Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 22

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 22

"into the brightest limelight": California Eagle, California Eagle, June 25,1937. June 25,1937.

"If this same Joe Louis": Black Dispatch (Oklahoma City), Black Dispatch (Oklahoma City), July 3,1937. July 3,1937.

"That letter should have been sent": New York Age, New York Age, July 3,1937. July 3,1937.

"flat-footed nigger": Box 55, Folder 20 in NBC papers, Wisconsin Historical Society.

"England trembles every time": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 10,1937. July 10,1937.

"Negro entertainment in a theater for white persons": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 3,1937. July 3,1937.

"utter lack of restraint": Durham (North Carolina) Sun, Durham (North Carolina) Sun, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Driven by jealousy and the 'Can't Take It' mood": Louisiana Weekly, Louisiana Weekly, July 3,1937. July 3,1937.

"there are none so blind as those who will not see": New York Age, New York Age, March 5,1938. March 5,1938.

"quiet, inoffensive personality": Birmingham News, Birmingham News, June 24,1937. June 24,1937.

"Powder Town": Associated Press, June 23,1937.

"an old, sad-eyed, gray-pated Negro": Chicago Sunday Times, Chicago Sunday Times, June 27,1937. June 27,1937.

"dementia praecox of the recurring type": Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery Advertiser, July 18,1937. July 18,1937.

"If he rests too long, he gets fat and lazy": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, July 16,1937. July 16,1937.

"If white champions can loaf": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 3,1937. July 3,1937.

"as natural as young love": International News Service, June 24,1937.

"merely wanted Rockefeller Center": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, August 7,1937. August 7,1937.

"One leaves the theater a little ashamed": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, July 19,1937. July 19,1937.

"I see no improvement in Louis": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, August 18,1937. August 18,1937.

"That's What America's Boxing World Champion Looks Like": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, June 23, 1937. June 23, 1937.

"Europe steps in"; a "historic event": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"We will box in September": Angriff, Angriff, June 24,1937. June 24,1937.

"The Schmeling fight against the Englishman": Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.5/I:1937: June 24,1937. Bd.5/I:1937: June 24,1937.

"The sour-grapes edition": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 25,1937. June 25,1937.

"The Reich is the first state in the world": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Nothing should be carried about the reports in the English press": NS-Presse-anweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NS-Presse-anweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.5/I:1937: July 1,1937. Bd.5/I:1937: July 1,1937.

"would amount to a lack of self-respect": NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.5/I:1937: August 26,1937. Bd.5/I:1937: August 26,1937.

"One beaten by Schmeling": Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, July 28,1937. July 28,1937.

"Promoter Jacobs' plans call for stalling Max": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, July 10,1937. July 10,1937.

"The longer they postpone the fight": International News Service, July 6,1937.

"with mouths wide open": Baltimore Afro-American.:, Baltimore Afro-American.:, September 18,1937. September 18,1937.

"the back and forth record": Deutsches Volksecho, Deutsches Volksecho, August 28,1937. August 28,1937.

"In Germany they call me the champion": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, August 19,1937. August 19,1937.

"if poor old Chim can knock down Louis"; "laughed with all the cheery good humor": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, August 19,1937. August 19,1937.

"a clear dislike": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, August 28,1937. August 28,1937.

"Everybody has a chance": New York Post, New York Post, August 23,1937. August 23,1937.

"would tolerate no further gypping of the German": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, January 15,1938. January 15,1938.

"If that spontaneous demonstration for Maxie": Ibid., September 2,1937.

"He is not more": Clearfield (Pennsylvania) Progress, Clearfield (Pennsylvania) Progress, August 31,1937. August 31,1937.

"Joe Louis lost everything": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, August 31,1937. August 31,1937.

"His footwork is atrocious; his headwork, nil": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, September 1, 1937. September 1, 1937.

"would hardly knock over": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, September 1, 1937. September 1, 1937.

"The Alabama-born darky": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, August 31,1937. August 31,1937.

"We note that you at no time": Letter, Walter White to Harry Grayson, September 9, 1937, NAACP Papers.

"Bomber Without Bombs": Reichssportblatt, Reichssportblatt, September 6,1937. September 6,1937.

