Bibliomania Or Book-Madness - Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 63

Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 63

318. Anacreontis Carmina, Gr. et Lat. from a MS. in the Vatican of the tenth century: with _beautiful coloured miniatures by Piale, appropriate to each ode, in rich morocco binding_. _Romae_, 1781. folio. 56 14 0

Early in the year in which this collection was disposed of, the very beautiful choice, and truly desirable library of GEORGE GALWAY MILLS, Esq. was sold by auction by Mr.

Jeffery, in February, 1800. My copy of this well-executed catalogue is upon _large paper_; but it has not the prices subjoined. Meanwhile let the sharp-sighted bibliomaniac look at no. 28, 68, 85, 106, 181, 412, 438, only. Thus it will be seen that the year 1800 was most singularly distinguished for _Book-Auction Bibliomaniacism_!

We now proceed to notice the sales of the libraries of those bibliomaniacs above mentioned by Lysander. _A catalogue of the very valuable Library of the late_ JOHN WILKES, Esq., M.P., _&c., sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby, in November_, 1802, 8vo.: 1478 articles. There are few articles, except the following deserving of being extracted.

NO. 139. Bernier Theologie Portatif, Lond. 1768--Boulanger Recherches sur l'Origine du Despotisme Oriental, morocco, gilt leaves. Lond. 1763, 8vo. 'N.B. The "Recherches" were printed by Mr. Wilkes, at his own private printing press, in Great George Street, Westminster, in 1763.'

383. Catullus, recensuit Johannes Wilkes; _impress. in Membranis_, red morocco, gilt leaves. Lond. ap. Nichols, 1788, 4to.

395. Copies taken from the Records of the C. of K.B. 1763.

"Note in this book--printed by P.C. Webe, one of the solicitors to the Treasury, never published," &c.

1441. Theophrasti Characteres: Graece, Johannes Wilkes, recensuit. _Impress. in Membranis_, Lond. 1790, 4to.

1460. Wilkes's History of England, no. I. 1768, 4to.

Next comes the account of the Library of that redoubted champion of ancient lore, and anti-Wartonian critic, Joseph Ritson. His books, upon the whole, brought very moderate sums. _A Catalogue of the entire and curious Library and Manuscripts of the late_ JOSEPH RITSON, Esq., _&c., sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby, December_ 5, 1803, 8vo.

NO. 521. Skelton's (Maister) Workes, MS. notes, and lists of the different editions of Skelton's Works, and likewise of those never printed; and of these last, in whose possession many of them are, 1736, 8vo. 0 18_s._ 0_d._

600. Jeffrey of Monmouth's British History, by Thompson; a great number of MS. notes, on separate papers, by Mr.

Ritson. Lond. 1718, 8vo. 1 5 0

950. The Sevin Seages. Translatit out of Paris in Scottis meter, be Johne Rolland in Dalkeith, with one Moralitie after everie Doctouris Tale, and siclike after the Emprice Tale, togidder with one loving landaude to everie Doctour after his awin Tale, and one Exclamation and outcrying upon the Emprerouris Wife after his fals contrusit tale.

_Imprentit at Edinburgh, be Johne Ros, for Henrie Charteris_, 1578, 4to. "Note in this book by Mr. Ritson; No other copy of this edition is known to exist, neither was it known to Ames, Herbert," &c. &c. 31 10 0

964. A new Enterlude, never before this tyme imprinted, entreating of the Life and Repentance of Marie Magadelene [Transcriber's Note: Magdalene], not only godlie, learned and fruitfull, but also well furnished with pleasant myrth and pastime, very delectable for those which shall heare or reade the same, _made by the learned Charke [Transcriber's Note: Clarke] Lewis Wager--printed_ 1567, MS. 1 11 6

985. Bibliographia Scotica; Anecdotes biographical and literary of Scotish Writers, Historians, and Poets, from the Earliest account to the nineteenth century, in two parts, intended for publication. 45 3 0

986. Shakspeare, by Johnson and Steevens, 8 vols. containing a great number of manuscript notes, corrections, &c. &c.

together with 3 vols. of manuscript notes, by Mr. Ritson, prepared by him for the press, intending to publish it. 110 0 0

The year ensuing (of which Lysander has, very negligently, taken no notice) was distinguished for the sale of a collection of books, the like unto which had never been seen, since the days of the dispersion of the Parisian collection. The title of the auction catalogue was, in part, as follows: _A Catalogue of a most splendid and valuable collection of Books, superb missals, original drawings, &c.

the genuine property of a Gentleman of distinguished taste, retiring into the country, &c._ Sold by auction by Mr.

