LOT. _s._ _d._
72. _One._ Caesar in the Temple of Venus.
_Proof before any letters._ 3 13 6
73. _Two._ no. 1. Scipio Africanus. 2 0 0 no. 2. Lucius C. Sylla.
74. _Two._ no. 3. Julias Caesar; caput laureatum. 5 15 0 [Transcriber's Note: Julius]
no. 4. Marcus Junius Brutus.
75. _Two._ no. 5. Marcus Junius Brutus; cum caduceo. 2 17 6 no. 6. Lepidus; cum lituo.
76. _Two._ no. 7. Augusti caput; cum corona radiata. 4 14 6 no. 8. Augusti Pontificis maximi insign. &c.
77. _Two._ no. 9. Marcellii Octaviae, filii Augusti nepotis caput: opus elegantissimum. 3 0 0 no. 10. Liviae protome: cum capite laureato et velato pectore: simul Tiberii pueri prope adstantis caput arboris ignotae foliis redimitum.
78. _Two._ no. 11. Tiberii caput juvenile. 3 3 0 no. 12. Germanici togati protome; cum capite laureato, facie plena, &c.
79. _Two._ no. 13. Agrippinae majoris uxoris Germanici & Caligulae matris caput laureatum; sub effigie Dianae. 5 5 0 no. 14. Ejusdem Agrippinae: sub effigie Cereris.
80. _Two._ no. 15. Galbae caput laureatum. 1 19 0 no. 16. Ejusdem Galbae caput.
81. _Two._ no. 17. Nervae togati protome; cum capite laureato, plena facie; opus pulcherrimum. 4 4 0 no. 18. Ejusdem Nervae caput.
82. _Two._ no. 19. Marcianae, Trajani sororis, caput. 10 10 0 no. 20. Sabinae Hadriani uxoris caput.
83. _Two._ no. 21. Antinoi caput, cum pectore velato. 5 0 0 no. 22. Caracalla togati protome facie plena.
84. _Two._ no. 23. Caracallae caput laureatum. 1 18 0 no. 24. Juliae Domnae, Severi uxoris, caput.
85. _Two._ no. 25. Laocoontes caput. 7 7 0 no. 26. Semiramidis, vel potius Musae, caput cum pectore.
86. _Three._ no. 27. Minervae Alcidiae caput galeatum; operis egregii, edit. var. 3 8 0
87. _Two._ no. 28. Phocionis caput. 3 3 0 no. 29. Jovis et Junonis capita jugata.
88. _Three._ no. 30. Veneris caput. 4 14 6 no. 31. Bacchae caput var.
89. _Two._ no. 32. Hercules Bibax, stans. 15 4 6 no. 33. Bacchus, stans.
90. _Two._ no. 34. Faunus tigridis pelli insidens, cauda, &c. 9 9 0 no. 35. Athleta, stans, qui dextra manus trigelem, &c.
91. _Two._ no. 36. Mercurius stans. 4 14 6 no. 37. Mars, stans, armatus.
92. _Two._ no. 38. Miles de rupe descendens, eximii sculptoris Graeci opus. 7 0 0 no. 39. Diomedes Palladio potitus cum Ulysse altercatione contendit.
93. _Two._ no. 40. Dei Marini natantes. 5 10 0 no. 41. Miles vulneratus a militibus duobus sustentatur.
94. _Two._ no. 42. Miles militi vulnerato opitulato. 3 3 0 no. 43. Mulier stolata cum virgine.
95. _Two._ no. 44. Faunus pelle caprina ex humeris pendente vestitus; pedem super suggestum ignotae figurae figit et infantem genu sustinet.
no. 45. Alexandri magni effigies.
96. _Two._ no. 46. aeneam Diomedes a saxo percussum conservat. 8 18 0 no. 47. Pompeiae cujusdam ob victoriam partam descriptio.
97. _Two._ no. 48. Amazon Amazonem morientem } sustinet juxta equus. } 6 16 6 } 98. no. 49. Fragmen Gemmae Bacchi, &c. }
99. _One._ no. 50. Nuptiae Psyches et Cupidonis, _Rariss._ 4 14 6
100. _One._ no. 50. Ditto, Ditto, _Rariss._ 8 8 0
101. _One._ Frontispiece to SECOND VOLUME; _Proof, before the inscription on the arms; very rare_. 5 5 0
102. _Two._ no. 1. Ptolomaeus. } } 1 10 0 103. no. 2. Metrodorus. }
104. _Two._ no. 3. Socrates et Plato. 3 3 0 no. 5. Sappho.
105. _Two._ no. 8. Ignotum caput Scyllacis opus. 2 0 0 no. 9. Ignotum caput.
106. _Two._ no. 11. Medusa. 3 3 0 no. 18. Hercules et Iole.
107. _Two._ no. 19. L. Junius Brutus. 2 2 0 no. 20. Annibal.
108. _Two._ no. 22. Mecaenes. 1 18 0 no. 25. Drusus Tiberii filius.
109. _Two._ no. 31. Caput ignotum, Antonini forsan junioris. 2 2 0 no. 36. Equi.
110. _Two._ no. 38. Mercurii templum. 3 3 0 no. 40. Coronis.
111. _Two._ no. 41. Cupidonis. 2 12 6 no. 45. Faunus.
112. _Three._ no. 46. Omphale incedens. 3 13 5 no. 48. Biga, var.
113. _Two._ no. 50. Silenus, tigris, &c. var. 3 0 0
114. _Two._ The vignette to the second volume; _Proof, very fine, and etching, perhaps, unique_. 7 10 0
For an interesting account of the engravings of the DEVONSHIRE GEMS--the rival publication of those from the Marlborough collection--the reader may consult Mr. Beloe's _Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books_; vol. I. 182-6.
The entire collection of Mr. Woodhouse's prints produced 3595_l._ 17_s._ 6_d._
We will now make handsome mention of the BIBLIOTHECA WOODHOUSIANA. _A Catalogue of the entire, elegant, and valuable Library of John Woodhouse, Esq., comprising a rich and extensive collection of books, &c. Sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby, December, 1803._ 8vo. The collection was rather choice and rich, than extensive: having only 861 articles. Some of the rarest editions in old English Literature were vigorously contended for by well-known collectors: nor did the Library want beautiful and useful works of a different description. The following specimens will enable the reader to form a pretty correct estimate of the general value of this collection.
no. 8. Antonie (the Tragedie of) doone into English by the Countesse of Pembroke, R.M. g.l. Lond. 1595. 12mo. 5 5_s._ 0_d._
24. Barnabee's Journal, with Bessie Bell, _First Edit. B.M.
g.l._ 1648. 12mo. 2 10 0
30. Bastard's (Thomas) Chrestoleros, seven Bookes of Epigrammes, _G.M. g.l._ 1598. 12mo. 5 15 6