AND THEY CALL THAT A WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Hamburger Anzeiger, Hamburger Anzeiger, August 31,1937. August 31,1937.

"Instead of the milling, man-eating panther of old": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, September 4, 1937. September 4, 1937.

"If he knocks his man out in a jiffy": Ring, Ring, November 1937. November 1937.

"It would be better for the fight game": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, September 11,1937. September 11,1937.

"You done me half a million dollars'": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, September 2,1937. September 2,1937.

"Too much teaching": New York Age, New York Age, September 11,1937. September 11,1937.

"had taken the glamour away": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, September 20,1937. September 20,1937.

"Champions often come up with broken bones": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, September 1,1937. September 1,1937.

"bad stage management"; "disgraceful theater": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, September 2,1937. September 2,1937.

"They'll be in a line, from here": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, April 25,1938. April 25,1938.

"You could see them breaking": Barney Nagler, "Joe Louis's Finest Hour," Saga, Saga, September 1955. September 1955.

"That's the best thing I've ever heard you say yet!": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, September 11, 1937. September 11, 1937.

"I do not think I will get what you call the run-around": Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland Plain Dealer, September 5,1937. September 5,1937.

"placed the sport above the money": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, September 6,1937. September 6,1937.

"any other opponent for the glorious 'world champion'": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, September 8,1937. September 8,1937.

Chapter Eleven: The Rematch Becomes Reality.

"bevy of the comeliest stars": New York Times, New York Times, September 26,1937. September 26,1937.

"Schmeling has suffered extraordinary financial losses": letter, Metzner to Tschammer, November 4,1937, in Bundesarchiv, BA R 1501/5101.

"as big as Central Park": New York Sun, New York Sun, May 30,1941. May 30,1941.

"To find an opponent for Schmeling": Angriff, Angriff, October 21,1937. October 21,1937.

"with open arms and with joy": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, November 29,1937. November 29,1937.

"The League is not willing to feed": New York Post, New York Post, December 1,1937. December 1,1937.

"They do not want me to have easy fights": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, December 9, 1937. December 9, 1937.

"wrangling endlessly": Ibid.

"the willing whetstone": Associated Press, December 12,1937.

"I haven't the slightest doubt": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, December 12,1937. December 12,1937.

"The passersby smile, if they look at all": Angriff, Angriff, December 10, 1937. December 10, 1937.

"particular racial character": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"We're all fighting": Ibid.

SCHMELING IS A GERMAN COMMODITY: New York Daily News, New York Daily News, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Don't send money": New York Sun, New York Sun, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Jacobs would sell out": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Jacobs would sell out his own mother!": New York Sun, New York Sun, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Well, I hope them boycotters don't feel hurt": Associated Press, December 14,1937.

"the champion who fears no man": Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"the crowd almost tore his ear off"; "one of those old Dempsey ovations": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Max's rooters rattled the windows": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Schmeling desoives all the credit": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, December 15,1937. December 15,1937.

"My nerves are shot": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Max, you were wonderful!": New York Mirror, December 15,1937. December 15,1937.

"Emotionally, Louis probably took": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

Schmeling "looked terrible"; "he ought to go back": Washington Post, Washington Post, December 15, 1937. December 15, 1937.

"contained in a prodigious yawn": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, December 18,1937. December 18,1937.

"to see another pair of gloves": Brooklyn Eagle, Brooklyn Eagle, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"go messin' roun' in no fog": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Some of my friends": New York Times, New York Times, December 15,1937. December 15,1937.

"Max Schmeling's popularity, particularly with the Brown Shirts": New York Times, New York Times, December 15,1937. December 15,1937.

"he would have knocked out any other heavyweight": Angriff, Angriff, December 15,1937. December 15,1937.

"Schmeling Also KO'd the USA Jews": 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, December 14,1937. December 14,1937.

"Samuel Untermyer & Co.": Ibid., December 15,1937.

"the circle of Jewish boycott agitators": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, December 15,1937. December 15,1937.

"an audience of appreciative storm troopers": Anti-Nazi Bulletin, Anti-Nazi Bulletin, December 1937. December 1937.