Christie, April, 1804, 8vo. 339 articles: total amount, 4640_l._--being almost 14_l._ an article. I attended both days of this sale and the reader shall judge of my own satisfaction, by that which _he_ must receive from a perusal of the following specimens of this _Bibliotheca Splendidissima_.

NO. 221. A most complete set of Sir William Dugdale's Works, containing Monasticon Anglicanum, in 5 vols. 1655; Monasticon, vol. 1, editio secunda, 2 vols.; Monasticon, in English, with Steevens's Continuation, 3 vols.; Warwickshire, first edition; Warwickshire, second edition, by Thomas, 2 vols.; St. Paul's, first and second edition, 2 vols.; Baronage, 2 vols.; History of Imbanking, first and second editions, 2 vols.; Origines Juridiciales, third edition; View of the Troubles; Summons of the Nobility; Usage of Arms and office of Lord Chancellor. _This fine set of Dugdale is elegantly bound in Russia leather in 23 volumes._ 136 10_s._ 0_d._

(Now worth 250_l._)

222. Biographia Britannica, 7 vols. 1747, folio. A matchless set illustrated with portraits, fine and rare, and _elegantly bound in Russia leather_. 99 15 0

223. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, 4 vols. Glasgow, 1756, fol. An unique copy, on _large paper_, illustrated with Flaxman's plates to the Iliad, and original drawings, by Miss Wilkes, to the Odyssey; _superbly bound in blue Turkey_. 39 18 0

225. Milton's Poetical Works, large paper, Tonson, 1695.

Milton's Historical Works, &c., by Birch, 2 vols. large paper, 1738, 3 vols. _elegantly bound in Russia leather_. 5 10 0

229. Ogilby's Historical Works, containing Britannia, China, 2 vols. Japan, Asia, Africa, and America, with fine plates by Hollar, 7 vols. folio, _fine copy in Russia_. 18 18 0

234. Lord Clarendon's History of the Grand Rebellion, 6 vols. folio, _large paper, splendidly bound in morocco_, 1702. 49 7 0

235. Winwood's Memorials of Affairs of State, 3 vols. 1725.

_Large Paper, elegantly bound, and gilt leaves_. 5 18 0

239. Wood's Athenae Oxonienses, 2 vols. best edition, 1721.

_A fine copy on Large Paper, elegantly bound in Russia, with gilt leaves_, Fol. 7 17 6

From no. 292 to 307, inclusive (only 14 volumes), there was a set of "_Painted Missals and curious manuscripts_,"

which were sold for 724_l._ Among them, was Mr. John Towneley's matchless missal, decorated by the famous Francesco Veronese--"one of the finest productions of the kind ever imported from Italy:" see no. 296. For an account of the books PRINTED UPON VELLUM in this collection, see PART VI. Let us close this note with the _Bibliotheca Boucheriana_; of which such respectable mention is above justly made by Lysander. "_A Catalogue of the very valuable and extensive Library of the late_ REV. JONATHAN BOUCHER, _A.M., F.R.S., Vicar of Epsom, Surrey. Comprehending a fine and curious collection in Divinity, History, &c.: sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby; in February_, 1806." _First part_, 6646 articles: _Second part_, 1933 articles: _Third part_, published in 1809: 857 articles. I attended many days during this sale; but such was the warm fire, directed especially towards divinity, kept up during nearly the whole of it, that it required a heavier weight of metal than I was able to bring into the field of battle to ensure any success in the contest. I cannot help adding that these catalogues are wretchedly printed.]

