76. Chaucer, by Tyrwhitt, with the Glossary, G.M. g.l. 5 vol. 1775. 8vo. 6 0 0
82. Cokain's (Sir Aston) Poems and Plays, _with head_, R.M.
g.l. 2 vol. 1662. 8vo. 4 0 0
97. A Paire of Turtle Doves, or the History of Bellora and Fidelio, bl. l. 4to. _see MS. note by Steevens_, 1606. 5 5 0
160. Burnet's History of his own Times, _large paper_, R.M.
g.l. 2 vol. 1724. 4to. 5 15 6
198. Dodsley's Collection of Old Plays, _large paper_, 12 vols. 1780. 8vo. _Only six copies printed in this manner._ 14 14 0
313. Latham's General Synopsis of Birds, with Index, 9 vols.
with reverse plates, elegantly painted by Miss Stone, now Mrs. Smith: R.M. g.m.l. 4to. 'N.B. _Of the above set of books, there are only_ 6 copies.' 40 0 0
314. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, with his Life, large paper, 4 vols. _boards, uncut_, 1707, 1750, fol. 15 15 0
350. Heath's Chronicle, _frontispiece and heads_, R.M. g.l.
1663. 2 vols. 8vo. 5 5 0
394. Knight's Life of Colet, _large paper_; plates, elegant, in light brown calf, g.l.m. 1724, 8vo. 5 10 0
395. Knight's Life of Erasmus, _large paper_, plates, elegant, in light brown calf, g.l.m. 1726, 8vo. 9 9 0
431. Lewin's Birds of Great Britain, with the Eggs accurately figured, elegantly painted with back ground, 7 vols. in 3. _A superb copy, in g.m. g.m.l._ 1789, 4to. 28 7 0
473. Martyn's Universal Conchologist; English Entomologist: and Aranei, or Natural History of Spiders, 4 vols. elegantly coloured. _A superb copy_, in R.M. g.m.l. 1789, 92, and 93, 4to. 33 12 0
490. Harrison's Seven Triumphal Arches, in honor of James I., all the [seven] parts complete; _curious and very rare_, R.M. g.l. 1604. folio. 27 6 0
493. Hearne and Bryne's Antiquities and Views in Great Britain, _proof impressions_, M. g.l. 1786, oblong folio. 16 0 0
586. Skelton's (Mayster) Poems: Colyn Clout, _Lond. by John Whygte_. Whi come ye not to Courte; _Lond. by John Whygte_.
Phillyp Sparow; Speak Parot; Death of the Noble Prynce, &c.
See note. _Lond. by John Kynge and Thomas Marshe_. Merie Tales; _unique_, see note. _Lond. by Thomas Colwell_, 5 vol.
bl. l. R.M. g.l. 12mo. 23 0 0
624. Monument of Matrons, containing seven severall lamps of Virginitie, by Thomas Bentley; bl. l. R. 3 vols. 1582, 4to.
16 5 6
632. Nychodemus Gospell, wood-cuts, bl. l. g.l. R.M. _Lond.
Wynkyn de Worde_, 1511, 4to. 6 16 6
640. Pennant's History of Quadrupeds, boards, _uncut, large paper, proof plates_, 1793, 4to. 6 6 0
692. The late Expedition in Scotlande, made by the Kinges Hyhnys Armye, under the conduit of the Ryht Honourable the Earl of Hertforde, the yere of our Lorde God, 1544. bl. l.
R.M. g.l. _Lond. by Reynolde Wolfe_, 1554, 8vo. 16 16 0
762. Sommers's (Lord) Collection of scarce and valuable Tracts, 19 vols. R. g.l. 1748, 50, 51, 52, folio. 85 1 0
780. Temple of Glas, bl. l. See notes by G. Mason. _Wynkyn de Worde, no date_, 4to. 8 8 0
795. Tour (A) through the South of England, Wales, and part of Ireland, in 1791, large paper, proof plates, coloured, 1793. N.B. "Of the above book only six copies were printed."
