Business Hints for Men and Women - Part 37

Part 37

LEASE. A contract granting possession and use of property for a specified time.

LEGACY. A bequest; a gift of property by will.

LESSEE. One to whom a lease is made.

LETTER OF CREDIT. An open letter authorizing the bearer to receive money on the credit of the writer.

LICENSE. A legal permit to carry on a certain business.

LIEN. A legal claim on property, which must be settled before property can be sold.

LIGHTER. A flat-bottom boat used in loading and unloading vessels at anchor.

LIGHTERAGE. Charges for use of lighter.

MANIFEST. A list of articles comprising Ship Cargo.

MARGIN. Difference between buying and selling price.

MARINE. Pertaining to the sea.

MATURITY. The date when a commercial paper becomes due.

MERCANTILE AGENCY. A company that collects for the use of its patrons information as to the standing of all business men in the country.

MERCANTILE LAW. Law pertaining to business.

MORTGAGEE. The person in whose favor a mortgage is made.

MORTGAGOR. The person who gives a mortgage.

NEGOTIABLE. That which is transferable by delivery, a.s.signment or indors.e.m.e.nt.

NET. Clear of all charges.

NET PROCEEDS. The remainder after deducting charges from sales.

NET WEIGHT. Weight after deducting all allowances.

NOMINAL. Existing in name only.

NOTARY PUBLIC. An officer authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments.

OPEN ACCOUNT. An account unsettled.

OUTLAWED. A debt which has run beyond the time when the law will enforce payment.

PAR VALUE. The expressed value of any commercial paper.

PAROL. Verbal, not written or sealed.

p.a.w.n BROKER. One licensed to loan money on personal property.

PAYEE. The person to whom money is to be paid.

PAYER. The person who promises to pay.

PLANT. The entire establishment necessary to carry on a manufacturing business.

POST DATE. To date after real time of writing.

POWER OF ATTORNEY. A written authority from a to another, authorizing him to act in his stead.

PRICE CURRENT. A list of articles with market values.

PRIMAGE. A percentage allowed to the master of a vessel on the amount of cargo carried.

PRIMA FACIE. On the first look or view.

PRO RATA. A proportional distribution. Latin.

PROTECTING A DRAFT. Accepting a draft to prevent its being protested.

PROTEST. A formal declaration by a notary that a note was not paid at maturity, or that any other monetary obligation was not met when due.

RECEIVER. A person appointed by the Court to take charge of a firm or corporation on its dissolution, and to distribute its property according to law.

RESCIND. To revoke, countermand or annul.

RESOURCES. Every form of convertible a.s.set.

REVOCATION. The recall authority conferred on another.

SALVAGE. The allowance made by law to persons who voluntarily a.s.sist in saving a ship or her cargo from destruction.

SHIPPING CLERK. One who attends to shipping goods.

SILENT PARTNER. One who shares in the profits of a firm, though his name does not appear, nor does he take an active part in its affairs.

SINKING FUND. A sum of money set apart for the liquidation of debts.

STOCK. Capital invested in trade. Goods on hand.

CAPITAL STOCK. The capital of a corporation as shown by its shares.

COMMON STOCK. That stock which ent.i.tles the owner to an equal proportionate dividend of the corporate profits and a.s.sets, with one shareholder or cla.s.s of shareholders having no advantage or preference over another.

PREFERRED STOCK. That stock which ent.i.tles the owner to dividends out of the net profits before or in preference to the holder of common stock.

WATERED STOCK. Stock which purports to represent, but does not honestly represent, money paid into the treasury of a corporation.

STOCK EXCHANGE. A place where brokers and others meet to buy and sell stocks and bonds.

STOCKHOLDER. One who owns shares in a joint stock company or corporation.

STOPPAGE IN TRANSIT. The right which the seller has to stop the goods he has shipped any time before they reach the buyer.

SYNDICATE. A number of men who unite to conduct some commercial enterprise.

TARE. An allowance made for the weight of boxes, barrels, etc., in which goods are shipped.

TENANT. One who holds real estate under lease.

TENDER. An offer; a proposal for acceptance.

TICKLER. A book containing a memorandum of notes and other obligations in the order of their maturity.

TIME DRAFT. A draft maturing at a fixed future date.

TRADE DISCOUNT. A discount or series of discounts from the prices made to dealers, or because of a change in prices.

TRUSTEE. One who holds any business or property in trust.

UNDERWRITER. One who insures.

USURY. The taking of more than the legal interest.

VOUCHER. Papers and doc.u.ments that prove the truth of accounts.

WAYBILL. A paper containing a list of goods shipped.

WHARf.a.gE. Money paid for use of a wharf.

WHARFINGER. One in charge of a wharf; the owner.

WHOLESALE. To sell goods in large quant.i.ties, in whole or unbroken packages.

WRIT. An order issued from a Court to one of its officers; or to one or more litigants where an injunction is issued.