Ah, well-a-day!--have I not come to the close of my BOOK-HISTORY? Are there any other bibliomaniacs of distinction yet to notice? Yes!--I well remember the book-sale events of the last four years. I well remember the curiosity excited by the collections of the MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, JOHN BRAND, ISAAC REED, RICHARD PORSON, ALEXANDER DALRYMPLE, and RICHARD GOUGH,[413] and with these I must absolutely make my bibliomaniacal peroration! Illustrious men!----

[Footnote 413: For the same reason as has been adduced at p.

427, ante, and from a strong wish to render this _List of Book Auctions_ as perfect as my opportunities will allow, I shall persevere, at the foot of Lysander's narrative, in submitting to the attention of the curious reader a still further account of sales than those above alluded to in the text. As this will be the last note in PART V., I hope, however late the hour, or exhausted his patience, that the reader will also persevere to the close of it, and then wish the author "good night," along with his friends, whose salutations are above so dramatically described. At the very opening of the year in which Mr. Boucher's books were sold, the magnificent collection of the Marquis of Lansdowne was disposed of. I well remember the original destination of this numerous library: I well remember the long, beautiful, and classically ornamented room, in which, embellished and guarded by busts, and statues of gods and heroes, the books were ranged in quiet and unmolested order, adjoining to the noblest mansion in London. If the consideration of external, or out-of-door, objects be put out of the question, this Library-room had not its superior in Great Britain. Let us now come to particulars: "_Bibliotheca Lansdowniana. A Catalogue of the entire Library of the late most noble William_ MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE; _sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby, &c. January_, 1806." 8vo. The following is but a slender specimen of the printed books in the Lansdowne collection.

NO. 359. Arthur Kynge (the story of the most noble and Worthy) the whiche was fyrst of the worthyes christen, and also of his noble and valyaunt knyghtes of the Round Table; _newly imprynted and corrected, black letter, title-page emblazoned, Turkey. Imp. at Lond. by Wyllyam Coplande_, 1557, folio. In the collection of Mr. Dent. 25 0_s._ 0_d._

361. Ashmole's (Elias) Institution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, plates by Hollar, _L. Paper, green morocco, border of gold, gilt leaves_, 1672, folio. 10 10 0

1384. Chronica del Rey Don Alonso el Onzeno, Roy de Castilla, &c. _Liter. Goth. Mar. verd. Volladolid [Transcriber's Note: Valladolid]._ 1551, folio. 11 11 0

1385. ---- del Rey Don Pedro. D. Enrrique [Transcriber's Note: Enrique], y D. Juan, _Pampl._ 1591, folio. 5 15 6

1386. ---- des Reys de Portugal, D. Joanno I. D. Duarte, e D. Alfonso, _Lisboa_, 1543, folio. 4 2 0

2499. Gazette, London, from the beginning, 1665 to 1722 inclusive, 73 vol. folio. 84 0 0

3438. Leyes del Reyno, del Don Philippe II. Recopilacion de las, 2 tom. Alcala, 1581. folio. 1 5 0

3439. ---- de los Reynos de las Indias, del Don Carlos II. 2 tom. Madrid, 1681, folio. 3 10 0

4108. Money; a very curious Collection of Single Sheets, &c., and with several MS. Memorandums and Papers on that Subject, bound in one volume. 10 10 0

5544. Somers' (Lord) Tracts, 16 vol. Lond. 1748, 52. 63 0 0

5786. Stuart's (James) Antiquities of Athens, plates, 3 vol.

1787, 94, folio. 16 16 0

5787. Stukeley's (Wm.) Itinerary, cuts, _Russia_, 2 vol. in vol. 1, 1776, folio. 21 0 0

5916. A very rare collection of Tracts, Documents, and Pamphlets, consisting of above 280 volumes, tending to illustrate the History of the French Revolution--together with more than 49 volumes relative to the transactions in the Low Countries, between the years 1787 and 1792, and their separation from the house of Austria:--amongst the above will be found the following works.

Des Etats Generaux, &c. Par. 1789. 18 vol.

Process Verbaux de la premiere Assemblee, 75 vol.

Ditto de la seconde 16 vol.

Ditto de la Convocation 32 vol.