8 8 0
806. Vicar's England's Parliamentary Chronicle, R. g.l.
complete, 4 parts, 3 vols. 1646, 4to. 12 0 0
829. Speed's Theatre of Great Britain, maps, R. g.l. m.l. _A remarkable fine copy_, 1611. 11 11 0
836. The Myrrour and Dyscrypcyon of the Worlde, with many Mervaylles, wood-cuts, B.M. g.l. _Emprynted by me Lawrence Andrewe_, 1527, folio. 26 0 0
837. The Recuile of the Histories of Troie, translated into English by William Caxton, very fair, B.M. g.l. _Imprynted at London by W. Copland_, 1553, fol. 23 0 0
852. The Myrroure of Golde for the Synfull Soule, bl. l.
wood-cuts. _Imprynted at Lond. in the Fleete-strete, at the sygne of the Sun, by Wynkyn de Worde_, 1526, 4to. 12 1 6
856. Barclay's (Alexander) Egloges, out of a Boke named in Latin, Miserie Curialium, compyled by Eneas Sylvius, Poete and Oratour, bl. l. _woodcuts, five parts, and complete_, G.M. _Imprynted by Wynkyn de Worde_, 4to. 25 0 0
859. Holy Life and History of Saynt Werburge, very frutefull for all Christian People to rede. Poems, bl. l. G.M. _Imp.
by Richard Pynson_, 1521, 4to. 31 10 0
Amount of the sale, 3135_l._ 4_s._]
PHIL. I attended the sale of Woodhouse's prints and books; and discovered at it as strong symptoms of the madness of which we are discoursing as ever were exhibited on a like occasion. I have the catalogue upon fine paper, which, however, is poorly printed; but I consider it rather a curious bibliographical morceau.
LYSAND. Make the most of it, for it will soon become scarce. And now--notwithstanding my former boast to do justice to the remaining bibliomaniacal characters of respectability--as I find my oral powers almost exhausted, I shall barely mention the sales, by auction, of the collections of WILKES, RITSON, and BOUCHER[412]--although I ought to mention the _Bibliotheca Boucheriana_ with more respect than its two immediate predecessors; as the collector was a man endowed with etymological acumen and patience; and I sincerely wish the public were now receiving the benefit of the continuation of his Dictionary; of which the author published so excellent a specimen, comprehending only the letter A. Dr. Jamieson has, to be sure, in a great measure done away the melancholy impression which lexicographical readers would otherwise have experienced--by the publication of his own unrivalled "_Scottish Dictionary_;" yet there is still room enough in the literary world for a continuation of Boucher.
[Footnote 412: It did not, perhaps, suit Lysander's notions to make mention of book-sales to which no collectors' names were affixed; but, as it has been my office, during the whole of the above conversation, to sit in a corner and take notes of what our book-orator has said, as well to correct as to enlarge the narrative, I purpose, gentle reader, prefacing the account of the above noticed three collections by the following bibliomaniacal specimen: '_A Catalogue of a capital and truly valuable Library, the genuine property of a Gentleman of Fashion, highly distinguished for his fine taste_,' &c.: sold by auction by Mr. Christie, May, 1800, 8vo. 326 articles: amount of the sale, 1828_l._ 18_s._; being nearly 6_l._ an article. Now for the beloved specimens:
NO. 35. Baptistae Portae de Humana Physiognomia, _with wood-cuts. Hanoviae_, 1593, et Johannis Physiophili Opuscula.
_Aug. Vin._ 1784, 8vo. 0 19_s._ 0_d._
38. Officium Beatae Virginis. _This unique_ MANUSCRIPT _on vellum of the 14th century, is enriched with highly finished Miniature Paintings, and is one of the most perfect and best preserved missals known in England._ 20 9 6
40. A complete set of the Barbou Classics, 68 vols.
_elegantly bound in green_ (_French_) morocco, with gilt leaves, 8vo. 35 14 0
94. Gesta et Vestigia Danorum extra Daniam, 3 v. _large paper, with a portrait in satin of the Prince to whom it is dedicated, Lips: et Hafn_: 1740, 4to. _Black morocco, gilt leaves._ N.B. 'It is supposed that the Rolliad was taken from this work.' 10 10 0
133. Brittania, Lathmon, et villa Bromhamensis, poematia; _Bodoni, Parma_, 1792, _red morocco_, folio. 9 19 6
211. Contes des Fees; Paris, 1781, 8vo. 4 vols. IMPRIMeE SUR VELIN. This unique copy is ornamented with nineteen original drawings, and was made for the late Madame Royale: _elegantly bound in blue morocco and enclosed in a morocco case_. 35 14 0
237. Memoires du Comte de Grammont. _Edition printed for the Comte d'Artois._ _Par._ 1781. 8vo. This beautiful small work, from the text of which Harding's edition was copied, is adorned with several high finished portraits in miniature, painted by a celebrated artist, and is elegantly bound in green morocco, with morocco case. 15 15 3
317. L'antiquite Expliquee, par Montfaucon, with fine plates; _large paper copy_, 15 vol. red (French) _morocco, with gilt leaves_; and Monarchie Francoise, 5, v. l. p.
_correspondently bound_, folio. 63 0 0