Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Fortunately, it was noon soon. Lin Cha ran holding a note with Min Jingfeng's home address on it.

When she reached the school gate, she saw the bus she had to take was leaving.

The bus that comes every 30 minutes was just gone.

Lin Cha was shrouded in the aura of fortune during this whole time, so everything was going around smoothly. It had been a long time since she had encountered such a thing.

She froze for a moment. She forgot to wear the cap when she got up this morning.

Lin Cha turned around and went back to her room to get the cap.

As soon as she walked to the room door, she saw that their door was closed. Yue Meimei stood outside, “Chacha, did you bring the key?”


“Then we won't be able to get in until they come back. They might not be back until dusk .”

Lin Cha realized that it was caused by her own bad luck. That meant, even if she waited here, she didn't know how long it would take for the other two roommates to return.

It should be okay. She was used to doing this for two or three months. Besides, she could just take a bus to find Min Jingfeng.

Lin Cha left the building and returned to the stop to wait for the bus.

The place where Min Jingfeng lived was a bit packed with various turns. Lin Cha searched for a while before she found the 21st building on the fifth unit.

Min Jingfeng's home was different from the one's on the left and right. There were words of blessings and couplets on the left and right side house doors, but Min Jingfeng's one was a bare wooden door.

“Hey …” Lin Cha knocked a few times.

“Min Jingfeng, are you home?”

“Min Jingfeng?”

No one responded. Lin Cha gritted her teeth and continued to knock, “Min Jingfeng, are you home?”

This time, the door of the neighbouring room opened, revealing the face of an impatient woman. She said angrily, “Can you lower the voice?”

Lin Cha was a little embarra.s.sed, “I'm sorry. I've bothered you. I was anxious.”

The woman then saw Lin Cha clearly. Lin Cha's forehead was still sweaty, plus her humble att.i.tude made the woman a little embarra.s.sed. She said, “It's all right. Did you come to find the person living here? He went out with someone.”

Lin Cha asked, “Who did he go out with? Did you see the person?”

“He went out with a man who wore a mask. As he was wearing a mask I didn't see him clearly.”

The woman recalled, saying, “I don't know if he came back after that.”

Lin Cha said,”Thank you.”

He went out with someone …

Lin Cha was very uneasy, especially since the girl with dense clouds on her body was missing, and Min Jingfeng who had the aura of fortune on his body, was also missing.

According to past experience, people with dark aura would unconsciously approach Min Jingfeng, and then they would encounter each other because of unknown danger .

Lin Cha took out her mobile phone to call the police.

However, As she took out her mobile phone, suddenly a hand stretched out from behind her covering her mouth and nose with something.

Lin Cha felt dizzy, and then she lost consciousness.

Ticking ticking …

A very strange voice. Lin Cha wondered, ‘Was the toilet tap leaking?'

What time was it now?

Did she wake up after some time or next morning?

Then she slowly opened her eyes. What she saw was not the bedroom ceiling, not the cla.s.sroom desk …

It was dark.

Lin Cha frowned when she realized that she couldn't move, not because of her body, but because the s.p.a.ce she was in was too small. It was just enough to accommodate her. It was very difficult to move.

She tried to a.s.sess her current situation. The girl with black gas was missing. Min Jingfeng went out with a masked person. She went to meet Min Jingfeng and someone knocked her out from behind.

Lin Cha didn't know what was happening to her now. It was quiet and she couldn't hear any sound from outside. So she put her ear on the wood on the side, and tried to hear the situation outside.

She soon heard footsteps coming from far approaching towards her.

She heard someone talking, “Are you sure?”

“It was indeed her. I recognize the little girl. I found her picture on the Internet. What should I do now?” The voice of a middle-aged woman.

“Send a message with her mobile phone saying that she eloped with her boyfriend so that other people would not try to find her. She must know something, otherwise she wouldn't have come there. If we let her go back now the consequences would be unimaginable.”

Lin Cha, “…” No, you misunderstood, I don't know anything. I don't know anything.

She was scolded by her mother for a long time this morning. If they sent the text messages, her mother may really believe it and may think that it was because she pushed her too hard.

They would definitely find her, but the method would be definitely different.

What was going on?

She was now confused. Although these people thought she knew something and tied her. But in fact she knew nothing, and she was simply unlucky.

Where was Min Jingfeng? Was the girl with dark aura was locked up here?

Just then, Lin Cha felt that the cover above her head had been opened.

Lin Cha's second problem was solved.

It turned out that the person who opened the lid was Li Lili, the dense dark aura girl,who Lin Cha thought was missing.

Lin Cha froze. The dark gas on her body was too strong. Lin Cha had a very ominous feeling in her heart. She quickly got up, grabbed Li Lili's arm, and whispered, “Lili, are you all right?”

She noticed that she was lying inside a coffin.

Li Lili looked at her with a complex expression on her face.

Lin Cha crawled out of the coffin and examined Li Lili's body eagerly, “Fortunately, you are not injured? Is there anyone else here? Is there any way to escape?”

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1 ko-Fi = extra chapter