Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 23

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 23

"I'll get rid of all those headaches": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, December 15,1937. December 15,1937.

"not only over a strong opponent": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, December 22,1937. December 22,1937.

"a small clique of sleazy Jewish agitators"; "never learned to kiss up to the newspaper Jews": H.J.: Das Kampfblatt der Hitler-Jugend, H.J.: Das Kampfblatt der Hitler-Jugend, December 4,1937; February 5,1938. December 4,1937; February 5,1938.

"To Our German World Champion": Ibid., February 26,1938.

"Joe Louis hadn't hung up his 'sock' ": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, December 25,1937. December 25,1937.

"I'll show him the next time": Ibid., July 2,1938.

Louises were "definitely apart": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, January 8,1937. January 8,1937.

"a Harlem night club chorine": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, January 10,1938. January 10,1938.

"sepia songstress": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, January 15,1938. January 15,1938.

"Wherever she goes, she is the object of all eyes": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, January 22,1938. January 22,1938.

"Despite all of the upsetting rumors": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, January 22,1938. January 22,1938.

"the sweetest little wife": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, January 22,1938. January 22,1938.

"meddled and meddled and meddled"; "will defend my title": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, February 12,1938. February 12,1938.

"a dud, with a capital D": Baltimore Afro-American.:, Baltimore Afro-American.:, January 8,1938. January 8,1938.

"His awkwardness will remind them": Ibid.

"One had expected more": Elke Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.5: Dezember 1937Juli 1938 (Munich: K.G. Saur, 2000), January 31, 1938, p. 126. T.I, Bd.5: Dezember 1937Juli 1938 (Munich: K.G. Saur, 2000), January 31, 1938, p. 126.

"He tirades a lot against America": Ibid., T.I, Bd.5, February 2,1938, p. 131.

"Thrilling and dramatic": Ibid., T.I, Bd.5, February 4,1938, p. 135.

"real American" fashion: 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, February 5,1938. February 5,1938.

"I'm kinda sorry today's fight happened": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, January 31,1938. January 31,1938.

"Tab this-Louis over Schmeling": Ring, Ring, April 1938. April 1938.

"I only hope that Hitler": Boston Globe, Boston Globe, February 4,1938. February 4,1938.

"Under his leadership, German boxing": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, March 30,1938. March 30,1938.

"sports-world gangsterism": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, January 31, 1938; "World Jewry": January 31, 1938; "World Jewry": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, April 16,1938. April 16,1938.

"It won't be long tonight": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, February 25,1938. February 25,1938.

"a snarling, fighting man of the jungle": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, March 3,1938. March 3,1938.

"Sitting there on his dinky little stool": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, February 25,1938. February 25,1938.

"I guess it was too cold": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, April 2,1938. April 2,1938.

"Although it takes long residence": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, April 16,1938. April 16,1938.

"He really is a brave lad": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.5, April 17, 1938, p. 263. T.I, Bd.5, April 17, 1938, p. 263.

"Schmeling is expecting you": Reichssportblatt, Reichssportblatt, May 17,1938. May 17,1938.

All the talk of war was "crazy": Reichssportblatt, Reichssportblatt, April 26,1938. April 26,1938.

"as homeless as Orphan Annie": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, April 7,1938. April 7,1938.

"His main and valid": Ken, Ken, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"Boxing's oldest gate gag": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, April 4,1938. April 4,1938.

"For every customer who stays away": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, April 23,1938. April 23,1938.

"a Nazi tool": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, April 27,1938. April 27,1938.

"Unless Schmeling shows himself": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, April 28,1938. April 28,1938.

"It's too bad": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, May 11,1938. May 11,1938.

"Most of the trouble with the Jews": Lincoln Evening Journal, Lincoln Evening Journal, April 29,1938. April 29,1938.

"Jacobs said he did not see any": Nation, Nation, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"It is unfortunate that such as he": Jewish Veteran, Jewish Veteran, May 1938. May 1938.

a set of brochures: The brochure is in the papers of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, Columbia University.

"six attractive women": Memo, May 4, 1938, Papers of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League.

"Those folks are crazy": New York Times, New York Times, May 9,1938. May 9,1938.

