Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 21

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 21

"I've told you again and again": Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, May 25,1937. May 25,1937.

"the shadow-boxing championship of the universe": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, May 11,1937. May 11,1937.

"Evidently Max is trying to fathom": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, May 19,1937. May 19,1937.

"If I make excuses this time": Boston Traveler, Boston Traveler, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"a fair indication": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 2,1937. June 2,1937.

"mediocre boxer": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, May 29,1937. May 29,1937.

"Kid Ghost": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 3,1937. June 3,1937.

broadcast going "ghost to ghost": New York American, New York American, June 3,1937. June 3,1937.

"If the sports injustice": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 1,1937. June 1,1937.

"With the Fuhrer this afternoon": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.4, May 27,1937, p. 153. T.I, Bd.4, May 27,1937, p. 153.

"This fight for the fight has maybe been harder": Arno Hellmis radio interview with Max Schmeling and Max Machon, recorded on June 2, 1937, at the NBC Studios at Rockefeller Center, New York, for shortwave transmission to Germany. Museum of Television and Radio, New York, Program No. A 593.

"the most popular man in America": Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, June 3,1937. June 3,1937.

"a singular song of praise": Hellmis, Max Schmeling:, Max Schmeling:, p. 6. p. 6.

"a block of wood": Ibid., p. 89.

"The greatest injustice": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, June 3,1937. June 3,1937.

"We set our date last winter": New York American, New York American, May 25,1937. May 25,1937.

"the most titanic farce": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 4,1937. June 4,1937.

"This here business is sorta nutty": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 4,1937. June 4,1937.

"the consummation of as complete": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 4,1937. June 4,1937.

"phantom manager": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, May 25,1937. May 25,1937.

"Bitterness is strictly a new act": Wichita Beacon, Wichita Beacon, June 5,1937. June 5,1937.

"Who cares about being suspended?": New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, New Yorker Staats-Zeitung, June 4,1937. "What is the decision-noddings!": June 4,1937. "What is the decision-noddings!": Newark Star-Eagle, Newark Star-Eagle, June 4, 1937. "They make a joke of the title": June 4, 1937. "They make a joke of the title": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 4, 1937. "It's all my fault": June 4, 1937. "It's all my fault": Milwaukee Journal, Milwaukee Journal, June 4,1937. June 4,1937.

"The sense of justice in every civilized man": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 5,1937. June 5,1937.

"Severe diarrhea?" 8 Uhr-Blatt, 8 Uhr-Blatt, June 4,1937. June 4,1937.

"the Mt. Everest of all dudgeons": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 25,1937. June 25,1937.

"Schmeling being given the run-around by Braddock": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.4, June 5,1937, p. 169. T.I, Bd.4, June 5,1937, p. 169.

"must continue to write in the sharpest manner": Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.5/I:1937: June 7,1937. Bd.5/I:1937: June 7,1937.

"seduced from the path of contract duty": Madison Square Garden Corporation v. Braddock, Madison Square Garden Corporation v. Braddock, 90 F. 2d 924, 929 (1937). 90 F. 2d 924, 929 (1937).

"world championship of the old world": Franz Metzner to Hauptmann Wiedmann, June 7,1937, in Bundesarchiv, BA NS 10/538.

"the greatest interest": Ibid.

"as a counterweight against the American methods of deception": Metzner to District Finance Office, June 7,1937, in Bundesarchiv, BA R 1501/5099.

"The incredible enthusiasm with which the fair Englishmen": Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, June 17,1937. June 17,1937.

"moral" world champion: Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 15,1937. June 15,1937.

"the arrogant monopoly": Franz Metzner to Falony et al., June 23, 1937, in Bundesarchiv, BA R 1501/5098.

"The European front of unity against American gangsterism": Metzner to Tscham-mer, July 1,1937, in Bundesarchiv, BA R 1501/5101.

"You can bet all the tea in China he is": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 18,1937. June 18,1937.

Chapter Ten: Banishing Jack Johnson's Ghost.

"Joe Louis was a great fighter": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 17,1937. June 17,1937.

"living argument against the hypocrisy": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, June 12,1937. June 12,1937.

"just a cheap and sleazy road company": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 15,1937. June 15,1937.

"will ever be able to pound anything": Ibid., June 22,1937.

"going the way of nearly all negro gladiators": Collyer's Eye, Collyer's Eye, June 5,1937. June 5,1937.

