Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Lin Cha sent a text message to Min Jingfeng, with an emoticon package, “Crazy temptation on the edge of isolation.jpg”

Min Jingfeng replied quickly with an emoticon, “[After the temptation.jpg]” The picture was of a person with a cane.

Then he sent another message, “Be careful and don't anger anyone.”

Lin Cha, “I know!”

Although the idea was to isolate her, in fact, due to Lin Cha's ident.i.ty, no one dared to go too far.

They avoided her, and said some harsh words in an indirect way. If Lin Cha didn't know that she was being outcast by everyone in advance, she wouldn't have noticed the cold violence they casted on her.

But there was a saying–

–A person's way, go faster.

No one spoke to her. Lin Cha devoted all her thoughts on a.n.a.lyzing Min Jingfeng's aura of fortune, now that things have calmed down.

The main thing she cared about was the punishment Min Jinfeng would face for denying to help others and the black patterns on his skin. Lin Cha didn't want Min Jingfeng to feel sad.

Now she could only wait for the next help seeker to appear, so she could do a better a.n.a.lysis of his aura.

Lin Cha thought that she would have to wait for some time, but she did not expect that the two of them would meet one when they were eating in the cafeteria at noon.

The two sat in the corner having their meal. There were no people around, so it was more convenient to chat.

Lin Cha suddenly had a strange feeling. She looked up and saw a girl walking with a plate not far away.

The girl seemed like a highschool student, looked a little thin, weak, but had a pretty face.

It was just that the dark clouds on her body were the darkest ones that Lin Cha has ever seen.

The girl probably felt that someone was looking at her, her eyes turned towards Lin Cha.

Lin Cha wasn't embarra.s.sed, and she smiled at her.

The girl smiled reluctantly, then turned to eat in another corner.

Min Jingfeng asked, “What's wrong?”

“That girl should be the next help seeker. The clouds on her are so dark, I don't know what happened,” said Lin Cha.

Before, she was thinking about taking this opportunity to study what kind of punishments he would have to face, but when she really saw someone in need of help, she felt extra sympathy for her and wanted to know what happened to her.

Was there a way to help her? She looked really in need of help while standing alone …

When Min Jingfeng heard what Lin Cha said, he did not have the same thoughts as Lin Cha. He was an eight-year-old when he was forced to drown. Since then, he had been unfortunate all the way. In his opinion, the world 's greatest disaster would come to him and he should be able to carry it.

How can there be so many heroes from heaven to save suffering? In this world, the only person who can save him is himself.

So Min Jingfeng's att.i.tude made it clear that he didn't care about her.

Lin Cha did not persuade him to help that girl. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be forced. When she returned to her bed at night, she found that the dark-haired girl moved to the room opposite to her. At that moment, she was struggling to move a big heavy bag upstairs.

Lin Cha walked over and helped drag it upstairs. Fortunately the girl did not refuse Lin Cha's help.

The two dragged it into the bedroom together. The girl hesitated, and whispered, “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.”

Lin Cha wanted to be good to everyone. So basically n.o.body could resist her charm. Probably because everyone was eager for warmth. Lin Cha herself didn't realize it.

When Lin Cha was studying this girl, Min Jingfeng was also studying his aura of fortune.

He knew that his mood fluctuate too much and the amount of information he received was too much in the past two days, so he settled down to study it carefully.

He would probably have learnt it from Lin Cha. No matter what, he would like to make a summary and keep a record of his aura of fortune.

Therefore, Min Jingfeng at home very seriously recalled his little life.

The more he wrote, the more he felt–

The people who fought with him ended up well.

He helped the person who got robbed by others in the name of protection fee and made sure he received it back, and the few who had originally collected the protection fee changed their behaviour. They were kids from poor families. They became good students with hard work.

If it was not for Lin Cha, he would have been dismissed by the school for false accusations.

He helped the woman who had been hara.s.sed by her husband on the road by calling the police. But the couple turned their heads lovingly and said that he was nosy.

He once helped a lost child to find the parents, but the parents misunderstood him as a kidnapper and they even got him to the police station …

It was so hard to live such a life and he had never even noticed his aura of fortune, which was a miracle.

Min Jingfeng felt more and more annoyed. This was his life. If it wasn't for Lin Cha telling him that he had the aura of fortune, he would've never known. Then, he would have continued living like this.

It was hard to imagine what Min Jingfeng would do if Lin Cha didn't show up.

He remembered what Lin Cha said,"Who was trying to target him so carefully?"

The person who had a conflict of interest with him was actually his father. But he didn't think the man had that ability.

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