Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 11

Chapter 11

  Min Jingfeng felt that they were back at the start. He could have never seen himself, the school bully as a philosopher who a.n.a.lyzed the human psyche for a high school girl, telling her how to pursue people! 

  Just like at this moment, he took this hungry little idiot to dinner, and he was still thinking–

  What was the aura of fortune? There must be some reason for this messy fabrication.

  Was it because he was too poor in the eyes of this magnificent princess? Maybe Lin Cha was afraid of his inferiority, so she thought about this aura to comfort him?

  Min Jingfeng looked back but saw Lin Cha was trying to figure something out.

  "What are you thinking about?"

  she up and said, "I found a spot where your G.o.d of Fortune Aura's s.h.i.+ne is regular. I want to study it, and I will ask my teacher to a.n.a.lyze it and make a chart when I go back." She has learned a part of how to make models, but she hasn't gone in-depth. Her teacher was very good at this.

  He was shocked. His handsome face couldn't stop staring stupidly at her. 

  First, she made up the whole G.o.d of Fortune aura thing in her head, and now she was preparing to prove that the G.o.d of Fortune was real with scientific proof step by step. 

   Was this the legendary intersection of technology and humanity?

  She was a little embarra.s.sed and said, "Do you mind if I research it? I won't tell anyone about this. I just want to help you. We will figure out these things and it will be much more convenient to do good deeds in the future. "

  What else could Min Jingfeng say at the moment, he could only accept the statement of testing the G.o.d of Fortune aura. Wasn't it just a made-up thing? What's the harm in accepting?

  Fortunately, those two have arrived at the nearest restaurant, "Jian  rice Noodles."

  The shop was a bit small but clean.

  The two quickly ordered two cans of rice noodles.

  Honestly, Lin Cha didn't look like someone who would eat here. Min Jingfeng remembered the words he heard in the school—

  "Lin Cha fell too hard in love. For Min Jingfeng, instead of eating the meals delivered at home, she ate the cheapest meals in the school cafeteria."

 Such a  delicate girl became like this for him?

  He also remembered that when he was in the's office because the stupid boys slandered about him collecting the protection fee, the and teachers all unanimously suggested that he should be transferred to other schools. The girl who was known as a good-tempered little princess stood in front of him. Her face was red in anger: "You should suspend him! He has not collected protection fees! He has protected  many students from being robbed! He never asked for any pay? Okay! You can't do this! It's too much!"

  Then she turned her head in anger, looked at the boy who slandered him. The boy was scared by her eyes, and he took back a few steps. She was so angry that she wanted to curse: "You! You!"

  Min Jingfeng thought at the time that this little princess must have never spoken or even heard any curse words. So she did not know how to curse. He finally heard the little princess swear and yell: "You should be ashamed for framing a person, and you would be punished later! "

  Then the whole school knew that the good-tempered little princess was angry.

  The  can noodle had arrived. They were filled in ceramic cans, and they could still hear the sizzling sounds. At this moment, they were breathing wonderful fragrance coming from the rice noodles.

  Min Jingfeng picked his chopsticks, he poured the rice noodles from the ceramic pot to a  bowl and began to eat.

  Lin Cha ate this for the first time. She followed Min Jingfeng. She took out the noodles in the ceramic pot. The noodles were very slippery, and she was not skilled at this. It took a  while.

He finished eating the big bowl of noodles and watched her slowly eating rice noodles. She would eat a few rice noodles, and then go pour the rice noodles from the ceramic pot.

 Seriousness was written all over her face as she picked out the rice noodles in the black jar with chopsticks and then into the small bowl next to it.

  They ate rice noodles in cans. Black ceramic cans are cooked directly on the fire and placed on a wooden board. The insulated end is given to customers. Customers need to pour the rice noodles into a nearby bowl because the ceramic cans were too hot. Now, if you eat directly from the clay pot, you will not only burn your mouth, but you might burn your hands accidentally.

  Lin Cha was obviously afraid of getting burned, so she shrank a bit while eating. The noodles would slip, she picked it, and it dropped.

  She was not in a hurry. She was persistent that she must pinch it.

  Min Jingfeng really couldn't stand it anymore. He reached out and pulled the wooden board under the ceramic pot, and moved the whole ceramic pot to him. Then he took her white bowl with his other hand. He then used clean chopsticks to clamp noodles. The same noodles were stably clamped in his hands. In a few moments, the remaining rice noodles in the ceramic pot were clipped out.

  He also poured a portion of the soup into the small white bowl next to it, and then pushed the small white bowl in front of her.

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