1282. A most pleasant and excellent conceited Comedy of Sir John Falstaffe and the Merry Wives of Windsor, with the swaggering vaine of Antient Pistoll and Corporal Nym, _4to.
inlaid. Lond._ 1619. 1 4 0
1283. The Merry Wives of Windsor, with the Humours of Sir John Fallstaffe, also the swaggering Vaine of Ancient Pistoll and Corporal Nym, 4to. _Lond. printed by T.H._ 1630.
0 10 6
1284. A Midsommer Night's Dreame, as acted by the Lord Chamberlaine's Servantes, First Edit. _impr. at Lond. for Thos. Fisher_, 4to. 1600, _part of one leaf wanting_. 25 10 0
1285. Another copy, _First Edit. inlaid, ib._ 1600. 1 15 0
1286. Much adoe about Nothing, as acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Servants, _First Edit._ 4to. _ib. printed by Val. Simmes_, 1600. 25 10 0
1287. The Tragedy of Othello the Moore of Venice, as acted at the Globe and at the Black Friers, by his Majesties Servants, 4to. _Lond. printed by N.O._ 1622, _with MS. notes and various readings by Mr. Steevens_. 29 8 0
1288. The Tragedy of Othello the Moore of Venice, as acted at the Globe and at the Black Friers, 4to. _Lond. printed by A.M._ 1630. 0 13 0
1289. Tragedie of Othello; _4th Edit._ 4to. _ib._ 1665. 0 4 0
1290. The Tragedie of King Richard the Second, as acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Servants, 4to. Lond. _printed by Val. Simmes_, 1598. 4 14 6
1291. Tragedie of King Richard the Second, as acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his Servants, 4to. _printed by W.W._ 1608.
10 0 0
1292. The Tragedie of King Richard the Second, with new Additions of the Parliament Scene, and the deposing of King Richard, as acted by his Majestie's Servants at the Globe, 4to. _Lond._ 1615, _with MS. notes, &c. by Mr. Steevens_. 1 12 0
1293. The Life and Death of King Richard the Second, with new Additions of the Parliament Scene, and the deposing of King Richard, as acted at the Globe by his Majesties Servants, 4to. _Lond._ 1634. 0 5 0
1294. The Tragedie of King Richard the Third, as acted by the Lord Chamberlain his Servants, 4to. Lond. _printed by Tho. Creede_. 1602. _Defective at the end._ 0 10 0
1295. The Tragedie of King Richard the Third, containing his treacherous Plots against his Brother Clarence, the pitiful murther of his innocent Nephews, his tirannical usurpation, with the whole course of his detested Life, and most deserved Death, as acted by his Majesties Servants, 4to.
_Lond. printed by Tho. Creede_, 1612, _with notes and various readings by Mr. Steevens._ 1 5 0
1296. The same, 4to. _ib._ 1629. 0 7 0
1297. Tragedie of King Richard the Third, as acted by the King's Majesties Servants, 4to. _ib._ 1634. 0 6 0
1298. The most excellent and lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet, 4to. _A fragment. Lond._ 1599. 0 5 6
1299. The same, compleat, inlaid on large paper, 4to. _ib., impr. by Tho. Creede_, 1599. [_Second Edition._] 6 0 0
1300. The same, 4to. Lond. 1609, _with MS. notes and readings by Mr. Steevens_. 2 2 0
1301. The same, 4to. _ib. printed by R. Young_, 1637. 0 9 0
1302. A pleasant conceited Historie, called the Taming of the Shrew, as acted by the Earle of Pembroke's Servants.
_First Edit._ 4to. _inlaid on large paper, ib., printed by V.S._ 1607. 20 0 0
1303. A wittie and pleasant Comedie, called the Taming of a Shrew, as acted by his Majesties Servants, at the Blacke Friers and the Globe, 4to., _ib., printed by W.S._ 1631. 0 11 0
1304. The most lamentable Tragedie of Titus Andronicus, as plaide by the King's Majesties Servants, 4to. _inlaid, ib., printed for Edward White_, 1611. 2 12 6
1305. The History of Troylus and Cresseide, as acted by the King's Majesties Servants at the Globe. _First. Edit._ 4to., _ib., imp. by G. Alde_, 1609. 5 10 0
1306. The lamentable Tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus, discoursing the Warres of the Brittaines and Hunnes, with ther discomfiture, 4to. _ib., printed by Thomas Creede_, 1595. 3 5 0
1307. The London Prodigall, as plaide by the King's Majesties Servants, 4to. _ib., printed by T.C._ 1705. 1 9 0
1308. The late and much admired Play called Pericles, Prince of Tyre, with the true relation of the whole Historie and Fortunes of the said Prince, as also the no lesse strange and worthy accidents in the Birth and Life of his Daughter Marianna, acted by his Majesties Servants at the Globe on the Banck-side, 4to. _ib._, 1609. 1 2 0
1309. Another edition, 4to. _ib._ 1619. 0 15 0
1310. The first part of the true and honourable History of the Life of Sir John Old-castle, the good Lord Cobham, as acted by the Earle of Nottingham his servants, 4to. _Lond._ 1600. 0 10 0
1311. A Yorkshire Tragedy, not so new, as lamentable and true, 4to. Lond. 1619. 0 9 0
1312. (Twenty Plays) published by Mr. Steevens, 6 vols.
_large paper, ib._, 1766. _Only 12 copies taken off on large paper_ 5 15 6
1313. Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, published according to the true originall copies, by John Heminge and Hen. Condell, _fol. russia. Lond. printed by Isaac Juggard and Edwd. Blount_. 1623; _with a MS. title, and a fac-simile drawing of the portrait by Mr. Steevens_. 22 0 0
1314. The same: 2d edit. folio, fine copy morocco, gilt leaves, _ib._ 1632. _In this book is the hand writing of King Charles I. by whom it was presented to Sir Tho.
Herbert, Master of the Revels._ 18 18 0
1315. The same: 3d edit. with the 7 additional Plays, fol., neat and scarce, _ib._ 1664. See _Note by Mr. Steevens_. 8 8 0
1316. The same: 4th edit. 1685, folio. 2 12 6
1326. Hammer's (Sir Tho.) edition; 9 vols. 18mo. _Lond._ 1748. 1 13 0
1327. The same: with cuts, 6 vols. 4to. _elegantly bound in hog-skin_.
1328. Pope and Warburton, 8 vols. 8vo. _Lond._ 1747. 1 0 0
1329. ---- 8 vols. 12mo., with Sir Thos. Hammer's Glossary.
_Dub._ 1747. 0 15 0
1330. Capell, (Edw.) 10 vols. 8vo. Lond. _printed by Dryden Leach_, 1768. 2 6 0
1331. Johnson, (Sam.) 8 vols. 8vo. _Lond._ 1765. 1 19 0
1332. ---- and Geo. Steevens, 10 vols. 8vo. _ib._ 1773. 2 14 0
1333. ---- in single Plays, 31 vols. _boards, ib._ 1 11 0
1334. Johnson and Steevens: 10 vols. 2d edit. with Malone's Supplement, 2 vols., and the plates from Bell's edition, _ib._ 1778. 4 16 0
1335. ---- 10 vols. 3d edit. _ib._ 1785. 3 5 0