Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 20

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 20

"wanted a revenge that money": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"I suppose there were close to 500,000 Ettore": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, September 26,1936. September 26,1936.

JOE LOUIS UNDER KNIFE: Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, November 7,1936. November 7,1936.

"Now, one presumes": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, September 27,1936. September 27,1936.

"I don't believe it": Ibid. November 13,1936.

"Schmeling's only defense is Joe Jacobs": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, December 1, 1936. December 1, 1936.

"Such things cannot be!": Ibid. December 11, 1936.

"Imagine Promoter Mike Jacobs or Manager Yussel Jacobs": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, December 13,1936. December 13,1936.

"The heavyweight champion of the world a Nazi!" New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, December 15,1936. December 15,1936.

"goose-stepped with Schmeling": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, December 19,1936. December 19,1936.

"superannuated geezers": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, December 12,1936. December 12,1936.

"I'm sorry it had to be like that": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, December 19,1936. December 19,1936.

"What a superb job Joe, Jack and you have done": Letter, Walter White to John Rox-borough, December 17,1936, NAACP Papers, Library of Congress.

"knocked one more nail in the coffin": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, December 20,1936. December 20,1936.

"Whether you like Hitler or the Nazis or Germans or spinach": New York Sun, New York Sun, September 24,1936. September 24,1936.

Chapter Nine: A German Commodity.

"an unprecedented event in the annals of Detroit": Life, Life, June 17,1940. June 17,1940.

"the greatest money-making athlete": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, December 21,1936. December 21,1936.

"Nordic" boxing powers decided against title shot: Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, January 16,1937. January 16,1937.

"tranquil progress": Commentator, Commentator, February 1937. February 1937.

"a long, long way": Letter, Walter White to Lowell Thomas, January 29,1937, NAACP Papers, Library of Congress.

"the stench of the old slave market": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, February 1,1937. February 1,1937.

"That bust on the chin Max gave Louis": New York American, New York American, January 26,1937. January 26,1937.

"all records for retreating since Napoleon": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, January 30,1937. January 30,1937.

"The legend of 'American sportsmanship'": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, February 6,1937. February 6,1937.

"Thank God! I've seen him at last": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, February 27,1937. February 27,1937.

"They say I can't take a punch": Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, April 2,1937. April 2,1937.

"a penny a throw": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, April 2,1937. April 2,1937.

"the brown wizard of Galveston": Lincoln (Nebraska) Evening Journal, Lincoln (Nebraska) Evening Journal, January 6, 1939. January 6, 1939.

"a hundred dollars to five": Boxing News, Boxing News, September 1937. September 1937.

"His clean living and high-minded morals": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, May 1,1937. May 1,1937.

"Patriotic American": Letter, May 16, 1933, in Papers of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Butler Library, Columbia University.

"make all others seem pale and pointless by contrast": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, January 9, 1937. January 9, 1937.

"which he willingly or unwillingly represents": Anti-Nazi Economic Bulletin, Anti-Nazi Economic Bulletin, February 1937. February 1937.

"Why should Americans boycott the Schmeling-Braddock fight?": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, January 12,1937. January 12,1937.

"God help the Jews in Germany": Ibid., January 23,1937.

"almost stupid beyond belief boycott": Letter, Citizens Protective League to the NAACP, January 12,1937, NAACP Papers, Library of Congress.

"Must we allow these most loathsome and despicable": Letter, undated, Papers of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, Columbia University.

"is forced to be a Nazi if he doesn't want": Boston Post, Boston Post, January 11,1937. January 11,1937.

"one of the most hated organizations": Letter, Samuel Untermyer to J. G. Fredman, January 12, 1937, Papers of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, Columbia University.

"Schmeling might just as well remain in Germany": New Orleans Times-Picayune, New Orleans Times-Picayune, January 12,1937. January 12,1937.

"Even without the aid of any other organizations": Minneapolis Journal, Minneapolis Journal, January 10, 1937. January 10, 1937.

"easy-going Max": Jewish Examiner, Jewish Examiner, January 15,1937. January 15,1937.

"People tell stories about Schmeling 'Heiling Hitler'": Jewish Advocate, Jewish Advocate, January 12, 1937. January 12, 1937.

"leaped at the excuse like a speckled trout": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, January 10, 1937. January 10, 1937.

"draw flies": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, January 9,1937. January 9,1937.

"I want to be fair to Schmeling": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, February 1,1937. February 1,1937.

"anti-Nazi front men": Bang, Bang, January 16,1937. January 16,1937.

"There is a powerful aroma of larceny": Boston Globe, Boston Globe, January 12,1937. January 12,1937.

"We don't owe the Horst Wessel muzzler": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, January 10,1937. January 10,1937.

"akin to boycotting smallpox": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, January 18,1937. January 18,1937.

