Bibliomania Or Book-Madness - Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 59

Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 59

1336. ---- 4th edit. with a glossarial Index, 15 vols. 8vo.

_ib._ 1793. 6 16 6

1337. Malone, (Edm.) 11 vols. 8vo. _ib._ 1790. 4 8 0

1338. ---- Another copy, 11 vols. 8vo. _ib._ 4 18 0

1339. Ran (Jos.) 6 vols. 8vo. Oxf. 1786. 1 11 6

1340. ---- with Ayscough's Index, 2 vols. 8vo. russia, marbled leaves, published by Stockdale, _ib._ 1784-90. 0 15 6

1341. Eccles, 2 vols. 8vo. _ib._ 1794. 1 11 0

1342. From the Text of Mr. Malone's edit. by Nichols, 7 vols. 12mo. Lond. 1790. 0 18 0

1343. From the Text of Mr. Steevens, last edit. 8 vols.

12mo. _ib._ 1797. 1 0 0

1344. ---- 9 vols. 12mo. _ib._ 1798. 1 3 0

1345. ---- 9 vols. 12mo. Birm. by R. Martin. 1 1 0

1346. ---- 9 vols. Bell's edit. no plates. Lond. 1774. 0 18 0

1347. ---- 20 vols. 18mo. with annotations, Bell's edit.

fine paper, with plates, beautiful impressions, _ib._ 1788.

8 13 6

1348. ---- 20 vols. 12mo. Bell's edition; _large paper_, finest possible impressions of the plates, superbly bound in green turkey, double bands, gilt leaves, _ib._ 17 17 0

1349. The Dramatic Works of; Text corrected by Geo.

Steevens, Esq.; published by Boydell and Nichol, in large 4to., 15 nos. with the large and small plates; first and finest impressions, 1791, &c. N.B. Three more numbers complete the work. 36 4 6

1348. Harding, no. 31, l.p. containing 6 prints, with a portrait of Lewis Theobald, as published by Richardson, and some account of him, by Mr. Steevens. 0 4 6

1349. Ditto, ditto. 0 4 6

1350. Traduit de l'Anglois, 2 toms. Par. 1776. 0 6 0

1351. In German, 13 vols. 12mo. Zurich, 1775. 0 16 0

1352. King Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, and Julius Caesar, by Jennings, Lond. 1770. 0 11 0

1353. Macbeth, with Notes by Harry Rowe, 12mo. York, 1797. 0 1 6

1354. ---- 8vo. 2d edit. _ib._ 1799. 0 5 0

1355. Antony and Cleopatra, by Edw. Capell; 8vo. Lond. 1758.

0 1 0

1356. The Virgin Queen; a Drama, attempted as a Sequel to Shakspeare's Tempest, by G.F. Waldron, 8vo. 1797.

1357. ---- Annotations on As You Like it, by Johnson and Steevens, Bell's edit. 0 1 0

1358. ---- Another copy

1359. Shakspeare's Sonnets, never before imprinted, 4to. at Lond. by G. Ald, 1609. 3 10 0

1360. ---- Poems, 8vo. _ib._ 1640. 0 4 6

1361. ---- Venis [Transcriber's Note: Venus] and Adonis, 8vo.

_ib._ 1602. 1 11 6

1362. Rymer (Tho.) Short View of Tragedy, with Reflection on Shakspeare, &c. 8vo. b. 1698. 0 1 6

1363. Shakspeare restored, by Lewis Theobald, 4to. _ib._ 1726. 0 4 6

1364. Whalley's (Peter) on the Learning of; _ib._ 1748.

Remarks on a late edition of Shakspeare, by Zach. Grey, _ib._ 1755, and other Tracts. 0 8 6

1365. Morris (Corbyn) Essay towards fixing the true Standard of Wit, Humour, &c. 8vo. _ib._ 1744. 0 8 0

1366. Critical Observations on, by John Upton; 8vo. 2d edit.

Lond. 1748. 0 1 6

1367. ---- Illustrated, by Charlotte Lennox; 3 vols. 12mo.

_ib._ 1754. 0 9 0

1368. Notes on Shakspeare, by Zachary Grey; 2 vols. 8vo.

_ib._ 1734. 0 3 0

1369. Beauties of Shakspeare, by William Dodd, 2 vols. 12mo.

_ib._ 1757. 0 3 6

1370. Beauties of Shakspeare, by Wm. Dodd; 3 vols. 12mo.

_ib._ 1780. 0 6 0

1371. ---- (Revival of) Text, by Heath, 8vo. _ib._ 1765. 0 1 0

1372. Observations and Conjectures on some passages of, by Tho. Trywhit [Transcriber's Note: Tyrwhitt]; 8vo. Oxford, 1766. 0 5 0

1373. Farmer (Rich) on the Learning of; 8vo. morocco. Camb.

1767. _Only 12 copies on this paper._ 0 16 0

1374. ---- London. 8vo. 1789, with Mr. Capell's Shakspeariana, 8vo., _only 20 copies printed_, 1779. 0 1 6

1375. Malone (Edm.) Letter on, to Dr. Farmer; 8vo. _ib._ 1792. 0 4 6

1376. Letter to David Garrick (on a Glossary to) by Rich.

Warner, 8vo. _ib._ 1768. 0 2 6