Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 24

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 24

"chauvinism and backwardness": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"inflicted an inferiority complex": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 8,1938. June 8,1938.

"Joe Louis never will admit it": Charleston (South Carolina) News & Courier, Charleston (South Carolina) News & Courier, June 22, 1938. June 22, 1938.

"The psychology is true": Daily Texan, Daily Texan, June 19,1938. June 19,1938.

"Joe Louis is as much an American": Richmond News-Leader, Richmond News-Leader, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"For the first time in the history": New York Daily News, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"The public, even in the deep South": Walter White to Lowell Thomas, June 20,1938, in NAACP papers.

"You fight him the way": New York World-Telegram and Sun, New York World-Telegram and Sun, May 1, 1957. May 1, 1957.

"the greatest right": Port Arthur (Texas) News, Port Arthur (Texas) News, December 8,1937. December 8,1937.

"One of the most liberal and genuine": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 11, 1938. June 11, 1938.

"ridiculous": Atlanta Daily World, Atlanta Daily World, June 15,1938. June 15,1938.

"Gene, he not only never fought": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 11,1938. June 11,1938.

Schmeling's "spiritual fortification": Connecticut Nutmeg, Connecticut Nutmeg, May 26,1938. May 26,1938.

"did not have to dance": Angriff, Angriff, June 10,1938. June 10,1938.

"he would be awkward": Chicago American, Chicago American, June 15,1938. June 15,1938.

"His burning desire for revenge": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"I don't like Schmeling": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, May 18,1954. May 18,1954.

"The old drowsiness is gone": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, June 17,1938. June 17,1938.

"I know how to fight Max, now": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 14,1938. June 14,1938.

"Sheer youthful exuberance": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"a fit subject for the psychiatric ward": Atlanta Daily World, Atlanta Daily World, June 15,1938. June 15,1938.

"My rheumatics will give me": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 15,1938. June 15,1938.

"They've finally got that boy mad": Associated Press, June 16,1938.

"All of his work leaves the impression": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 13,1938. June 13,1938.

"the dollar assets of Herr Mike Jacobs": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, May 30,1938. May 30,1938.

"as close to perfection": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 17,1938. June 17,1938.

"He is planning to right-cross you": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"the merest shadow of embonpoint": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"We were the center of attraction": Ibid.

"The black dynasty of pugilism": Chicago American, Chicago American, June 2,1938. June 2,1938.

the white press hid Schmeling's racism: Gary American, Gary American, June 17,1938. June 17,1938.

"Make no mistake, Max Schmeling": Chicago Times, Chicago Times, June 7,1938. June 7,1938.

"Ve haff no strikes": Ibid., June 17,1938.

"Both he and Machon sincerely believe": Chicago Times, Chicago Times, June 14,19, and 20,1938. June 14,19, and 20,1938.

"floating sports hotel": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, June 9,1938. June 9,1938.

"Only the sporting side of the contest": Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd. 6/I: 1938: June 10,1938. Bd. 6/I: 1938: June 10,1938.

"preludes and omens": Frankfurter Volksblatt, Frankfurter Volksblatt, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"like stepping from this enlightened": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"Nasty Adolph's oaf-ficial observer": St. Louis Star-Times, St. Louis Star-Times, June 13,1938. June 13,1938.

"spirit of Horst Wessel": Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Georgian, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"Little wonder that he dashes back": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"He made Max what he is today": New York Times, New York Times, May 28,1938. May 28,1938.

"Jews will not forget": Forverts, Forverts, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"the absolute low-down": Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Georgian, June 19,1938. June 19,1938.

"In Germany, we still believe": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"This fellow isn't a sportsman": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

Hamburg would be renamed "Schmeling": Hamburger Tageblatt, Hamburger Tageblatt, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Look, Max, you're a nice guy": Boston Globe, Boston Globe, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"If this dirty nigger Joe Louis": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"an old Jewish trick": Ibid.

"under orders to speak arrogantly": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 24,1938. June 24,1938.

"He's willing to gab about food": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 15,1938. June 15,1938.

"He made his prediction": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 15,1938. June 15,1938.

"May the best man win, for you are the best": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"attired in regalia that made Hollywood look positive dowdy": Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Georgian, June 20,1938. June 20,1938.

"as wide open as Boston Common": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 19,1938. June 19,1938.

"You can bet all the marijuana in Harlem": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, June 20,1938. June 20,1938.

"I think in our first round we will feel each other out": Liberty, Liberty, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"Harlemites who daily risk 600 to 1 odds": New York Post, New York Post, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Everything I could beg"; "I think Schmeling": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, June 18,1936. June 18,1936.

"Honest Opinion Poll": New York Post, New York Post, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Kay, O.": Birmingham News, Birmingham News, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"I think he will whip the nigger again": Associated Negro Press, July 18,1938.

"A young Christian Science lady": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, July 1,1938. July 1,1938.

"Come early and don't drop your program": Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Georgian, June 19,1936. June 19,1936.

"hits harder than any man alive": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Now, let's see": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"a revolting pandering to racial prejudice": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 20,1938. June 20,1938.

"it is understood the 'proper arrangements'"; "The cards are stacked": Collyer's Eye, Collyer's Eye, June 4 and 18,1938. June 4 and 18,1938.

"as stiff and cold as a stalactite": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Herr Hitler has our title": Boston Post: Boston Post: June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"the Joe Louis of old": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"There are a few things of which we may be reasonably certain": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"The fight may not go more than six": Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Constitution, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Joe Louis has a big mouth": Der Kicker, Der Kicker, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"On this point we can agree": Il Popolo d'Italia, Il Popolo d'Italia, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"150 Million Will Listen to the Schmeling-Louis Bout Tonight": Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"full of confidence without bragging like the Negro": Frankische Tageszeitung, Frankische Tageszeitung, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"To feel that the homeland is standing behind me": Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Have correct fighting weight": Hamburger Anzeiger, Hamburger Anzeiger, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"screams of terror" outside jewelry store: New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

"In Jewish homes there is a fresh pang": Daily Herald Daily Herald (London), June 20,1938. (London), June 20,1938.

"a doomed people": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"Mr. Joe Jacobs must think": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"New York City has been overrun": Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis Star, June 19,1938. June 19,1938.

"For humanity's sake": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 20,1938. June 20,1938.

"We have kept Schmeling waiting": New York Times, New York Times, June 1,1938. June 1,1938.

"a quarter of every dollar": Daily Express Daily Express (London), June 15,1938. (London), June 15,1938.

"The alleged anti-German attitude of the New York audience": Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, June 21,1938. June 21,1938.

had "ballyhooed the fight": Nation, Nation, June 16,1938. June 16,1938.

"As long as people are boobs enough": Roanoke Times, Roanoke Times, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Max Schmeling will fly to New York": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

The German was "Sphinx-like" as he emerged: New York Sun, New York Sun, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"Next time we'll speak, you'll be world champion": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.

"We find this all a little strange, exaggerated": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, July 11, 1938. July 11, 1938.

"We sink into the asphalt": Paris Soir, Paris Soir, June 23,1938. June 23,1938.

"city of wash-house air": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, July 11, 1938. July 11, 1938.

"You've traveled 1,500 miles to see me": Newark Evening News, Newark Evening News, June 14,1938. June 14,1938.

"something somehow turns off": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 20,1938. June 20,1938.

"In him, too, the wanderlust of the typical German": Angriff, Angriff, June 22,1938. June 22,1938.