Business Hints for Men and Women - Part 34

Part 34

Always be courteous in travelling, but never take the chance acquaintance of the steamboat or car into your confidence.

Keep an eye on the man who "fortunately is going just your way."

Watch out for the fellow who knows the leading men of your town and is a cousin of Judge Smith.

Do not respond if such men ask you to cash a small check or make a slight advance till his draft arrives.

Do not accept the invitation of strangers to visit any place.

Avoid the confidence of the over-dressed, but slightly intoxicated young fellow who "has been out with college chums." He is not a college man, nor has he been drinking.



" Italian ditto--The same as above.


' Primes, Minutes, Test.

" Seconds, Inches. Thus, 7 20' 10" in circular measure, or 7' 20" 10''' in duodecimal long measure.

I1 One and one-fourth.

I2 One and one-half.

I3 One and three-fourths.

+ Latin plus, more--Addition.

- Latin minus, less--Subtraction.

X By, or into. Multiplication. Also area, as 20 X 5, read 20 by 5, means 20 long and 5 wide.

Divided by--Division. The : above is also a sign of division as used in ratio, thus, 4:7; and the ? alone is a sign of division as used in writing fractions, thus, 4/7.

= Equals. The double ::, as used in proportion, is also a sign of equality, thus, 4:7::12:21.

% Per centum. By the hundred. Rate of interest.

P Per, by or through.

$ Dollars; said to be a contraction of U. S. for United States money.

# Means Number, if before a figure, as #90, but pounds if written after, as 90#.

@ Latin ad., meaning to or at.

A1. First Cla.s.s, the best.

A. or Ans. Answer.

Acc., Acct. or a/c, Account.

Adv. Latin ad valorem, according to value.

Admr. Administrator.

Admx. Administratrix.

Adv. or Ad., Advertis.e.m.e.nt.

Agt. Agent.

Amt. Amount.

a/o At sight or Account Sales.

a.s.s'd. a.s.sorted. a.s.sistant.

Bal. Balance.

B.B. Bill Book.

Bbl. Barrel or Barrels.

Bdls. Bundles.

B/E Bill of Exchange.

Bgs. Bags.

Bk. Bank; Book.

Bkts. Baskets.

B/L Bill of Lading.

Blk. Black.

Bls. Bales.

Bot. Bought.

B.P. Bills Payable.

B.Rec. Bills Receivable.

Bro't. Brought.

Bu. Bushel or Bushels.

Bx. Box or Boxes.

Cash. Cashier.

C.B. Cash Book.

Chgs. Changes.

Chts. Chests.

C.H. Court House; Custom House.

C.F.S. Carriage and Insurance Free.

Cks. Casks or Checks.

Clk. Clerk.

Co. Company; County.

C.O.D. Cash, or Collect, on Delivery.

Col. Collection.

Com. Commission.

Const. Consignment.

Cor. Sec. Corresponding Secretary.

Cr. Credit; Creditor.

C.S.B. Commission Sales Book.

Ct. or c. Cent, Latin Centime, a hundred.

Cts. Cents.

Cwt. A hundred weight.

D. B. Day Book.

D/d. Days after date.

Dept. Department; Depment Dft. Draft; Defendant.

Disct. Discount.

Div. Dividend, Division; Divide, Divisor.

Do. The same.

Doz. Dozen.

Dr. Debtor; Doctor.

D/s or d.s. Days after sight.

ea. Each.

E.E. Errors excepted; Ells English.

E.g. Latin Exempli gratia. For example.

Encl. Enclosed.