't know how Xu Wucheng's pupil skills were.

Never underestimate other aptitude states, especially those with a higher level of cultivation than you.

Xu Wucheng is a strong player in the late stage of Aperture Realm, so Chen Fei naturally needs to take a look first. And since staying here just now, Xu Wucheng has been hesitating. Chen Fei understands that Xu Wucheng can see less than himself.

Seeing what Chen Fei said in such detail, Xu Wucheng's expression couldn't help but move.

"Ten miles away, how many sea monsters were there just now?"

Xu Wucheng did not immediately choose to believe Chen Fei, but asked in the direction he came from.

"Three of them, one is ten li away from the position of Xun, one is fifteen miles away from the position, and the other is twenty-one miles away from the position of Kun. It should look like this."

Chen Fei said, grabbed a few clouds with his right hand, and transformed into the appearance of the sea monster he saw. It was an octopus, but the number of tentacles on its body was far more than eight.

Tong Linyun and Guo Huasheng glanced at Chen Fei, and then at Xu Wucheng. They saw that what Chen Fei said was convincing, and even depicted the appearance of the innermost sea monster.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like casual talk.

What's more important is that now behind the siren, it's really random to talk nonsense. This is completely the rhythm of leading himself and others to the fire pit.

Xu Wucheng looked at Chen Fei in amazement, the two sea monsters in front, the location Chen Fei said was exactly the same as the location Xu Wucheng himself perceived.

What surprised Xu Wucheng the most was the last sea monster that Chen Fei mentioned.

Xu Wucheng looked vaguely at a sea monster squatting there, but it was only a vague perception, and he couldn't even be completely sure. He just relied on his own experience to judge that there was something strange there.

Chen Fei not only pointed out the location, but even depicted the appearance of the sea monster.

That is to say, without using his mind, but simply using the pupil technique, Chen Fei could clearly see the scene twenty miles away, maybe even further away.

If it is in an open place, it is naturally nothing to do this.

Now the five of them are in the sea of clouds, and their vision is severely blocked. It is not easy to do this.

Tong Linyun and Guo Huasheng saw Xu Wucheng's expression. Although Xu Wucheng hadn't spoken yet, this expression actually explained everything, and Chen Fei got the answer right.

And from the look in Xu Wucheng's eyes, I am afraid that the pupil technique that Chen Fei showed just now exceeded Xu Wucheng's expectation.

Tong Linyun couldn't help showing a smile on his face, he can heal, and he has such a powerful pupil technique, this strong man that Xu Wucheng caught casually, unexpectedly caught a treasure.