"Hitler's boyfriend"; "Storm Trooper Moxie"; "Hitler's emissary to America": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, March 7,1937. March 7,1937.

"He should have known": Ibid., January 17,1937.

SCHMELING HECKLED IN UNBELIEVABLE WAY: New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, January 9, 1937. January 9, 1937.

"racially conscious Americans": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, January 10,1937. January 10,1937.

IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN: Angriff, Angriff, January 10,1937. January 10,1937.

"traditions of fairness": New York Times, New York Times, January 10,1937. January 10,1937.

"100 per cent Americans": American Israelite, American Israelite, January 21,1937. January 21,1937.

"the Hitler-Heiling Joe Jacobs": Anti-Nazi Economic Bulletin, Anti-Nazi Economic Bulletin, March 1937. March 1937.

"Schmeling is a hero": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, February 17,1937. February 17,1937.

BOYCOTT BROKEN!: Volkischer Beobachter, Volkischer Beobachter, January 20,1937. January 20,1937.

"The Jews don't help us": Crisis, Crisis, February 1936. February 1936.

"Negro-Jew-Catholic-hating Nazis": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, January 16,1937. January 16,1937.

"Maybe they have some Negro servant": Ibid.

"certain individuals in the boxing game": Letter, Walter White to Bill Nunn, February 19,1937, NAACP Papers, Library of Congress.

"promotional stooge": Chicago Tribune, Chicago Tribune, June 22,1937. June 22,1937.

"Why should Jim, who was on relief for years": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, February 22, 1937. February 22, 1937.

"a clique that has nothing to do with sports": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, February 22,1937. February 22,1937.

"It is understood that Chancellor Hitler": Memo, Douglas Jenkins, American consul general in Berlin, February 1,1937, to secretary of state, State Department Archives.

"This fight will be the greatest sporting event of the year 1937": Herman Esser to Hans Heinrich Lammers, February 10,1937, in Bundesarchiv, BA Rk43 II/810a.

"This still needs to be discussed with Goring": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.3/II, February 27,1937, p. 395. T.I, Bd.3/II, February 27,1937, p. 395.

"You know, they do me an honor": Associated Press, March 2,1937.

"ghost battle": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, March 3,1937. March 3,1937.

"chamber of horrors"; "brown-shirted fanatic": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, March 4,1937. March 4,1937.

"shameless Jew lout"; "New York's chief gangster": Ibid., March 5,1937.

"a dwarf with a grotesque belly": Ibid., March 6,1937.

"un-American city in the country"; "Jews-York": Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, Berliner illustrierte Nachtausgabe, March 5,1937. March 5,1937.

"No less than three million members of this race": Frankische Tageszeitung, Frankische Tageszeitung, March 5, 1937. March 5, 1937.

"a product of the lower east-side of New York": Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, March 11,1937. March 11,1937.

"real culture": quoted in New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, March 6,1937. March 6,1937.

"All posts are requested not to diminish vigilance": Jewish Veteran, Jewish Veteran, March 1937. March 1937.

"since in American boxing the Jews play a great role": Bohrmann (ed.), NSPresseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, NSPresseanweisungen der Vorkriegszeit, Bd.5/I:1937: March 12,1937. Bd.5/I:1937: March 12,1937.

"the most boot-licking contract ever advanced": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, March 14,1937. March 14,1937.

"What else?": Washington Post, Washington Post, February 10,1938. February 10,1938.

"Joe Louis is colored": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, March 27,1937. March 27,1937.

"the sports pages are for sports": Bang, Bang, May 29,1937. May 29,1937.

"The Fuhrer doesn't want soft mamma's boys": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, April 20,1937. April 20,1937.

"the wonderful style of his victory over Louis": Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, Berliner Zeitung am Mittag, April 16, 1937. April 16, 1937.

"Max Schmeling has long": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, April 19,1937. April 19,1937.

"storms of applause": Angriff, Angriff, April 17,1937. April 17,1937.

"Braddock is a coward, and continually searching for new excuses": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, T.I, Bd.4: MarzNovember 1937, April 13,1937, p. 93. T.I, Bd.4: MarzNovember 1937, April 13,1937, p. 93.

"I'm not going to sacrifice": Boston Post, Boston Post, June 21,1937. June 21,1937.

"a longshoreman who proudly carries": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, May 18, June 20 and 21,1937. May 18, June 20 and 21,1937.

"Braddock looks upon Louis": Associated Negro Press, May 7,1937.

"If the heavyweight champion can't protect himself": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 8,1937. June 8,1937.

"The ugly monster of race prejudice": Norfolk Journal and Guide, Norfolk Journal and Guide, May 15,1937. May 15,1937.

"journey into the unknown": Box-Sport, May 4,1937. May 4,1937.