Can I Touch Your Aura Of Fortune? - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Min Jingfeng walked past the Internet cafe next to him. It still said that minors should not enter.

  When he was depressed, he liked playing games because the game world was very simple.  No one knew the other, but everyone had a common goal.

  He could see the people inside, through the gla.s.s.

  He walked down a long street and returned home.

  Min Jingfeng turned on the light. The house was a clear, empty room without any furniture. It was not so much of a home but a place to live temporarily.

  In fact, he had a nice home before.

  His parents came from the same village. Both of them were childhood friends. They graduated from high school and went to work together.

   They had him after a few years. They had a hard time financially. So his dad resigned from his job and decided to start a business. When he was eight years old, his dad already had a listed company.

  However, that year, his father had an affair with another woman and divorced his mother. The woman was the daughter of a bank executive. His father wanted a divorce from his mother, so he could marry that woman. His mother finally agreed to go in separate ways, but when he was getting married, Min Jingfeng's mother took him to the wedding. The wedding was held on a beach. His mother took him there and walked into the sea step by step.

  At that time, he was only eight years old and was very scared. He said, "Mother, I'm afraid, it's so cold here. I will be good to you in the future. Let's go back."

  His mother stubbornly dragged him forward. There was a commotion at the wedding, but everyone's eyes were on the entering bride. No one noticed that a child had been flooded by the sea.

  Then little Min Jingfeng was brought back to sh.o.r.e by a wave. After that day, he had no father,  no mother, and no longer had a home.

  Min Jingfeng stood up. He was a little anxious and went to get his school bag to go to the Internet cafe and go online.

  When he opened the schoolbag, he saw something lying inside—

  An ugly apple.

  “It's not for me. It is for Min Jingfeng.”

  These were the words that rang in his ear. He heard when Lin Cha said these words. She bought an apple for him.

  Did she secretly place the apple in his bag at the Internet cafe?

  He took a look at this ugly apple, washed it, and bit it down.

  Very sweet, very sweet!

  On Monday,  Min Jingfeng arrived at the school. He and Lin Cha were not in the same cla.s.s, but they were on the same floor. There were three cla.s.srooms in between the two. 

  At the end of the cla.s.s, Min Jingfeng heard the girls talking behind him.

  “The second cla.s.s sent a piece of news. Lin Yan came to school to pick up Lin Cha on Friday.”

  “I envy the roommates of Lin Cha. I didn't have the luck to share the room with her.”

  “She didn't return to the room. Lin Cha sent a message to them. I don't know why. Lin Cha didn't come to cla.s.s today.”

  Min Jingfeng stiffened.

  The latter said, “Is she ill?”

  “I don't think she is sick, but because of-” Fearing someone would hear them, the voice was particularly low, Min Jingfeng did not hear clearly.

  Although he didn't hear it, he could probably guess that they must be talking about him.

  Lin Cha's family must be angry with her. They must have come to know that she liked him. Earlier they have kept their distance between them and never said a word to each other, so Lin Cha's family would have wanted to observe them for a while. Now her brother saw them together. Naturally, Lin Cha could not be left alone.

  Min Jingfeng's eyes fell to the window. Outside the window was the mulberry tree, and the leaves had begun to turn yellow.

  In fact, he didn't feel angry about Lin Yan's att.i.tude towards him at all. His att.i.tude was strong; at least it could protect Lin Cha from pursuing him.

  “Min Jingfeng, the cla.s.s teacher, is looking for you.” The monitor came in.

  He walked to the office and saw Lin yan waiting for him in the office, along with the cla.s.s teacher.

  Unlike the last time they met, he looked very bad. His eyes were exhausted, and when he saw him, a trace of anger flashed in him.

  Before Min Jingfeng could speak anything, the cla.s.s teacher said, “Min Jingfeng, Lin Cha is sick.  Go to the hospital with Lin Yan.”

  His heart began to tighten, but he still said, “No.”

  He was not a doctor, and it was useless for him to go to the hospital.

  Lin Yan got angry when he heard this, but he also knew what was going on, so he said, “She's going to die, you still won't come?”

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Miao: (๑꒪▿꒪)* Go Min gib her our princess a 'true love's kiss' n cure her