"This is Joe's first romance": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, March 6,1937. March 6,1937.

"I can think of a million things wrong": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"Youth, speed, strength, reflexes": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"One guy is getting old": New York American, New York American, May 19,1937. May 19,1937.

"mild contusions and abrasions": quoted in Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, February 13,1937. February 13,1937.

"there should be a minimum of exultation": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, June 19,1937. June 19,1937.

"might be taken in its stride": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, June 19,1937. June 19,1937.

"Louis will be the last colored man": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, June 19,1937. June 19,1937.

"Race pride is one thing": Long Island Review, Long Island Review, undated, in L. S. Alexander Gumby Collection on the American Negro, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Butler Library, Columbia University. undated, in L. S. Alexander Gumby Collection on the American Negro, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Butler Library, Columbia University.

"a white man can say a lot more": Houston Informer, Houston Informer, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Red," "Lefty," "Good Time Charley," "One-Eye": Daily Express Daily Express (London), June 23, 1937. (London), June 23, 1937.

"Chicago is one of those places": New York American, New York American, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Why pay $27.50": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 24,1937. June 24,1937.

"They ain't educated": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 21,1937. June 21,1937.

"Black and White Sox Park": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"and among all of these you find": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, June 26,1937. June 26,1937.

"Joe Louis Special": Houston Informer, Houston Informer, June 8 and 19,1937. June 8 and 19,1937.

"Germany isn't interested": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"The outcome of the fight": Bohrmann (ed.), NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NS-Presseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.5/I:1937, June 22,1937. Bd.5/I:1937, June 22,1937.

"a primitive man, a boxing machine": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"Gee, Joe, you sure are light for this fight": New York American, New York American, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"There is no legend of world domination": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"armed to the molars": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"completely alabastered": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"widely known mortician": Associated Negro Press, July 3,1937.

"a sheepish-faced boy in a long bathrobe": Chicago Daily News, Chicago Daily News, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Chappie, this is it": Nagler, Brown Bomber, Brown Bomber, p. 73. p. 73.

"Every man, woman and child": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, June 26,1937. June 26,1937.

"You throw that towel in there": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, March 30,1938. March 30,1938.

"Braddock fought a more relentless foe": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Get your hands up, Jimmy!": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"in a halo of gleaming particles": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, June 30,1938. June 30,1938.

"Braddock went over stiffly": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Get up, Jim!": Memphis Commercial Appeal, Memphis Commercial Appeal, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Chappie! Chappie! Let's cut the title in two and celebrate!": Associated Press, June 23,1937.

"Ol' glove, you shoa had dynamite in you tonight": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, June 23, 1937. June 23, 1937.

"I guess them years jes' crept up on him"; "Nice to be young, ain't it?": Associated Press, June 23,1937.

"It don't feel no different": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 24,1937. June 24,1937.

"the fightingest champion there ever was": Louisville Times, Louisville Times, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"Just give me one more shot at that Schmeling": Atlanta Daily World, Atlanta Daily World, June 17,1938. June 17,1938.

"I guess the poor guy hasn't come to": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 24,1937. June 24,1937.

"Swirling, careening, madly dashing": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, June 26,1937. June 26,1937.

I TOLD YOU SO: Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, June 26,1937. June 26,1937.

"They threw that party": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"His right really was pretty good": Chicago Herald & Examiner, Chicago Herald & Examiner, June 24,1937. June 24,1937.

"One moment there wasn't nobody": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"We want Schmeling!"; "We want the Nazi man!": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 24,1937. June 24,1937.

"How do you like that, white man?": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"One thousand policemen fingered clubs": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 23,1937. June 23,1937.

"kayoed the same barrier of discrimination": Ibid., June 27,1937.

"darktown Baltimore"; "Christmas Eve in darkest Africa": Alistair Cooke, One Man's America, One Man's America, (New York: Knopf, 1952), p. 73. (New York: Knopf, 1952), p. 73.

"a tumult of joyous celebration": Russell Baker, Growing Up Growing Up (New York: Congdon & Weed, 1982), pp. 2036. (New York: Congdon & Weed, 1982), pp. 2036.

"wildly happy with the greatest celebration": The Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, p. 23. p. 23.

"I guess the better man won": Boxing News, Boxing News, June 1937. June 1937.

"The cynical philosopher": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, June 26,1937. June 26,1937.