Business Hints for Men and Women - Part 35

Part 35

E.&O.E. Errors and omissions excepted.

et. al. Latin et Alii, And others.

Exch. Exchequer; Exchange.

Ex'x. Executrix.

Exp. Export; Exporter; Expense.

Fahr. Fahrenheit.

Fav. Favor.

Fir. Firkin.

Fo. or Fol., Folio.

F.O.B. Free on Board.

Fo'd. Forward.

fr. From.

Frt. Freight.

Gal. Gallon; Gallons.

Gr. Grain, Grains.

Guar. Guarantee.

Hdk'f. Handkerchief.

Hf. chts. Half Chests.

Hhd. Hogshead.

Hon. Honorable.

Hund. Hundred.

I.B. Invoice Book.

i.e. Latin id est. That is.

Incor. Incorporated.

Ins. Insurance.

inst. Instant, the present month.

Int. Interest.

In trans. Latin, In transito. In the pa.s.sage.

Inv. Invoice.

Inv. Inventory.

Jr. Junior.

Kg. Keg.

L or lb. Latin Libra, A pound in weight.

L/C Letter of Credit.

Led. Ledger.

L.F. Ledger Folio.

L.S. Left Side, or in Latin, Locus Sigilli, Place of the Seal.

M. One thousand.

Manuf. Manufacture; Manufacturer.

Mdse. Merchandise.

Mem. Memorandum.

Messrs. French Messieurs, Gentlemen, Sirs.

Mf'd. Manufactured.

Mfst. Manifest.

Mme. Madame, French.

Mmes. Mesdames, plural.

Mo. Month.


Mr. Master or Mister.

Mrs. Mistress, usually p.r.o.nounced "Missis."

Mtg. Mortgage.

N.A. North America.

Nav. Navigation.

N.B. Latin Nota bene. Note well, or Take Notice.

No. or # Number.

N.P. Notary Public.

O.B. Order Book.

O.K. All Correct.

Oz. Ounce or ounces.

P. Page; pint; pile; part.

Payt. Payment.

Pcs. Pieces.

Pd. Paid.

Per an, or p. a., Latin per annum. By the year.

% Per cent. By the hundred.

Pk. Peck.

Pkg. Package.

P.& L. Profit and Loss.

P.O.D. Pay on Delivery.

P.O.O. Post Office Order.

Pp. Pages.

Pr. or per. By.

Prem. Premium.

Prox. Latin Proximo menve. Next month.

P.S. Post Script.

Pub. Publisher; Public.

Pwt. Pennyweight.

Qr. Quire; Quarter, 28 lbs.

Qt. Quart; Quant.i.ty.

Rec'd. Received.

Ret'd. Returned.

R. R. Railroad.

Ry. Railway.

S.B. Sales Book.

Sch. Schooner.

Shipt. Shipment.

S.O. Seller's Option, a stock phrase.

Sig. Signature.

S.S. Steamship.

St. Saint; Street; Sight.

St. Dft. Sight Draft.

Stor. Storage.

Str. Steamer.

Sunds. Sundries.

Supt. Superintendent.

T.B. Time Book.

Treas. Treasurer.

Ult. Latin, Last Month.

U.S.A. United States of America. United States Army.

U.S.M. United States Mail.