Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Lin Cha didn't expect that she would be able to sleep after experiencing such a horrifying thing, but she actually did.

She was awakened because the tap was running in the bathroom.

She used to be the earliest to get up, but this time she got up and found out that everyone was up, but no one called her.

Lin Cha greeted everyone as usual, “Good morning.”

No one cared for her. Yue Meimei came in from outside, looked at Lin Cha, and walked straight through.

Everyone 's relations.h.i.+p was so good before, but now suddenly it turned out like this. Of course, Lin Cha was a little uncomfortable.

But this time she remembered the voice she overheard this morning.

Isolate her …

Who was that voice talking to? Not her roommates. They were all sleeping on beds when she went out, and they were still in bed when she returned.

Lin Cha couldn't figure it out, and quickly hopped out of the bed to get ready and go to school.

She actually bought breakfast and waited for Min Jingfeng to come to the school.

Soon, she saw Min Jingfeng wearing a cap. She would always see him from far and run to him .

“A very scary thing happened this morning!”

She couldn't wait to tell Min Jingfeng what happened this morning.

“I originally wanted to study in the study room on the first floor. When I came down, I heard someone talking. It was a bit unclear but I heard one sentence. They said to isolate and boycott me. And ensure to make me realize that I was isolated because of you. “

Lin Cha's eyes were lit, “I was terrified at that time, because I was hiding at the corner, and I was very unlucky. They were coming, but fortunately, I remembered you gave me your cap. I wore it and your fortune helped me escape the situation.”

Lin Cha said in fear, “It was really like a horror movie.”

Min Jingfeng frowned, especially when he saw Lin Cha's fear.

“Ah, I'm terrified. Thank G.o.d, I didn't have to face a horror plot.”

Min Jingfeng was even more frightened. This time, she got lucky, but this girl's fortune was pretty bad. He just happened to give her his cap by chance. What if it happened again? Lin Cha was not afraid now, she just wanted to share her experience with him.

Min Jingfeng patted her head and said, “Let's go to school.”

It was such a terrifying experience. This was the best way Min Jingfeng could think of coaxing her.

When Lin Cha heard this, she immediately refuted, “No, they said they wanted to isolate me but in fact they are actually targeting you. It is not clear who is trying to target you, nor do I know why. But such a deliberate, organized and premeditated planning is not something ordinary high school students could do.”

She had good a.n.a.lytical skills. How could ordinary high school students think so meticulously and so far? Besides, ordinary high school students report their hatred on the spot. A little more observation from them would make them realize that Min Jingfeng was not a bad person, and would not pile so much hatred towards him.

So Lin Cha was worried because he had the aura of fortune.

She could see it, maybe someone else could also see it too.

It's no use escaping from this school to another. It's better to stay in this school. At least now, she and Min Jingfeng had a little information of what they planned to do next.

Min Jingfeng saw her firm gaze and knew that anything he said would be useless to convince her otherwise.

Lin Cha was a person who looked soft and easy going. But once she encountered something she insisted on, she was stubborn.

She was a type of person who would literally not stop until she reaches yellow river*.

Min Jingfeng could only say at this moment, “Their purpose may be to make you hate me, hate me …”

Lin Cha nodded, “I understand that too.”

Both of them a.n.a.lyzed many things as they walked.

They were not in the same cla.s.s, they had to be separated when they arrived at the school building. In the past, many people greeted Lin Cha, but now n.o.body said a hi.

After Lin Cha got separated from Min Jingfeng, she was still a little surprised at the efficiency of the person who made everyone act according to the orders.

So who was that person, the voice last night who was it talking with?

Lin Cha returned to the cla.s.sroom and sat in her seat.

She heard her cla.s.smates talking,c”My parents called me yesterday and they were afraid that I would fall in love early. They told me not to fall in love so early in life.”

“My parents also advise me the same every day.”

Lin Cha thought to herself, 'This could be the first stage of the plan! I have to focus!'

She got her earphones and an mp3 player out of the drawer.

In fact, she didn't play any songs. She wanted to listen to what these people would say. She probably did it for the sake of faking her indifference?

But they stopped talking the moment she wore the earphones.

Lin Cha, “…”


Not stop until one reaches the yellow river: preserving to the end.

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1 ko-Fi = extra chapter