Business Hints for Men and Women - Part 36

Part 36

U.S.N. United States Navy.

Ves. Vessel.

Via. By way of. Latin.

V.-Pres. Vice-President.

Viz. Contraction from Latin videlicet. Namely, to wit.

Vol. Volume.

Vs. Latin versus. Against.

W.B. Way Bill.

Wt. Weight.

X Extra.

XX Doubly Extra.

Y. or Yr. Year.

Yd. Yard.



ACCOUNT CURRENT. A running account between two persons or firms.

ACCOUNT SALES. A detailed statement of the sale of goods by a commission merchant, showing also the charges and net proceeds.

ADMINISTRATOR. A man appointed by the Court to settle the estate of a deceased person.

ADMINISTRATRIX. A woman appointed by the Court to settle the estate of a deceased person.

AD VALOREM. According to value. A term used in the Custom House in estimating the duties on imported goods.

AFFIDAVIT. A written declaration under oath.

ANNUITY. An annual allowance; a sum to be paid yearly, to continue for life or a fixed period.

ANNUL. To cancel; to make void.

ANTEDATE. To date before time of writing.

APPRAISED. The act of placing a value on goods.

APPRAISER. A person appointed to value real or personal property.

ARBITRATION. The settlement of a disputed question by a person chosen by the parties to the dispute.

a.s.sETS. The total resources of a person in business.

a.s.sIGNEE. A person to whom the property of a bankrupt, or an insolvent debtor, is transferred for adjustment for the benefit of Auditors.

a.s.sIGNMENT. The act of transferring property to the a.s.signee.

ATTACHMENT. A warrant for the purpose of seizing a man's property.

BALANCE SHEET. A statement in condensed form, showing the condition of a business.

BANKABLE. Receivable at a bank at par or face value.

BANK BALANCE. Net amount on deposit in bank.

BILL OF LADING. A written account of goods shipped, and the condition of same, having the signature of the carrier, and given to shipper as a receipt.

BILL OF SALE. A bill given by the seller to the buyer, transferring the ownership of personal property.

BOARD OF TRADE. An a.s.sociation of business men for the regulation of commercial interests.

BONA FIDE. Latin, in good faith.

BOND. An instrument under seal, by which a person binds himself, his heirs or a.s.signs, to do or not to do certain things.

BONDED GOODS. Goods stored in a bonded warehouse or in bonded cars, the owner having given bonds securing payment of import duties, or of other sums due the Government, upon their arrival at some specified place at a specified time.

BONDED WAREHOUSE. Is a building in which goods are stored until the duties or revenues on them are paid.

BONDSMAN. One who goes security for the faithful performance of a contract.

BONUS. A premium for a loan or other privileges.

BROKER. An agent or middleman between the buyer and the seller.

BULLION. Uncoined gold or silver.

CHARTER. A written authority from the proper National or State authority defining the rights and privileges of corporations.

CHARTER PARTY. A written contract for the hiring or chartering of a ship.

CHATTEL. Any kind of property except real estate.

COLLATERAL. Pledges of stocks, notes, or chattels as security for the payment of a loan.

COMMERCE. The business of exchanging commodities between different places.

COMMISSION AGENT. One who does business on Commission.

COMMON LAW. The unwritten law, the law of Custom. It receives its force from universal usage.

CONSIGNEE. The person to whom goods are sent to be sold on commission.

CONSIGNOR. The one who consigns his goods to an agent.

CONTRA. Latin. On the opposite side.

COPARTNERSHIP. The joining of two or more persons into one firm for the purpose of carrying on any business.

COUPON. An interest note or certificate, attached to a bond, which is cut off for collection when interest is due.

CREDENTIALS. Testimonials of authority; proofs of good character, DEMURRAGE. Money forfeited for detaining a vessel beyond the time named in her Charter party.

DISHONOR, A failure to pay a note or other obligation when due. A failure to accept a draft when presented for acceptance.

DOCKAGE. Charge for the use of a dock.

DOWER. The right of a widow to a one-third interest in all the real estate owned by her husband at any time after their marriage.

DRAFT. A written order for the payment of money at a fixed time.

DRAWEE. The person on whom a draft is drawn.

DURESS. Personal restraint of any kind.

EARNEST. Part of purchase money paid to bind a bargain.

EFFECTS. Goods, or property, of every kind.

EMBARGO. An order of the Government preventing ships from departing or landing.

EQUITY. The principles of right and justice.

EQUITY OF REDEMPTION. The right allowed a mortgagor of a reasonable time to redeem mortgaged realty.

EXECUTION. A writ authorizing an officer to carry into execution the judgment of the Court.

FEE SIMPLE. A t.i.tle to real estate held without conditions by a person in his own right.

FORCED SALE. Sale made under compulsion.

FORWARDER. One who attends to the shipping and reshipping of goods.

GROSS WEIGHT. Weight of goods, including case or wrapping.

GUARANTEE. A surety for the performance of a contract.

HONOR. To pay or accept a draft when due.

IMPORT. Duty paid on goods by importer.

INDEMNIFY. To recompense for loss or injury.

INDEMNITY. A guaranty against loss.

INDENTURE. A writing containing a contract.

INDORSE. To write one's name on the back of a note, draft, or other doc.u.ment.

INJUNCTION. A writ of Court, by which a party is restrained from doing a certain act.

INLAND BILL. A draft between parties in the same country.

INSOLVENCY. Inability to pay debts, Bankruptcy.

INTESTATE. Dying without having made a will.

IN TRANSITU. In a state of going from one place to another. Latin.

INVENTORY. An itemized list of goods, or other property, with their value as estimated at the time.

INVOICE BOOK. A book in which invoices are kept.

JETTISON. Goods thrown overboard to lighten a ship in time of great danger.

JOBBER. One who buys from the producer to sell to the retailer.

JOB LOT. An irregular collection. Odds and ends unsold at the end of the season.

JUDGMENT. The decision of a Court.