Bibliomania Or Book-Madness - Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 57

Bibliomania or Book-Madness Part 57

in Crede Lane, Jhon Kynge, and Thomas Marshe_, no date.


Hereafter foloweth a lyttle Booke, called Colyn Clout, _b.l.

impr. by John Wyght_, 12mo.

Hereafter foloweth a little Booke of Phyllip Sparrow, _b.l.

impr. by Robert Tob._ 12mo.

Hereafter foloweth a little Booke which has to name, Whi come ye not to Courte, _b.l. impr. by John Wyght_. 12mo. 4 5 0

1079. Skelton (Master, Poet Laureat) Merie Tales, b.l. 12mo.

_Lond. impr. by Tho. Colwell, no date._ 5 15 6

"See Note, in which Mr. Steevens says he never saw another copy."

1119. Warren (Will.) A pleasant new Fancie of a Foundling's Device intitled and cald the Nurcerie of Names, with wood borders, b.l. 4to. _ib. impr. by Rich. Jhones_, 1581. 2 16 0

1125. Watson (Tho.) Passionate Centurie of Love; _b.l. 4to.

the title, dedication, and index, MS. by Mr. Steevens_.

"Manuscript Poems, transcribed from a Collection of Ancient English Poetry, in the possession of Sam. Lysons, Esq., formerly belonging to Anne Cornwallis, by Mr. Steevens." 5 10 0

1126. ---- Passionate Centurie of Love, divided into two parts, b.l. 4to. _russia. Lond. impr. by John Wolfe_. 5 18 0

1127. England's Helicon, collected by John Bodenham, with copious additions, and an index in MS. by Mr. Steevens, 4to.

_russia, ib. printed by J.R._ 1600. 11 15 0

1128. Weblee [Webbe] (Will.) Discourse of English Poetrie, together with the author's judgment, touching the Reformation of our English Verse, _b.l._ 4to. _russia, ib.

by John Charlewood_, 1586. 8 8 0


1216. The Plot of the Plays of Frederick and Basilea, and of the Deade Man's Fortune, the original papers which hung up by the side scenes in the playhouses, for the use of the prompter and the acter, earlier than the time of Shakspeare.

11 0 0

1218. Anonymous, a pleasant Comedie, called Common Conditions, _b.l. imperf. 4to. in russia._

"Of this Dramatick Piece, no copy, except the foregoing mutilated one, has hitherto been discovered: with a long note by Mr. Steevens, and references to Kirkman, Langbaine, Baker, Reed," &c. 6 10 0

1221. Bale (John) Tragedie, or Enterlude, manifesting the chiefe Promises of God unto Man, compyled An. Do. 1538, b.l.

4to. _now first impr. at Lond. by John Charlewood_, 1577. 12 15 0

1248. Marlow (Chr.) and Tho. Nash, Tragedie of Dido, Queene of Carthage, played by the Children of her Majesties'

Chappell, 4to. _russia, Lond. printed by the Widdowe Owin_, 1594. 17 0 0

1259. Peele (Geo.) The Old Wives Tale, a pleasant conceited Comedie played by the Queene's Majesties' Players; 4to. _in russia; ib. impr. by John Danter_, 1595. 12 0 0

"N.B. A second of the above is to be found in the Royal Library; a third copy is unknown." Steevens' note.


1263. The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, no title, 4to. _Lond._ 1611. _With MS. notes, &c., by Mr. Steevens._ 2 2 0

1264. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, 4to. _ib.

printed by R. Young_, 1637. 0 7 0

1265. The History of Henrie the Fourth, with the Battell of Shrewsburie, &c.; with the famous conceits of Sir John Falstaffe, part I. 4to. _ib. printed by S.S._ 1599. 3 10 0

1266. The same, _ib. printed for Mathew Lay_, 1608, 4to. 1 7 0

1267. The same, _ib. printed by W.W._ 1613. _With MS. notes, &c. by Mr. Steevens._ 1 2 0

1268. The same, _ib. printed by Norton_, 1632. 0 10 0

1259. The 2d part of Henry the Fourth, continuing to his Death, and Coronation of Henrie the Fift, with the Humours of Sir John Falstaffe and Swaggering Pistoll, as acted by the Lord Chamberlayne his Servants. _First Edit. 4to. ib.

printed by V.S._ 1600. 3 13 0

1270. The same, _ib. 4to. printed by Val. Simmes_, 1600. 2 15 0

1271. The Chronicle History of Henry the Fift, with his Battell fought at Agincourt in France, together with Auntient Pistoll, as playd by the Lord Chamberlayne his servants. _First Edit._ 4to. _inlaid on large paper, ib.

printed by Thomas Creede_, 1600. 27 6 0

1272. The Chronicle History of Henry the Fift, &c. 4to.

_Lond._ 1608. 1 1 0

1273. The true Tragedie of Richarde, Duke of Yorke, and the Death of good King Henrie the Sixt, as acted by the Earle of Pembroke his Servants, 4to. _inlaid on large paper, ib.

printed by W.W._ 1600. 1 16 0

1274. The whole contention betweene the two famous Houses, Lancaster and Yorke, with the Tragicall Ends of the good Duke Humphrey, Richard, Duke of Yorke, and King Henrie the Sixt, _divided into 2 parts_, 4to. _ib. no date_. 1 5 0

1275. The first and second part of the troublesome Raigne of John, King of England, with the discoverie of King Richard Cordelion's Base sonne (vulgarly named the Bastard Fauconbridge) also the Death of King John at Swinstead Abbey, as acted by her Majesties Players, 4to. _Lond. impr.

by Val. Simmes_, 1611. 1 18 0

1276. The first and second part of the troublesome Raigne of John, King of England, &c., _ib. printed by Aug. Matthews_, 1622. 1 1 0

1277. The True Chronicle History of the Life and Death of King Lear, and his three Daughters, with the unfortunate Life of Edgar, Sonne and Heire to the Earl of Glocester, and his sullen and assumed Humour of Tom of Bedlam, by his Majestie's servants. _First Edit._ 4to. _ib._ 1608. 28 0 0

1578. [Transcriber's Note: 1278] Another Edition, differing in the title-page and signature of the first leaf. 4to.

_ib._ 1608. 2 2 0

1279. The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice, with the extreme crueltie of Shylocke the Jew towards the sayd Merchant, in cutting a just pound of his flesh: and the obtayning of Portia by his choyce of three chests, as acted by the Lord Chamberlaine his servants, _First Edit. inlaid oil large paper; 4to. at London, printed by John Roberts_, 1600. 2 0 0

1280. The excellent History of the Merchant of Venice, with the extreme crueltie of Shylocke the Jew; _First Edit. 4to.

inlaid on large paper, printed by John Roberts_, 1600. 2 2 0

1281. A most pleasant and excellent conceited Comedie of Syr John Falstaffe and the Merrie Wives of Windsor, as acted by the Lord Chamberlaine's Servants. _First Edit. 4to. Lond.

printed by T.C._ 1602. 28 0 0