Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 33

Chapter 33

After Lin Cha fell asleep, she had a long nightmare.

In that dream, she became Min Jingfeng …

She was wearing strange clothes and wanted to save everyone.

But when she turned her head, a fire appeared in front of her and she was hurt in the fire.

When she woke up, she was drenched in sweat. The loneliness and sadness she felt in the dream lingered in her heart, and could not be dispersed for a long time.

Lin Cha looked at the ceiling. If she became Min Jingfeng, she would definitely not do well.

She couldn't sleep again.

She got up suddenly and scratched her head. She almost forgot about it. She had to contact Min Jingfeng and touch his aura again to eliminate her bad luck, or she would run out of her luck.

Lin Cha had a sore forehead. The bedroom was extremely quiet at that moment.

It was half-past four.p.

She couldn't sleep. She just got up, and picked her school bag on her back, crept open the door, and left her room.

There was a public room on the first floor of the dorm, which was used by the head of the building for meetings. So it was equivalent to an office.people usually went there to read. There was no light in that room and it was dark .

Lin Cha went downstairs and found that the light in the public room was on.

The quiet aisle seemed a little weird at this moment. Lin Cha remembered that she was still unlucky and decided to go back instead of taking risks.

However, this time, the door was already open, Lin Cha flashed into the aisle almost conditionally. Her whole body was stuck on the wall and her heart was beating constantly as she tried to eavesdrop.

Then she heard a low voice over there, “You observe Lin Cha well, try to make her feel isolated by everyone, and make sure she understands that it was all because of Min Jingfeng.”

She hadn't heard this voice before, so she wasn't sure who it was. Fortunately, she chose to hide, if she didn't then it would have been embarra.s.sing.

Lin Cha quickly held her breath and told herself not to be nervous and avoid being found!But she couldn't help but think, what are these people doing? If she was found, would she be killed? There seemed to be more than one person so she could not possibly beat them …

What would her father, mother and Min Jingfeng do in such a situation?

Especially now, her luck was at the worst stage …

Lin Cha heard the sound of footsteps, and moved away from there.

But the problem was that this was a dormitory. With all the doors closed and a long corridor, there was no place to hide. If the footsteps continued to move forward in her direction and took a turn, the person could see her immediately. What to do? What to do?

Lin Cha was panicked, because she didn't know what she would encounter if they knew she overheard them. It would be nice if Min Jingfeng was here …


At this time, Lin Cha remembered that Min Jingfeng had given her the cap which she had kept in her bag. Although she didn't know if it would work, this was her last resort.

Footsteps were getting closer and closer, almost like in a horror movie. Lin Cha hurriedly opened the schoolbag, took the cap out, and put it on her head at once.

The footsteps stopped there, and someone said from the back, “We forgot to turn off the lights.”

Then they turned back in the other direction.

When Lin Cha was relieved, she found that she was sweating a lot, and her legs had gone soft.

She always felt that she was brave and not afraid of anything, but at this moment she realized that she was actually a coward.

Lin Cha touched the cap given by Min Jingfeng. Fortunately …

She had wanted to turn around and take a peek at what was happening there, but the scenes in the horror movie appeared in her mind. She feared that if she went over there, a large face would appear, looking at her spookily. …

So she quickly ran into her room from the other direction, returned to the bedroom, and hid under the bed for the first time.

She was afraid for a while.

This kind of matter couldn't be told to the police.

What would she say?

'Uncle police, I got up in the morning and overheard someone saying that I was going to be isolated by someone …'

The reason they decided to isolate her wasn't anything else but to deal with Min Jingfeng.

Why deliberately deal with Min Jingfeng? Lin Cha worried about what those people knew of his Aura.

Why else would someone deal with a high school student so deliberately? And Lin Cha had long thought that the school was not right too, because it too was targeted at Min Jingfeng!

Obviously Min Jingfeng looked so handsome, even if he had a bad grade, there should have been a large number of girls who would like him. But why did the girls seem to despise the girls who liked school bullies, causing all girls to despise Min Jingfeng?

Lin Cha took out her mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Min Jingfeng, but he must be sleeping at this time. Besides, sending messages to him would only make him worry.

So Lin Cha was lying on the bed, waiting for the dawn …

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1 ko-Fi = extra chapter