Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 12

Chapter 12

  Lin Cha supported her cheeks with one hand, and her eyes were bright. She looked directly at him and said, "You are so nice."

  Min Jingfeng was disgusted when she saw her eyes and immediately educated: "… When you like others, don't say such things. Even if you like them in your heart, you can't behave like this? You know?"

  After she said he was so nice, the halo above his head brightened a lot. So she was confused.  Why did the G.o.d of Fortune turn happy again? But he didn't smile? Was her guess wrong?

  As she was about to ask him, she heard his advice.  Lin Cha nodded quickly. G.o.d was educating her on how to be a human: "Okay! I remember, my brother said that I am too naive to deal with people. You know everything. You are terrific. I will write down everything you tell me." Lin Cha's words came from her heart.  She felt that the G.o.d of Fortune understood human relations.h.i.+ps better than her. 

 If Yue Meimei was here, she would definitely say, "Your filter is thick. You would write down everything he says ? that makes no sense?

  Once again, being praised by her Min Jingfeng was helpless, "Don't show your love to anyone like this."

  When Lin Cha heard this, she was eating rice noodles in her mouth and couldn't speak. She looked at Min Jingfeng as if she was trying to convey something through those big eyes.

  Min Jingfeng: "…" I can't understand what you want to say, don't look at me.

  She soon finished eating, and said with confidence: "But you are not anyone.  You said that I shouldn't show my love to anyone else." She looked at him with a sweet smile, and said with certainty, "You are not a stranger, why can't you show it? "

  Min Jingfeng looked at her smile and frowned.  For a moment, he forgot how to refute that sentence.

  "Who isn't a stranger?" Suddenly a man's clear voice appeared behind him.

  Lin Cha turned her head and saw a person wearing a mask. She was a little surprised: "Brother! Why are you here?"

  Lin Yan patted her head and said, "Your school is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary, and the school is going to invite me to give a speech." Although this was true, there was still a long time for the event. This was just an excuse.

  But she immediately believed it and introduced him to his brother, "Brother, this is Min Jingfeng."

  "Min Jingfeng, this is my brother Lin Yan."

  Min Jingfeng looked at the other side with a warning gaze.

  Obviously, if the man investigated his background, he may feel that he had cheated Lin Cha.

  Min Jingfeng said, "h.e.l.lo."

  Lin Yan also smiled: "I'm glad to meet you."

  Then Lin Yan turned his head and said to Lin Cha: "Mom asked me to remind you. November is about to end, and If we don't go to Iceland to see the Aurora", it won't be easy to see it for a long while."

  Lin Cha wanted to go. They had a picture of aurora in their physics books for high school. They were super beautiful. But traveling and staying in Iceland would definitely cost more than ten yuan. Whether she could return to China would be uncertain.

  "No," Lin Cha said, "I want to study."

  Min Jingfeng, who was sitting on the other side, was naturally able to hear them. These words were actually directed to make him understand that the two of them were not from the same world at all.

  His heart was calm, and he did not waver. He himself was not ignorant of this fact.

   Lin Yan said a few words to coax his younger sister to go home with him today.

  Lin Cha said goodbye to Min Jingfeng: "We have a holiday tomorrow. Do you have any plans? I'll See you tomorrow!"

  He saw her innocent smile.  Although it was a holiday, she must not come out for him.

  Min Jingfeng didn't make it clear. Why bother her with these issues.

  "There is no plan. I would play games at home. You have a holiday, so go home and spend time with your parents."

  "Okay, then I'll go home first. Let's meet on Monday. Don't forget the things you promised me today." 

  He nodded to her expectant gaze.

  She saw him nod and happily followed his brother. The brother and sister smiled and walked in the other direction,  

 He also turned his head and walked in the opposite direction. How could he forget this?

  This could be regarded as an obsession! If he didn't send Lin Cha home, she would come after him. Whether or not he could see her on Monday was a question.

  Min Jingfeng looked up at the dark night sky. There were no stars. It was no different from the previous night.

  But his heartfelt very tender–

  Thank you for liking me.

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