"Every time these boycotts get under way": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, May 16,1938. May 16,1938.

boycott "silly": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, May 10,1938. May 10,1938.

"Herr Schmeling may be a Nazi": New York Times, New York Times, May 9,1938. May 9,1938.

"A representative of a government?": Ibid., May 13,1938.

"I didn't make this trip for fun": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, May 9,1938. May 9,1938.

"How is it already, the gate?": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, May 10,1938. May 10,1938.

"like a blue mountain"; "Tell 'em about the Boy Scouts": Ibid.

"This is-how you say": International News Service, May 11,1938.

the "most photographed head": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, May 23,1938. May 23,1938.

"Here's your stamp, my good young man": Ibid.

"You won't need six weeks": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, May 10,1938. May 10,1938.

"You see, he's a Negro": Associated Press, May 10, 1938.

"Louis may not even know it himself": New York Times, New York Times, May 10, 1938. May 10, 1938.

"That is the psychological aftermath": New York Journal-American.:, New York Journal-American.:, May 10, 1938. May 10, 1938.

"an Aryan Show Horse"; "In small groups I would try to explain": Schmeling, Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen, p. 423. p. 423.

"completely heartfelt and friendly": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, May 16,1938. May 16,1938.

"The contents of the flyers are too stupid": Ibid., May 23,1938.

"All I have to do will be to cut down on my ice cream": New York Times, New York Times, May 11,1938. May 11,1938.

"When I get in the ring": New York Sun, New York Sun, May 12,1938. May 12,1938.

"You can bet all de money you got": Indianapolis Recorder, Indianapolis Recorder, May 14,1938. May 14,1938.

"Hah'ya, Max": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, May 12,1938. May 12,1938.

"Joe, we want two words from you"; "Louis handed him what must have felt like": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, May 12,1938. May 12,1938.

"as you would if a friendly": Ibid.

"His eyes shine in proud delight": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, May 20,1938. May 20,1938.

"A master stroke of diplomatic strategy": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, May 13,1938. May 13,1938.

"Jews are once again trying to sabotage": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.5, May 18,1938., p. 306. T.I, Bd.5, May 18,1938., p. 306.

Chapter Twelve: Pompton Lakes and Speculator.

"The world heavyweight championship is making": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 13,1938. June 13,1938.

"tornadic" start: New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 3,1938. June 3,1938.

"Last time Chappie fot jus'": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 14,1938. June 14,1938.

Louises together "only about sixty-six" days: Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"men in sports clothes": Richmond Afro-American Planet, Richmond Afro-American Planet, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"jeweled octoroons from the Cotton Club": Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily News, June 2,1938. June 2,1938.

"There's wire netting": London Sunday Pictorial, Sunday Pictorial, June 19,1938. June 19,1938.

"just another fighter he was going to stop": Fried, Corner Men, Corner Men, p. 148. p. 148.

"with all the savage vigor": Memphis Commercial Appeal, Memphis Commercial Appeal, June 16,1938. June 16,1938.

"that started in Albany": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 8,1938. June 8,1938.

"hit hard enough to dent a cake frosting": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 10,1938. June 10,1938.

BROWN BOMBER LOOKS LIKE TAN TARGET: New York Post, New York Post, June 10,1938. June 10,1938.

"Louis has never been accused of being erudite": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 16, 1938. June 16, 1938.

"Schmeling will make no mistake": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 16,1938. June 16,1938.

"They tried Shufflin' Joe": New York Times, New York Times, June 17,1938. June 17,1938.

"Experimentation to him": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 3,1938. June 3,1938.

"There can be no question": Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"I don't know that Cy what-you-calls-him": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 20,1938. June 20,1938.

"They are saying Joe Louis": Atlanta Journal, Atlanta Journal, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"I don't think he has changed a lick": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 20,1938. June 20,1938.

"feeding time at the zoo": Boston Sunday Advertiser, Boston Sunday Advertiser, June 5,1938. June 5,1938.

"vastly improved mentally": New York Post, New York Post, June 8,1938. June 8,1938.

"In Joe's trade a well-delivered clout": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"Keep Joe from thinking": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, April 16,1938. April 16,1938.

"that remarkable sense of rhythm": Ibid., June 7,1938.